Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan

Yes, working again. Thank you!

Hi @adizanni .
can you elaborate a bit more on how to “test the 1.5.2”. I’m having same issue as @FortranFour, I have the latest 3d-floor card release but now you lost me… :smile:


Make sure you have version 1.5.2 from HACS:

HACS > Frontend > search “Digital Twin” > click on it > 3 vertical dot overflow menu > redownload

If that doesn’t work, try force reload browser.

Hello @arthurjohnalves, according to the last comment of @FortranFour , the error he was referring to, was corrected by 1.5.2. In reality there is another problem that I’m trying to fix with the new release that is going out right now

Hello all, can you please confirm that 1.5.3 fixed issues related to the load of the model in the card ? I’ve done some more extended test this week-end and it seems things are working smoothly.

for me it works again. thx

Hi Andy,
the integration works again but click or double-click functions don’t work for me
The resources, files and scripts are same by 1.5.1 version, I don’t modified anythings
For example: rotate object or open door don’t have any action

I resolved!
I have cleared the browser cache

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Hello all, I have not being able to dedicate time to the card lately, only working on maintenance to comply with the new releases of HA. My intention is to give a new impulse to the adoption of the card but I’m still looking for help from experienced Javascript/Typescript developers. There has been some sporadic help from the community, but the card needs some more long term commitment. If you are experienced or know someone who is, please do not heistate to get more people involved, there is a great potential for this card and the large scale deployment of metaverse is giving a tremendous boost to 3d developement in Web context.

Interactive floor 3d plan is my favorite Home Assistant integration. When I double click on the door handles, I can now unlock my car. Thank you, adizanni.

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Unfortunately, I have stopped developing it for lack of time, even if I’m always keeping an eye on tickets. Hopefully I will find more time later

Hi all,

I have some smart lights (IKEA, TP-Link, Phillips Hue…) that work smooth both on the light toggle,intensity and even color control when using the card type3d: light with real smart light bulbs (eg: below)

  - entity: light.hall1
    action: default
    type3d: light
    object_id: Hall1_Light_1
      lumens: 1000
      decay: 1
      shadow: yes
      vertical_alignment: middle

Although, I have some also some switches that I’m using (or convert or use as) the functionality from Homeassistant have recently to turn an entity “switch” to an entity “light” (I use several Switches from Sonoff to control regular lamps) which I create the same configuration as a light on the card, like below:

  - entity: light.bath2
    type3d: light
    object_id: Bath2_Light_2
      lumens: 1000
      color: black
      decay: 1
      distance: 600
      shadow: yes
      vertical_alignment: top
      light_target: room_5_1
    action: default

I’m able to control the switch properly (physically toggles the switch and the light on/off) but the 3D plan simply turns all the plan dark when it toggles switch/light ON instead of showing the fancy lights-on effect.

btw: same happens if I unconvert the switch/light to a regular entity.

I’m using currently HA 2023.7.3 (Core).

Any hints or ideas on how to fix or workaround this behaviour or it’s just not possible to make the light effect on the 3d plan when it’s not a smart bulb/lamp?


Found it!! (by checking the browser console (press F12 on browser).)

It was an unused old entity I had on the card config that was with error. Once I removed it, all working smooth!! :slight_smile:

hope it helps if someone finds himself on the same situation.

I am working on my first homeplan using this card.

I have 2 issues I am trying to sort out.

  1. I know the angle and view I want to get of the plan but spatially cannot get my head around the camera position and setting. I tried to get my head around it by replicating the kind of view I want in Blender to get an idea of co-ordinates. Seemed to be about x -1400cm y 3500cm z 2200cm. It was a bit far out in the card and I wanted to mimic the camera view in Blender, which is closer in. However, I then got into all kinds of tangles with angles and distance and could not relate the angle changes and position at all to get it right. My blender image is below (also shows the xyz and rotation degrees).

    My latest attempt in the card used:
              x: -1900
              'y': 3200
              z: 2200
            camera_rotate: []
              x: 0
              'y': 0
              z: 0

This was way off: steep angle, not close enough for the plan to fill the screen, so much empty space above, left and right:

I am attaching a link to a zip of the model file which also contains my latest floor3d card code:

I am terrible at spatial awareness and would appreciate some guidance.

  1. I thought this would also display the 3 levels I have as selectable. I cannot find details of how this works. I have set the Hide Levels Menu to yes and no but no menu was displayed either time.Not sure whether my model does not support this or whether my settings in the card are wrong

Hello @stain3565, I start from the easy answer, in order for the levels to appear and be selectable, you need to export the model using my SweetHome3d plugin GitHub - adizanni/ExportToHASS: Sweethome3D Plugin for Home Assistant Export

About the camera postion, the right wait to do it, is to position the camera in the card to the wished position and rotation and when in edit mode, if you double click in an empty space you will receive a pop-up with the right camera position. You then copy the text and paste it to the yaml code of the card (paying attention to remove your previous camera settings). This way your default camera settings will be set to your wished ones. Hope it helps.

Continuing the discussion from Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan:

Hello @adizanni, Thank you for a fantastic project. :+1:
I’ve spent some time fiddeling around with it, and I’m very impressed.

But, since I’m new to HA, YAML, Java. I can’t really see a possibilty to change object color, based on a entity? Is this possible?
I would like to change ‘lamp object’ color to reflect the light coming out (yellow’ish :slight_smile: )

hi guys, im really trying to do this but getting some difficulties I didnt find in this topic.


It is only gray XD

What I am missing? oO

Can you please elaborate on the settings of the north parameter?
What’s the range? For each axis?

For instance, this is my house:

The way I have drawn it, the north is 42º to the right (clockwise).


What values should I use?
Thanks in advance!

Is there a way to reflect curtain’s state on the model?


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Hey @alexandrechoske! I was running into the same issue. If you open the console in developer tools (mac: option cmd I), and if you see error messages along the lines of “Not Found 404” with “”, and the path is correct (replace /www/ with /local/ as explained elsewhere here), then it’s probably that you haven’t rebooted your Home Assistant since the creation of the www/ folder. See Registering Resources. Just reboot, and the card should load!

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