Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan

How to display the temperature on the wall? like on the picture

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Hello @VidarVestbo , the color condition entity can be used to change the color based on the value of an entity (explained here). Otherwise you can also change the color of the light itself (explained here)

Hello @kinkat , you have to use the text entity (here). If you want to place it in a very specific position on the wall, you can create a ghost frame (same color of the wall) in SweetHome3d and place the text inside the frame.

Hello @FragMenthor, I have not yet implemented curtain (only cover). It could be adapted but the effect will notbe realistic. In the cover entity I make the cover disappear inside when it is going up or appear when it is going down; with curtain this would not be realistic. Also I have not yet implemented left and right movements.

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Hello @FragMenthor ,

the North vector should be in this format:

  x: -1
  z: 0

the vector should be oriented according to this coordinate reference:


I suggest you do some attempt to tune, the north is only working when you activate the sun.

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Thank you, I think I finally managed to get it “nearly right”, although I don’t undersdant fully why.
I managed with:

  x: -0.65
  z: 1


Hello it requires a little knowledge of vector geometry.
WIth your coordinate vector (x=-0,65, y=0, z=1) you have given to the model the direction of the north. The sun will rise at the east of the vector direction and set at the west of the vector direction.

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Hello all.
I have a problem with my model that I can’t figure out. My house has “4” floors, and this only happens in the basement, all other floors are OK. The problem: the model seems to have a “leak”, and the sun enters the room when the sky is activated, but ony from a certain angle.
I export the model using the recomended plug-in, I have a ceiling covering more than the room (also tryed same size of the room), and the ceiling is defined to be allways the same height. I have rebuilt the exterior walls several times and I can’t fix this. Any ideas?

A can’t find where (if possible) to attach my model to the post.
EDIT: Where is my model: Google Drive Share Home Model. Note: There is a group of objects in floor 0 (piso_0) that I exclude from export (group name = “Mariquices”)
All my other floors are OK:

Thanks in advance!

Hello @FragMenthor , there is something letting the sun light through. I will try to see if I can fix the issue.
you can try to use a transparent slab on top of the basement. See in the github doc

*Note: with the introdction of the sky, the illumination will behave strangely when the sun will go above the ceiling. I’ve given the possibility to manage what I call a transparent slab. In sweethome3d put a transparent slab object (transparent box) on top of your floor and call it transparent_slab . If you use my plugin (Export to HA) this will be managed by the card by stopping the sunlight to come through from the above. It is also possible to activate the ceiling in Sweethome3d. **

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Hello, I recently discovered the integration, but I can’t get it to work. Here are the error messages I receive and the .obj file

Obj: test

I get the same error using obj+mtl or glb.
I also tried using different files.

I found no one in the topic who talked about this problem, if you have any ideas where this could come from I’m interested.
Thank you

I never managed to get the transparent_slab to work, only with the ceiling activated. Do I have to put a transparent texture in the transparent_slab ? Or do I have to make it invisible in SweetHome3D? Or Solid? Is there an advised height for the slab?
And thanks again!

Hello @TonAlternantDePocket, the path is not correct you have to replace /config/www/ with /local/

transparent slab can be a box of 1 pixel height and it should be transparent without any texture

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It worked, I feel real dumb, thanks a lot

Gonna try that as soon as I get home. Will leave fedback, thanks!

Well, I can’t get that; I tryied

  1. Only with ceiling:
  2. With transparent_slab:
  3. With transparent_slab AND Ceiling
    (same result as with ceiling only, image in 1.)

Do you see anything wrong at first site with my settings?
Maybe it’s my MODEL:confused:
And thank you for wasting your time trying to sort my problem out!

@FragMenthor , I try to troubleshoot just with messages as I have limited time to go deep into the problems and even less time to fix issues in the code (still pending some pull requests and bugs). I see that there is a new peiodic wave of interest for the card and I feel frustrated not to be able to dedicate time. I hoped that some super expert would pop up to save this project, maybe there is someone somewhere that is cloning my project and develop it autonomously…

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I understand that, no problem, thank you for your time. It would be a real loss if you stopped completly, just do what you can, when you have time, and you feel like it. It’s how this kind of projects should be. Thanks!

Hi everybody. I’m trying to setup the card and found some difficulties.

  1. First of all i cannot select objects behind another object. Just trying to hide a picture from switched off tv and select another picture that is behind the first when playing ex netflix. I can select only the front picture and even if i hide it it still selecting the same. Any suggestion?
  2. Second is there a way to zoom in selected objects?
  3. The most serious problem i have is that my card is probably too heavy and cannot see it through mobile or tablet.
    Thanks anyway.

Hello @Nekcharis, if you are using the ExportToHASS plugin, and you are using the same type of object for the first and second picture, you can infer the name of the second picture by the name you have given in SH3D. Example if the first picture is called FrameSwitchOff and the second picture is called FrameNetflix, the object to bind to the entity will be called FrameSwitchOff_1 and FrameNetflix_1. Then you can play with the hide entity to show one or the other… Not sure I’m clear…