Your Home Digital Twin: Interactive floor 3d plan

Did you clear cache and data from browser?

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Hello @Roberto555, as suggested by @Chykan, clearing the cache is the best way to ensure that any change to models and materials will be refreshed, it is also possible to add a fake version to the model URL using a URL query parameter such as model: home.obj?ver=1 (changing the version number each time you change the model) it is also working with the material file (home.mtl).
Second, I see that you are not using the basic frame from SH3D, which is the one that I tested and always working. Also it is strange that the majority of object ID from the frame that you bind to the text entity have the “_3” id, whereas some of them have the “_5” id; usually for the same compound object in SH3D the sub objects have always the same id, try to use _3 in all the frame that you bind to text.
If nothing works, please send me a private message with your model attached either here or in GitHub and I will try to perform some tests.

Dear @adizanni I will try to answer to all points :slight_smile:
1: “clearing the cache is the best way to ensure that any change to models and materials will be refreshed” - I tried to open in tablet, and two separate computers, everywhere was same result

2: " it is also possible to add a fake version to the model URL using a URL query parameter such as model: home.obj?ver=1 (changing the version number each time you change the model) it is also working with the material file (home.mtl)." - I did it in this way. my first project was saved as home, 2nd home2, 3rd home3 etc. Reason why you see home.obj is that I tried to make a clear installation.

3: “I see that you are not using the basic frame from SH3D” - I am not informed that I am using wrong frame. Frame which I used was downloaded in together with free version of SH3D.

4: " Also it is strange that the majority of object ID from the frame that you bind to the text entity have the “_3” id, whereas some of them have the “_5” id" - Here was real problem, I am so stupid :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Frame was rotated around X axis and I tried to connect text to the wrong surface. When I rotate frame to the correct position and add text to the frame_3 text is again available. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help I very appreciate, that you lost time with my problem :slight_smile:

For anyone setting this card up, make sure you place a hex colour in for the light entities. I had "white and “warm white” in as colours previously. When I opened up the chrome console the card was spamming the console thousands of times, saying
/hacsfiles/floor3d-card/floor3d-card.js?hacstag=361776538153 could not find “warm white” there must be a setting in the card that defaults the colour to “warm white”.

The lights in the card did seem to work previously while spamming but changing the colour to a hex colour has stopped the spamming and I think the card seems to be loading and working better.

A good source for white hex colours is here.

                  - entity: switch.bathroom_power_board_socket_1
                    object_id: <Rumpas Lights 1>
                    type3d: light
                      shadow: 'no'
                      color: '#fdf4dc'
                      lumens: '500'
                      decay: '2'

Hello @Chykan , normally hex and colour names according to the W3C standard (HTML Color Names) are supported, so white should work (not warm white because of the space), I will test it and let you know.

Thanks I tried straight white but it was still spamming and saying it could not find ‘warm white’.
In the model it was showing a light colour of warm white, even with the spamming.

I had been running for a year like this, until I opened the console on the page and noticed.

What colour is the light in the card if you delete the colour: line?

Is there anyway to speed this card up? Or has it already been optimised as well as it can be with .gbl format. My smaller device like phone struggle with it, I suppose that is down the the size of the models?

Does the ha host machine have any bearing on card performance? I run a home assistant blue, Odroid N2+