YoLink integration

@Eric-YoLink Any news about europe versions (868 mhz radios) of the products?

I have given up on junk Yolink leak sensors, they simply donā€™t update in HA

Installed an Aqara one today, paired to the Sonoff Zigbee stick in 10 seconds and it works in HA

Maybe I am lucky but mine always have worked perfectly

I think Eric tricked us on local control, to buy more yolink devices.

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Same. Three households, about 30 Yolink devices of varying types. All works great in HA. Yeah, no local control, but it still works reliable and is rock solid so far.

thatā€™s a shame. im not buying any yolink products till i see local. as of now, the yolink prices are crazy low and that can only mean 1 thingā€¦spywares

It also means it ties into a third party service (VirtuAlarm) so not only can I use it as an alarm (once I have the reliability up to near 100%) but also the leak sensors and smoke detectors are already connected such that if I do not respond then the police are called for me by a live personā€¦ Do that with local control (actially that is the only reason why I decied to go with them) -

I recently got a YoLink hub and two garage door sensors Model YS7706-UC. Both connected to HA easily, problem is one is reporting signal strength as an entity and the other one is not. Both are running firmware 060D anyone else have this problem?

Screenshot 2023-09-28 203815

Just added the integration to HA - it sees the two devices I have, but iā€™m not getting any data:

They do show in the Yolink app ok though, its been around an hour since they were set up. Are they really this slow to respond?

Iā€™ve just seen elsewhere the UK devices arenā€™t supported yet :frowning:

Have not had any problems. Update time is adjustable

Where is that setting?

App details: device details: recording interval.

@Elanmorales I looked in both HA and my Yolink App, the only setting with the word ā€œDetailsā€ was under the device details for the sensor in the Yolink app, and the only place with interval related adjustments at all was in the Yolink app which has ā€œOpen Reminderā€ which is for a reminder within the Yolink app only (if a door is left open for X time). The only setting with the word recording is in HA having to do with the recorder for the logging, which can only specify whether or not data from a certain sensor is logged or not, how often data is flushed from itā€™s cache to be written to the log DB and how long that data is kept in the DB before it is purgedā€¦

I have a garage sensor that I have unbound in the app but still shows up in HA. I donā€™t see an option to delete the device. What are my options?

Try reloading the integration or just disable the device in question. This is a universal problem with many cloud integrations in HA.

Reloading doesnā€™t work (first thing I tried). The issue is, thereā€™s no delete option on the device itself.


Make sure the device is removed from the yolink app, then remove and re-add the integration.

Iā€™ve had several integrations do the same to me. As long as you have not changed the device names in the yolink app, everything will be added back with the same device names. If there were any dashboards or automations, the should still be working afterwards.

Thatā€™s my biggest fear, removing the integration and loosing the existing devices and breaking critical automations. Is this guaranteed to remain?

Just added a YoLink Hub and Leak Sensors 7903 to HA, and it seems to be working fine. Big fan of LoRa. Range and reliability are great, and I hope to someday use these devices off-cloud.

To get the Integration to detect new Devices and add them to HA, I had to remove & reinstall the whole integration, log in/connect YoLink Integration, and then it would detect all the devices.

For some reason, it would never self-detect new devices even though that option was selected. Known issue, or just takes longer than I waited?

(I also had to find an old Android phone to run the Android App for device enrollment. The newer Pixel phone has an app crash after it starts, every time.)

I havenā€™t read this whole thread, but is it known whether the YoLink sensors are LoRaWAN or just LoRa (point-to-point), or some custom version?

I have quite a few TTGO Lily and HelTec boards with ESP32 + LoRaWAN Semtech chips. Theyā€™re very easy to program, not expensive, and easily interfaced to MQTT. Dragino and others make inexpensive LoRaWAN ethernet bridges as well.