You are running an unsupported installation

I maked the reply as “Solution” to tag the entire post as solved, since the problem has been solved without doing anything (and maybe that is what someone should do when this problem occurs).

One possible explanation is given by ludeeus on the GitHub issue that I linked in the reply:

I’m guessing that the message you see is due to Wi-Fi is not connected during startup.
This is fixed in the Supervisor version that is currently on the beta channel.

Anyway, since doing nothing is not a “real” solution to the problem, I removed the solution mark.

Does your RPi4 normally connect to your network via Wi-Fi? Or does it use a hard-wired Ethernet connection?

It’s connected via Wi-Fi only. I plan to move it to Ethernet in the next weeks.

Hello, I’m having a similar issue. It says I’m running an unsupported version. Seems to be a problem with network-manager.
I followed this link,, and added the mentioned code into the proper files but I’m still getting same problem.

Here you have some screen shots with some info from my system.

Thanks a lot for any help you can give me.

Check the version of Network Manager. ssh into Debian and execute this command

 sudo apt list network-manager

This is the response on my (supported) system:

network-manager/stable,now 1.14.6-2+deb10u1 amd64 [installed]

Hello, thanks for your quick reply.
I’m using the same than you.

network-manager/stable,now 1.14.6-2+deb10u1 arm64 [installed]

In that case, I don’t know why it is reporting that it’s “Unsupported”.

You can wait until someone else, with more knowledge about this issue, responds to your question or you can report it as an Issue in the Supervisor repository.

Ok awesome, thanks for your help. I will wait a bit and if no one has a solution, I will report it to supervisor’s repository.

What errors does the supervisor log show? There are a couple of other things that can cause the unsupported error…

Hello David, I get this warnings but no errors.

21-03-28 22:59:10 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.core] System running in a unsupported environment!
21-03-28 22:59:10 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluations.base] NetworkManager is not correctly configured (more-info:
21-03-28 22:58:55 WARNING (MainThread) [] No Network Manager support on the host. Local network functions have been disabled.
21-03-28 22:59:00 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.rauc] Host has no rauc support. OTA updates have been disabled.

Ah so the warnings are all for network-manager then. Bugger.

Yeah, I couldn’t find much information in there unfortunately.

Thanks anyways!

So there are a number of files to check in the docs


What do they say?

I have the same problem. I’m running Home Assistant OS 7.0, core-2021.12.1, supervisor-2021.12.1 but the Configuration->System->Supervisor shows:


Also, the Configuration->Info->Supervisor section shows the following:

Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Home Assistant OS 7.0
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2021.12.1
docker_version 20.10.9
disk_total 28.6 GB
disk_used 15.1 GB
healthy true
supported failed to load: Unsupported
board rpi3
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons File editor (5.3.3), Samba share (9.5.1), Terminal & SSH (9.2.1), Duck DNS (1.14.0), Portainer (2.0.0), RPC Shutdown (2.2), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.105.2), ESPHome (2021.12.0), Caddy 2 (1.0.9), Assistant Relay (0.7.4)

I believe the unsupported software problem happens when a standalone container is installed as explained here: Unsupported software

In my case, I’ve installed HomeBridge to my Home Assistant as a Container via Portainer as explained here to get my Nest Thermostat to work with Home Assistant since the Nest Thermostat plugin for HomeBridge works without any problems when Google Account - Refresh Token is used.

I believe that to be the reason why I’m having an unsupported installation problem.

There will be a link in Supervisor that will show you what the issue is. Also the supervisor log. Portainer itself is unsupported now and withdrawn so it could be Portainer as well as homebridge causing the error

Such a shame since I believe that is the only stable way to get the Nest Thermostat to integrate into Home Assistant and the Nest plugin for HomeBridge is still maintained and updated. That is the only solution I had a no issue integration for the Nest Thermostat. I also have the Google/Nest hello doorbell and that works with the google integration but not the Thermostat.

Subsequent question for the forum:

If someone manages to create a community / custom add-on version of the same HomeBridge, so that in the end the HomeBridge comes to HA via Supervisor, instead of via Portainer…
… would the Supervisor still declare our HomeBridge add-on being an “Unsupported software”?

Anything you can do with portainer you can do with docker.

Does this not work then? Google Nest - Home Assistant

Anything you do with docker will make you unsupported. There is a third party add on for Portainer but again it will make you unsupported