Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan

Hello @aliakbarqureshi, it is not yet possible, you can try to use the gesture entity on one of the fan objects and use it with the toggle service on the fan. Let me know if it is clear or you need an example, I do not have time right now to build an example.

Hello all, important communication. Since v1.5.0 the card has implemented a new feature (Selection Mode) and the doubleclick to show object_id and camera position, is not by default. You have to put in the code editor the followoing option: editModeNotifications: ‘yes’ in order to re-establish the behaviour of my videos. I’ve not had time to do a video for all those changes, nor I updated the doc. Apologies, I wil try to do it asap.

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I tried and it worked. I added gesture and rotate 3d types on the same entity and it serve the purpose. Rotate provides the animation and gesture provide the toggle action.

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You also need to add editModeNotifications: ‘yes’ if you wish to use the double-click to toggle feature.

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Hello awsome card!
I was wondering if it is possible to input a picture to the object?
I have a tv in my model that i would like to take the screenshot from my android tv and put it on the tv in the model.

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Hello @Gl3nnl, you can add a picture in a frame in SweetHome3d, after you can use hide or show entity on the frame object to hide or show the picture.

Hi, I’m having some trouble getting basic stuff to work.
I’ve tried export to hass plugin & just export obj from sweet home 3d.
Then specify the location in the cards, but it never gets loaded (just loading 100%) or maybe I added the wrong folder location?

Nevermind, just needed to put the right file extension for the obj file.
Only issue now with my current ha, it keeps getting finished with error for the preview but on a fresh ha install it works just fine Uncaught Error

Hello @ferbulous, if you use the export to hass plugin and you unzip the export to a www sub folder of Home Assistant. The name of objfile should be home.obj and the name of the mtl file should be home.mtl. Start from doing a minimal conf, ex no obj group.

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Hello - I’ve been playing with floor-3d-plan and having difficulty getting object binding working. When I double click in the 3d model, it shows correct object name, for instance “Ceiling_lamp_1”. However I don’t see it in the “Object ID” drop down. I tried to just put it in via code editor, but it doesn’t work.

Moreover, the object id drop down has cut-off scroll area at the top. see screenshot.

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Hello Vladm, there is a double vscroll so you have to pay attention to what you scroll. if the object is in the model, the object id should be in the list box. The object list box is fed from the home.json file (using the ExportToHass plugin), so verify that the home.json is the same version as the model.

Hello guys, after several month of inactivity I finally had a little time to do a new release of the card (1.5.1). Please do not expect much I have only managed the default value of the new parameters introduced with 1.5.0 (from a co-developer). I had numerous contact of unhappy people. I have now established by default the behaviour of the releases prior to the 1.5.0.

I’m still thinking about the design of the 2.0 version, but this is taking ages and I really need someone to help, I may write the specs but I will have very little time to write code.

I have installed this and looking forward to getting it working.

I do have to say thought, my OBJ is weighing in at 500MB, not sure if this is going to be an issue?

The error I am receiving is just a blank screen with the text

“Loading: 100%”

Any ideas?


Hello @deanfourie, thanks for trying, 500MB is a very big one, you need to have good PC resources and a good GPU to make it work. I would suggest you to work on a lighter model or to explore the export to the GLB format (some instructions to do so are in the github project cover). In order to get some additional info about the error, you should open the browser console (instructions here), copy paste the errors you see in the console log. A usual problem is that if you created your card from the sample, when loading your model you should remove all objects references and groups from the sample project

Ok thanks,

I have converted to GLB, file now weighing in at 243MB so it’s better.

One question I have is relative path urls.

My files are stored in /config/www/floorplan

What is the correct URL to enter when specifying the path to the file in the card?

Eg. Does

/floorplan map to /config/www/floorplan?


@deanfourie , home assistant maps to /config/www to /local, in your case the path has to be /local/floorplan

Ok, so no matter what I do it will not show :frowning:


My settings

       WARNING: Too many active WebGL contexts. Oldest context will be lost.
ht @ floor3d-card.js:2232
floor3d-card.js:2289 Max Texture Image Units: 16
floor3d-card.js:2289 Max Texture Image Units: number of lights casting shadow should be less than the above number
floor3d-card.js:2289 Path: local/floorplan/obj/Untitled.obj/
floor3d-card.js:2289 End Build Renderer
floor3d-card.js:2289 First updated end
floor3d-card.js:2232 THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Lost.
       Uncaught Error
    at floor3d-card.js:2289:34466
    at s (floor3d-card.js:2232:539260)
    at Object.onLoad (floor3d-card.js:2232:539577)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (floor3d-card.js:2232:435196)

It seems like you have too many browser opened with the card viewer. Try to start from a clean state, close all your browsers and try to display only one floor3d card. If you stil have the problem, I would suggest you send me a private message with your models (uploaded in a cloud share). The size of the model is definelty higher than all other models I have seen so far

Very nice, maybe you can remove some of the heavy elements. Result will still be beautiful but also manageable by the card. I wait for you to share

Excellent, thanks so much.

Have PM’d you.