Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan

v1.2.0 beta is out with new features:

a Sky (and ground and sun):


a room entity:

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In HACS you need to activate the access to beta version for the card repository in order to install the 1.2.0-beta

I am testing the beta version and it is working really well, the terrain and the sun are beautiful, we really wanted it!
I also used the tricks of creating a sensor with the position of the sun for global illumination; I have to test it at various times of the day to see the differences but for now it’s fine.
I just noticed one thing about the Chrome logs: THREE.WebGLRenderer: .context has been removed. Use .getContext() instead. is there to worry?
I use the latest version of Google Chrome on Windows 10.

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Hello @mcv93, thanks for the fast feedback. No the getcontext message is nothing to be worried about, when I will have a bit of time I will change the deprecated code, which anyway is not going to affect the card.

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v1.2.1 is out, check it:

new entity type cover (for your roller shutter)

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Is there a simple way to control objects by attributes instead of the state of objects? I played arround a little with entity template, but did not succeed. I am aware that I can achieve it by creating a new sensor in HA holding the attribute, but maybe You know an easier way. Snipplet from my code:

  - entity: climate.wohnzimmer_n_heizung
    type3d: show
      state: comfort
    object_id: Heizung_Wohnzimmer_S
    entity_template: '[[[ state_attr(''climate.wohnzimmer_n_heizung'', ''preset_mode'') ]]]'
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Unfortunately the show card is only for the state of the entity. The template can only be used to transform the state in the client (using the variable $entity) with something like:

[[[ ($entity == ‘1’) ? ‘comfort’ : ‘eco’ ]]]

I’m thinking of a way to implement server side template, but it is not fully clear in the documentation…

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Hello all, guess what is next with the floor3d card:


Latest version of the plugin to support levels. It is impossible to reckognize level in the floor3d card without the export plugin.

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Helle @adizanni. I’ve been using your card for a while but once I started adding more detail to my model to make it more realistic I ran into performance trouble on my tablet. I was basically unable to do any rotation in the card and also my fully kiosk browser ended up crashing constantly.

The model file size was around 15mb.

The tablet would be my main goal to display the card on so its quite unfortunate, also looking and the nice new features you just introduced.

Any tips maybe to consider?

Hello @Kire88 , I know, I have a quite old Android tablet and my model is also around 20 Mb and I confirm the performances are the main problem. I have the impression that the Safari renderer on iOS is able to adapt better to the capacity of the device. I have a old iPhone 6 and the card is smoother than on my very old Samsung A6 tablet. I’m dedicating more time to extend the features more than optimizing the core. The easy suggestion is to reduce the complexity of the model: the result could still be interesting for the user experience compared to the Picture Element Card, of course for the esthetic the Picture Element is unbeatable.
On the other hand, I’m receiving some feedbacks and concerns related to perf in smaller HW, it is probably time to spend some time to optimize it. I agree the tablet use case is probably the most interesting but only if you can do it with any low-cost tablet that you can use in your living room or wall mounted. I keep you posted.

Thanks for taking it into consideration. Think its an important element to make your card a succes.

v1.3.0-beta is out for those of you who have activated the pre-release feature of HACS.

In this beta version, experimental support of Levels. You need to export the model using the latest version of the ExportToHass plugin (Download)

Also exeperimental support of glb format (imports only the scene objects, no animation or other assets). I intend to develop this format further as it is providing a lightning fast model loader, maybe in the future also for integrating blender animations or other funny stuff.
Once you have exported your sweethome3d model to home assistant using my plugin (new version), you will end up with a zip with all the files of the obj format: you can use this program to convert to glb (will try to do a tutorial in the coming days). Using this flow you will obtain a result that is very close to the usual obj format flow, there are still some bug though. Give it a try…

Thank you for this. What object in SweetHome did you use for this? I have not been able to find one that works.

You need to add levels in your model with this function:

But be advised that you need to export using the plugin ExportToHASS otherwise it will not work in the card.

Any ideas why my models turns this way?

I have not use the plugin for a while and updated to v1.3.2. Also tried with v1.2.1.

I did try to re-download the plugin. Created a new 3d model just to try out (image above). I’ve tried with both “export to obj” and new “export to HASS” plugin but both have the same result.

What am I missing?

Hey @Asig, there are several reason why your model appear so dark, I give you a few here below:

  1. In the card config, you have referenced the obj file but not the mtl file: also keep in mind that you need to copy all files coming from the export process (export to obj: copy all files from the folder you have selected to the target folder in the HA config / export to HASS: extract the full zip to the target folder in the HA config)
  2. You have created a new version of the model but you have kept the same name as before. In this case you need to add a version tag to the name of the obj and mtl file (ex: home.obj?ver=1…2…3.etc and home.mtl?ver=1…2…3…etc.). The other option is to clear the browser cache.

Let me know if this hints are solving. If not please send me your obj/mtl/sh3d files

Hi @adizanni, Thanks for the reply.

Points 1&2 tested but no results. I’ll send you the files and let’s see if the same happens.

Hello. Could somebody help me change a light color via template? It is not an RGB light, I only need to replace a cold white with a warm one. I did it in SH3d but it is still showing the same home assistant. Thx a lot.

Hello @LeaveYou, unfortunately today it is not possible to change the color of the light unless it is a colored light (the card reads the color and/or temperature attributes). By default the color is white 0xffffff. In fact it is a good idea to have a default color different from white. Would this be a solution for you ?