YET another take on an alarm system

@johnplanetz that was it! Thanks for the suggestion. All I had to do was this, just like you said:

## These settings allow devices which are not natively supported by this panel to be used. 
## This is to be used when the state of the device is not recognised by the panel. Examples are provided below 
 - '22'
 - '23'

And the alarm now triggers when I open the door - well at least in the panel, it was instant, my actual siren didn’t go off but that’s another matter.

Edit: I just had to heal the node, it’s been unplugged for a while… The siren does turn on when the door opens. Awesome!

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Ok, now that I have the basic functions working…
Is there a way to make the system execute an external script if the alarm is triggered?
I use a VoIP service that offers a Perl script to send texts… So I guess you see where this is going, I would like that script to be executed in order to get a text if the alarm is activated.

Edit: I still need to do some digging but this seems to be what I was looking for…

Yes, you call the script from the alarm triggered automation:

- id: alarm_triggered
  alias: '[Alarm] Triggered'
    platform: state
    to: triggered

Then possibly a shell command to call your perl script.

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Thank you @tom_l. I edited my original post before seeing your answer, I think I am almost there :slight_smile:

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Problem solved!

In case anyone needs this, here is what I did:

  1. In configuration.yaml:
 sendsms: perl /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/ --msg="alarm triggered!"
  1. In automations.yaml:
- id: alarm_triggered
  alias: '[Alarm] Triggered'
  - platform: state
    to: 'triggered'
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.switch
  - service: notify.pushbullet
      message: 'ALARM TRIGGERED!!! {{ states[".")[0]][$
      target: email/*****'
  - service: shell_command.sendsms

Nice. If you want to make your shell command send any message passed to it rather than hard coding it, have a look at this for inspiration, Centralized handling for text to speech (TTS)

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I have a sensor in delayed section under armed_away. However when the alarm is armed and this is activated the alarm goes not Warning state, not pending. The sensor change from locked to unlocked.

Put the sensor in the Override group. Delayed gives you time before disarming but still triggers. Override is ignored during arming.

but I want it to trigger the pending timer

Pending time is the time between activating the alarm and it arming.I think you mean the delay time.

The sensor can be in both groups. If it is in the Override group it will be ignored during the pending time when arming. If it is in the delayed group it will trigger the alarm after an entry delay.

If you really meant you want the pending time to be activated by the sensor your will have to make an automation that arms the alarm when the sensor is triggered.

Hi @gazoscalvertos
you still around mate

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this is confusing the code says:

##[OPTIONAL] Sensors in this group start the clock (pending_time) when tripped before the alarm is triggered 

so the sensor is in there, as I read it should start the countdown before the alarm is triggered, but it gives a warning.

I have this sensor that gives locked/unlocked status on my front door. This sensor needs to have the possibility to change after the alarm countdown has started without triggering alarm. However when the alarm is already armed this sensor must start the countdown before alarm is triggered.

Hi Folks,

I’ve updated the branch dev with the new UI to include user specific codes and have squashed a few bugs. I’ll respond to the some of the comments above over the course of the next couple of days. I’ve got more bugs to sort then will merge with the master branch.


Uploaded a quick fix for mobile buttons. Please update to alarm.html 1.3.1

The next release is bringing direct user integration with the new HA v0.7 user authentication system, I’ll add an option to override the panel code to disarm on a per user basis. This will allow users already authenticated to quickly arm/disarm without the need for additional codes/passwords. Obviously this will be optional as mounted wall panels should still use panel specify codes.

It adds to the WAF in our house as the wife can quickly disarm from her (finger print access) phone as she is already authenticated to HA.

Let me know what you think


So it seems the reason I got a unknown status is because of the lovelace card. Because while it was showing unknown state, I switched to normal ui and the it show the countdown. However the countdown was not correct. It seems the counter on the UI is started when I load the webpage. So the alarm got triggered long before the countdown finished.

I cant believe how beautiful your alarm panel is! Great job once again!
It also feels faster! (is it just me?)


I have refactored some of the code with the aim of making it faster. For some reason however IOS or at least on an Iphone 6S the interface has a delay which I can’t figure out yet.

Thank you for the job done. I haven’t test yet but it looks promising and it was one of the last thing I was looking for before switching from jeedom to HA.

Any chance to get it included as officiel component?

Again, thanks !

Okay Just curious is there a way to get this to work with say the Alarm decoder component? I already have the alarm system in the house but would like to use this interface instead as its a lot friendlier for the wife to use. I’m a bit of a noob this so not sure how I would go about that.