Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan

It would be awesome if you could add a “light color” feature among the other light options. Left unfilled this option would just use it’s default light hex value but filled in would give the possibility for customizing the floor plan. Thx again for your great work.

Ok next release (very soon).

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Dear @adizanni , first congrats is a excellent and awesome job.
I have the same issue that @Asig , my colors of 3d imported with latest pluging (and wihtout the plugin) not apppears all is dark, I reset caches and follow the comment from Asig reply but still all “dark” :(.
Some idea?

What is the value of globallightpower ? It should be either empty or a number greater than 0 (say 0.5). Also please post your config here; you can copy it from the code editor

@adizanni @santijuan Problem solved with globallightpower tip. From the UI you need to edit card settings from Appearance>Global Scene Light (From 0 to 1).

I only followed the instructions from tutorial and did not touch any of those other parameters.

Thank you for your help! It is working great now! :slight_smile:

@Asig , @adizanni , WORKS PERFECT NOW! my mistake: globalLiightPower=on instead number.

@adizanni Hi, thanks for sharing your job!

By the latest release of the plugin I got some brightness “issues”. I’ve set the “Global Scene Light” to 1 but the result is shows in picture.
I’ve added the .obj and .mtl files too.

I’ve tried to set 2, 2.5 and 3 but there is too much light.

Please, could you support me? Do I need to rebuild the 3D Home project?
Thanks and regards

Please cut and paste your config

Hello everybody, there is a user that is facing a big problem with the card editor (the dropdown lists are messed up), yoo will find the details in this github issue Can someone tell me if you are also having this issue or it is a specific problem with that user environment ?

I wanted to give a realistic design to my son’s room. He’s room has a nice combination of warm and cold LED lights as in the picture below:

I started designing the light colors and light sources along the edges of every drywall board in his room getting a pretty close look for the renderings:

I uploaded the floor plan in home assistant and I realized that the colors are not maintained and also that only one central light spot was generated for every drywall board instead of the edges like in SH3D. I didn’t mind and it still looked good for me. As I did on the 1st floor for the aquarium light, where I needed a blue-greenish color, I did the same in my son’s room for the warm white LEDs, creating a virtual warm white light bonded together with the cold white LEDs with a result as below:

When I realized you implemented the light color feature, I eagerly jumped in and upgraded to your newer version forgetting the reason I have chosen to stay on version 1.1.16. Upgrading to a newer version made me loose the contrast I had before so I decided to revert back keeping my virtual lights. Anyway, maybe you could check on what conducted to such a difference after 1.1.16. Please see the difference below:

Hello @LeaveYou , first of all: very nice design and models. Second from what you show in the last picture after upgrade (please upgrade to the very latest vesrion 1.3.4) it seems that the light is not switched on compared to the picture before where the lights are clearly on. Of course there is a change in the illumination if the lights are off. Nevertheless I would need more info, such as the configuration yaml code that you can retrieve from the code editor with a cut and paste. It is true that I’m having a lot of trouble to fine tune the lights and sometimes I activate a new function for better perforemances but I break the quality.

Also try to raise the number of the Global Light Power, this is giving the ambient light to lit the scene by default: the value should be between 0 and 1 (ex. 0.8 is a valid power for the ambient light).

Hi @adizanni, below my config.

type: custom:floor3d-card
entities: []
object_groups: []
name: completa
path: /local/floor3d_completo/
objfile: Progetto_Fratta.obj
mtlfile: Progetto_Fratta.mtl
globalLightPower: ‘1’
backgroundColor: black

Have you tried with the version 1.3.4 (the latest), I’ve introduced a new tone exposure parameter (hidden) that should improve brightness. Your model seems too dim for a global light of 1. Please, if you do not mind, send me the zip with the obj model.

Hi @adizanni , I’ve update to the latest release but the brightness is still dark.
With previous releases, the model was awesome.

The zip of obj model is about 200Mb, could you send me an email in order to provide a link to download?
Thanks and regards.

Apologies for my late reply.
The image is the same even after upgrading to version1.3.4.
I have to mention that the only change in lovelace config between the two versions (1.1.6 and 1.3.3) you could see in the pictures above was related to the addition of shadow in version 1.3.3. Without that was even worse. No changes were made to global lighting (0.2), light target or the amount of lumen.
Now I’m trying to revert to 1.1.6 but I don’t see that version available any longer. I will verify if I have a backup available to be able to go back.

You can find previous versions in github. For instance you can grab the 1.1.16 (latest before sky and many changes to the gloibal and local lights) here:

You can overwrite quick and dirty the existing floor3d-card.js file in your www folder (you will still be able to upgrade in the future if you want new features and I will be able to simplify the management of global and local lights)

Thanks a lot. I took some screenshots of my floor plans and I’ll do the same after downgrade, without any change in config. I’ll post the results later.

I hardly managed to downgrade to version 1.1.16. As you could see below, the colors were more vivid in my case. I made no config changes between the two versions.

Hello @LeaveYou , will see what I can do, you can also copy your model in a filedrop for me to check what I can do: if you are ok I will send a private message.