It’s always useful to do a quick search before paying for new hardware. In general it’s always a gamble spending money on hardware that can’t be owned completely (full control over hardware and soft-/firmware hence including the right to repair). In the past we had more than one manufacturer changing the rules after people payed already and (thinking) “owning” their hardware - you find many examples (and manufactures to avoid) not only in the forums but even the blog section of HA!
TL; DR due diligence is key - best avoid hardware that can’t be owned completely as themanufacturercan turn it into a brick or payes subscription anytime they want!
I don’t have/know/touched any yolink hardware myself - I only know the name because they didn’t kept their promises in the past (local hub?) and that HA users already posted about that many months ago…
Yes it is rather annoying to have to put up with changing rules.
I got it on Amazon so fortunately I’m eligible for a full refund if I returned all items within 30 days post delivery.
The appeal in this to me (who’s not an electronics engg. or programmer) is that it’s one of the very very few Lora hubs out there (probably the only one) that’s integrable with Home Assistant out of the box.
I have the 1603 hub and the devices attached to it are nicely integrated. The LORA temperature sensors are excellent and work through the walls of my fridge and freezer with no problems.
The integration is cloud based not local, which is a show-stopper for some, and an annoyance and risk for all. But if you’re ok with the risk that 1) your data may be read by China and 2) they could pull the plug at any time, then the cost/performace ratio of these is excellent.