Yes, it’s yet another HVAC control blueprint - but with some key differences that set it apart!.. While there are many great HVAC blueprints available (like this one or this one), this blueprint focuses on intelligent energy management with unique features and following the KISS Principle.
What Makes This Blueprint Different?
Smart Temperature Thresholds: Unlike most blueprints that just turn off HVAC when windows open, this one considers outdoor temperature to make intelligent decisions
Day/Night Aware: Separate timers for day and night operation - because you need different behaviors at 2 PM versus 2 AM
State Memory: Remembers your previous HVAC mode instead of always defaulting to “auto”
Night Check: Proactive evening notifications about open windows before bedtime
Pressure & Humidity: Optional monitoring of atmospheric conditions for smarter climate control
Energy Efficient: Smart delays and thresholds to prevent unnecessary HVAC cycling
Core Features
Automatic HVAC Control: Smart shutdown when windows/doors open
Configurable Timers: Different timeouts for day/night periods
Smart Notifications: Detailed status updates with window locations
Temperature-Based Actions: Immediate HVAC response based on outdoor temperature
Seasonal Modes: Summer/Winter/Auto operation modes
Energy Conservation: Intelligent timing to maximize efficiency
Easy Setup
- Import the blueprint
- Select your climate entity and window sensors
- Configure optional sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure)
- Set your preferred timings and thresholds
- Done!
Future Development
- Indoor humidity monitoring and ventilation reminders
- Weather forecast integration for rain warnings
- Advanced door security checks for night time
- More seasonal operation modes
- Integration with other smart home systems
GitHub Repository
Check out the GitHub Repository for:
- Latest updates and features
- Issue tracking
- Feature requests
- Documentation
About Me
As a Data Scientist specializing in AI and automation, I’m passionate about creating smart home solutions that make life easier while being energy efficient. This blueprint combines my expertise in AI-driven decision making with practical home automation needs.
Got a blueprint wish? Send me a PM! I’m always looking for new challenges and ways to improve home automation for everyone.
Happy automating!