YET another take on an alarm system

Anyone know how you can add another button to the keypad screen? I’d like to add one that toggles an input boolean on / off when pressed (no need to validate PIN etc)

I’ve also been trying to get the final exit button I’ve mentioned above working - this is a button near my front door which essentially cuts short the exit time, the easiest way I can think to make this work is to immediately arm the alarm in away mode when it is pressed, but I only want that to happen when the alarm is in the “pending” state (for obvious reasons)

What I have so far is this:

alias: 'Final Exit Button'
initial_state: 'off'
  platform: event
  event_type: deconz_event
    id: smart_switch
    event: 1002

    - condition: state
      state: 'pending'

- service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
    code: 'override'

I found the ‘override’ reference while reading through the code, it doesn’t seem to work, the alarm still continues on the countdown, so I’m guessing something would need to be implemented there to check for a new state?

This is such an awesome component! Thanks!

Once in a while i have this wrongly formatted layout see screen! Anyone knows what to do about it? browser doesnt matter have it on my pc and RPI

For those seeing messed up layouts of their Alarm home screen as seen in @eh50’s screen shot above… this happens some times on first load. Simply restart Home Assistant and it should correct itself. Alternatively, click the slider looking buttons at the bottom to begin configuration of your Alarm settings. If problems persist, clear caches and do a CTRL+F5 page refresh.

Now, can anyone explain or find a fix for the jscolor uncaught exception error that has been reported numerously in this thread?

Yes please… I’m too busy/lazy to troubleshoot this too.

Here is a quick and dirty fix for the jscolor.js file:

Replace the two function:
onDocumentMouseDown and onDocumentTouchStart

onDocumentMouseDown : function (e) {

	if (!e) { e = window.event; }
	var path = (typeof(e.path) == 'object') ? e.path[0] : null;
	if(path == null){
		return null;
	var hasKey = "_jscLinkedInstance" in path;
	var target = e.explicitOriginalTarget || path;
	if(hasKey == false){
		return null;
	if (target._jscLinkedInstance) {
		if (target._jscLinkedInstance.showOnClick) {;
	} else if (target._jscControlName) {
		jsc.onControlPointerStart(e, target, target._jscControlName, 'mouse');
	} else {
		// Mouse is outside the picker controls -> hide the color picker!
		if (jsc.picker && jsc.picker.owner) {

onDocumentTouchStart : function (e) {
	if (!e) { e = window.event; }
	var path = (typeof(e.path) == 'object') ? e.path[0] : null;
	if(path == null){
		return null;
	var hasKey = "_jscLinkedInstance" in path;
	var target = e.explicitOriginalTarget || path;
	if(hasKey == false){
		return null;
	if (target._jscLinkedInstance) {
		if (target._jscLinkedInstance.showOnClick) {;
	} else if (target._jscControlName) {
		jsc.onControlPointerStart(e, target, target._jscControlName, 'touch');
	} else {
		if (jsc.picker && jsc.picker.owner) {

Thanks, but there should be an underlying problem? This is a WAF dealbreaker and for me aswell coming home to a messed up alarm panel.

my alarm stopped working with the new version 0.84.6 someone with the same problem

It stopped working for me a minute ago after a restart, however it worked after updating until now…

version 0.83.2 is ok, version 0.84.6 does not work for me, does not set the alarm

I’ve only been arming and disarming the alarm via automations and it has been working fine on 0.84.6.

Just checked, it works from the panel too.

I can’t test triggering it because it’s 2am and the neighbours would not appreciate it.

Thank you, solved.

For other who may have the same problem, what did you do?

I’m still on 0.84.2. Just noticed that my “Night Mode” automation hasn’t been arming the alarm when I call “alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home”

Strangely, the “alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away” for “Away Mode” triggers just fine.

BUT, even more strangely, if I call either service directly in the HA UI, neither one will trigger… I’m really not sure what is going on…

I was using the old alarm, which until version 0.83.2, worked, I made the new version it was all ok

@eric10k93 are you using the override option to arm instantly?

    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home
      code: 'override'

Ok i can see that when calling https://hassip:8123/alarm directly makes the white borders show up and destroying the layout

I dont want to expose my entire hass on the alarm panel (kids), just /alarm (trusted network, saving login creds for some reason doesnt work)

So also it would be a good idea to have an option to hide the hass menu all together (Not only when armed), right?

How can I add this component

  - platform: arlo

if i already use the alarm_control_panel: !include alarm.yaml
for my bwalarm?

It just keeps saying I got duplicate key when I add the above to my config.

I am not. How come?

remove this from alarm.yaml:


And just leave it in configuration.yaml like so:

alarm_control_panel: !include alarm.yaml

Only have this in your alarm.yaml:

- platform: arlo

Edit: aah now i read it a second time, your trying to add 2 alarms?