Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan

Hi @FortranFour, sorry if that’s causing issues! The new selection mode can be completely disabled if you leave “selectionMode” out of the config or set it to false. The idea behind this feature is that would only enable it in the config while you are working on your card, and then disable once you are finished.

I was also getting quite annoyed by the alert popups so I changed that behavior. I also made some changes around edit mode since I needed to edit my floorplan view/card in a YAML file (instead of in HA storage), and this means that edit mode is disabled. So I thought this change would be useful for any other people editing YAML views.

Are there any change that you find annoying and would like to revert?

Sorry I forgot to mention that there is also a new editModeNotifications setting that you can set to true if you would like to restore the original behavior and see alert popups.

How to enable the tween animations, please?

Thanks, Nathan, for the prompt and helpful response. I tried editModeNotifications but it didn’t seem to do anything for me. I’m using glb models; not sure that’d make a difference. Overall, it’s pretty polished, so not sure I have any suggestions for other improvements.

On an unrelated issue, I’ve never gotten ‘rotate’ to work. I’d like to animate a ceiling fan. I’ve tried a few different fans in both obj and glb formats with simple models on different browsers on different OS’s and never gotten it to rotate. The objects intended to rotate just disappear, I would love to see a working example that I could copy. Thanks again.

Hi guys, maybe someone can help me here?


EDIT: Got it working, had to remove the pre defined infos from example (so obvius), now lets works!

But my DOUBLE CLICK to get Object ID is not working, any tips?

In the latest version, the Object ID does not seem to be visible on the background, but can be viewed in the browser console, at least for Chrome, here circled (three dots in upper right > More tools > Developer tools):

It also seems as if you set editModeNotifications to true, then the Object ID will appear as before; however, that did not work for me. You can also install the prior version of the card from HACS.

Nice tip from Browser, thanks!!

I am using the Extension they provied that exports a JSON with the IDs…

Nice to know there is a easier way though.

Hi Guys, after using for some hours I have some question/issues.

1 → Some lights that are on SH3D I changed color to Yellow ( warm white ), does not render yellow on HA, when I light them up also, is only COOL WHITE.


2 → The 3 pendants I have on Kitchen, they seems to be unclickable, I tried to click them every possible pixel, but no success.
( As you can see they show up as WARM WHITE haha )
When I turn on/off on HA, the sync on Floorplan works fine.


3 → As you can see I have a lot of SPOTS LIGHTS, cant find a way ( and here could be some noobness of me ) to work with them as a single light.
i.e these spots I marked, are from 1 switch, the idea is to light up a switch and all of them turn on.
I tried to work with the groups but didnt understand very well.

For #2, I would make sure that you have the correct Object ID. Try applying a color to them, for example:

  - entity: switch.shelly_25_garage_light
    type3d: color
    object_id: <gl>
      - state: 'off'
        color: LightSteelBlue
      - state: 'on'
        color: Gold

The Colors did not work.
But when I change manually on HA, the Floorplan show, if I change to blue on HA, floorplan changes to Blue…

I’m afraid that I don’t have an explanation for #2.

For #3, if you make all the individual lights members of an object group…

  - object_group: gl
      - object_id: '1_15'
      - object_id: '1_2'
      - object_id: '1_3'
      - object_id: '1_4'
      - object_id: '1_5'
      - object_id: '1_6'
      - object_id: '1_7'

…then they should work together so that all are controlled by clicking on just one:

  - entity: switch.shelly_25_garage_light
    type3d: light
    object_id: <gl>
      shadow: 'yes'
      vertical_alignment: bottom
      color: Khaki
      distance: '325'
      lumens: '700'
      decay: '1.7'

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Thanks, I guess it was a problem with the objects_id, this is very confusing, the JSON shows a lot of it.

@FortranFour do you have an working example of FAN?
I have a sensor with the wind speed, and wanted to show in the fan, but I didnt understand so much the attributes of it.

I’ve not used the JSON to retrieve object IDs. (It may work, I’ve just clicked on the object to find it.)

I’ve never gotten the fan to work, unfortunately. I’ve tried a few different fans, and the parts I designate to move, just disappear.

.glb models are higher resolution and load more quickly than .obj files. There are instructions for generating them on the corresponding github page. It’s fairly easy to do on a Mac command line.

Hello @alexandrechoske , @FortranFour, I’ve retested the FAN and I have it working in almost all FAN model. Unfortunately it is still not working in the .glb format. In the obj format you need to group together all objects composing the fan in a group and select a central object for the hinge.

Working example:

  - object_group: CeilingFan
      - object_id: ceilingFan_2
      - object_id: ceilingFan_1
      - object_id: ceilingFan_3
      - object_id: ceilingFan_4
  - entity: switch.spotlight_kitchen
    type3d: rotate
      axis: 'y'
      hinge: ceilingFan_1
      round_per_second: '2'
    object_id: <CeilingFan>

Has anyone else had issues with lights shining THROUGH walls? Only seems to happen in the odd place, not everywhere. Light comes on and it blasts light through the wall its by

Help please

Loving this so far! I do have a few questions though if anyone is able to assist.

  1. How do I set the center point for the camera? No matter what i try it doesnt seem to make a difference
  2. Is it possible to default the card to a specific floor ie ground floor or first floor? I’d like to include both but have it always initially show the ground floor

It’s required to load this card as module.

  • url: /local/pathtofile/floor3d-card.js
    type: module

How this should be done?

Show Code Editor and check that you are not using the default configuration with object_groups and entities that are not in your model and not in use in your system, respectively. It will throw an error if there is a reference to any object or entity that does not exist.

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I am using the floor3d plan and using the rotate 3d type with fan. Animation is working fine but I want to toggle the fan state when I click on the object just like for lights, but it is not happening.

Am I missing some steps?