YET another take on an alarm system

Certainly I’ll add it to the next release

Hi Folks,

I’ve been out of action for a little while however I’m busy working on cleaning up the interface and implementing themes when I get a chance.

I’d appreciate some feedback on the images below. Hopefully the content is responsive enough for most if not all devices/resolutions (+landscape/potrait modes) and I’ll likely add some options in the settings popup to further customise the UI (force portrait/landscape, button shape etc)

The three buttons at the bottom allow you to show toggle between the keypad (in mobile mode), the log (if enabled with user specific codes and pictures), Sensor Groups and a settings page.


I’m pretty sure I can get floorplan to show as a statecard within this setup so that it removes the extra menu in the embedded window. I’ll take a look and get back to you. I also use floorplan and its awesome!


Nice! looking forward to the finished product. Nice work!!

Please share if you get it running properly. The new interface looks slick.

I’m so excited to try this new updated. Hope you upload soon.

I really like this new design. Would it be possible to add a password manager in the settings? It would be nice to be able to change user passwords and create passwords which only work between certain hours (for cleaning lady for example) via the web interface.

This is something I had been considering myself, the more we can edit in a user friendly settings menu the better especially with the WAF. Conscious this would need to be secured via an admin password.

Time based passwords would be great, I’ll add it to the list of things to add.

I have user passwords working with logging now.


I love this alarm and have been using it for a long time now and I’m really looking forward to the new interface. It looks amazing.

I’ve been having an issue since the update where the states were split apart and allowed for different sensor groups.
I cannot get the override option to work. I’ve made sure that all files have been updated, and verified that the sensors are named correctly. I even tried using the default alarm.yaml only replacing with my sensors.
I’ve scrolled through the thread and haven’t seen anyone talking about the issue. Any ideas or solutions anyone is able to provide is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

I’ll take a look, I may not have wired up the override code correctly.

[edit] as suspected the front panel doesn’t account for the split out states.

I’ll try and get a version of the panel out over the weekend

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Awesome! Thanks for all the hard work you put into this amazing component!

Hi, I have a feature request (not sure if its inside already).

Tonight the alarm went on, all siren sounded, big panic. We went, half asleep, all over and we are not sure what caused it to trip (the armed at home has only windows/door sensors) because all door/windows were closed (they have xiaomi windows/door sensors). We still do not know what happened, had to go to work, later will try to check the log of the sensors

My request is to have a log of what caused the alarm to trigger, inside your component.

Is this possible?

You could set your notification of an alarm to tell you what sensor tripped it. Like this:

- id: alarm_triggered
  alias: '[Alarm] Triggered'
  - platform: state
    to: triggered
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: group.alarm_outputs
  - service: notify.ios_iphone
      message: ALARM TRIGGERED!!! {{ states[".")[0]][".")[1]].name }}
          badge: 0
          sound: "US-EN-Alexa-Motion-Detected-Generic.wav"
          category: "disarmalarm"
          entity_id: group.alarm_outputs
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Hi there,

I’m having some strange issues… I have setup so that I use the HASwitchPlate (HA SwitchPlate - DIY LCD Touchscreen wall switch replacement) as my input for the alarm system. And it works great! Except for one situation where I can’t find what is wrong.

So I can arm the system from my alarm page och the HASwitchPlate, and put my code in on the touch-numpad to disarm it (first numbers then i Push “disarm”). In addition to this I have a script running, flashing a light on and off, while the system is arming(i.e. Pending). I then tried to add a similar light flashing if the system goes into triggered mode. But for some reason I’m not able to disarm it from my touch-numpad while it is in triggered mode!

Here are my scripts:

## Flashing Alarm Light While Arming
    alias: Flash Arming Light Loop 1
      - alias: Turn light on to Blue loop 1
        service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.sn1_led
          brightness: 255
          color_name: blue
      - delay:
          # time for flash light on
          seconds: 1
      - alias: Move to loop 2
        service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: script.flash_arming_light2
    alias: Flash Arming Light Loop 2
      - alias: Turn light on and to red loop 2
        service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.sn1_led
          brightness: 255
          color_name: purple
      - delay:
          # time for flash light on
          seconds: 1
      - alias: Move back to loop 1
        service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: script.flash_arming_light1
## Alarm Triggered
    alias: Flash Trigger Light Loop 1
      - alias: Trigger loop 1
        service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.sn1_led
          brightness: 255
          color_name: red
      - delay:
          # time for flash light on
          seconds: 1
      - alias: Move to loop 2
        service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: script.flash_trigger_light2
    alias: Flash Trigger Light on Loop 2
      - alias: Trigger loop 2
        service: light.turn_off
          entity_id: light.sn1_led
      - delay:
          # time for flash light on
          seconds: 1
      - alias: Move back to loop 1
        service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: script.flash_trigger_light1

And here are my automations:

Light go Red When armed

  • id: light_armed
    alias: ‘[Alarm] Armed Light On’
    • platform: state
      to: ‘armed_away’
    • service: script.turn_off
      entity_id: script.flash_arming_light1
    • service: script.turn_off
      entity_id: script.flash_arming_light2
    • service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.sn1_led
      brightness: 255
      color_name: red

Light go Green When disarmed

  • id: light_disarmed
    alias: ‘[Alarm] Disarmed Light On’
    • platform: state
      to: ‘disarmed’
    • service: script.turn_off
      entity_id: script.flash_trigger_light1
    • service: script.turn_off
      entity_id: script.flash_trigger_light2
    • service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.sn1_led
      brightness: 255
      color_name: green

Blinking light while arming

  • id: light_arming
    alias: ‘[Alarm] Arming Light On’
    • platform: state
      to: ‘pending’
    • service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.flash_arming_light1

Blinking light if Triggered

  • id: light_trigger
    alias: ‘[Alarm] Trigger Light On’
    • platform: state
      to: ‘triggered’
    • service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.flash_trigger_light1

Any ideas?

Hello all. I have a quick question that I’m probably missing something on. I’ve been running this panel for a while and really like it. I’ve used the custom element option to display an ifram of a live feed from my camera that displays the front door. Today, I switched my setup so that is not encrypted. My camera frame still appears but the feed is not longer there. Below is my relevant code. Is there a change that I can make for this to work again. Ideally, I’d like to display as Home Assistant does in the views and not use the iframe option, but I’m willing to do either. I’ve tried just simply putting camera.front_door in the custom element, but that only displays those words below the sensors area. I thought that would be the case. Any help would be appreciated. I’ve posted my custom element html below.

					<!-- ADD YOUR CUSTOM HTML HERE. This could be liver camera views, custom buttons, rotating picture gallery -->
<dom-module id="custom-element">
        <div style='text-align: center;'>
            <iframe src="http://camera_url:port/video.mjpg?oid=4&size=600x450&keepAR=true&overlay=false" width="600" height="450" scrolling="no"></iframe>

    Polymer({is: 'custom-element'});

Do I get it right that you have your custom element inside the alarm panel?
And what do you mean by “switched my setup”? Can you switch it back to see if there is any difference?
I thought it is almost impossible to get a live camera feed in HA.
What camera are you using by the way?

I’m using a very cheap but reliable Wansview K2 running through iSpy open source camera software. It’s $25-30 USD on Amazon. I pull it into HA with a generic mjpeg platform. What I mean by switching my setup is that I added encryption (https) with duckdns and lets encrypt. My camera feed is not encrypted (http). The iframe worked before encryption. It showed a live feed and worked really well.

According to the HA docs for the panel iframe component, I can’t show an non-encrypted website in the iframe while using encription. I’m assuming this applies to this scenario as well. I did revert the changes and removed the encryption and my live feed comes back.

This migfht be worth a try. Open HA, click on the camera to get the full view, right click the video and select “inspect element” (that’s what it’s called in firefox, no idea for other browsers) copy the highlighted element’s Outer HTML, something like this:

<img class="camera-image style-scope more-info-camera" src="/api/camera_proxy_stream/camera.front?token=[my_token_removed]" alt="Front">

Paste that into your config.

Hi Everyone,

Couple extra screens to share below.

Working on floorplan integration, the idea is open/tripped sensors auto show floorplan and if configured correctly lights up those tripped sensors. The image below is still very much a work in progress but the basics are there and you should get the idea.

The second image is native camera integration into the panel (btw I wish those were my actual cameras :-)). Just specify a list of camera entities in the alarm.yaml and hey presto.


Hope you update to github soon. This is really nice and useful.