YRL210 / YRL220 with Homeassistant

I am a newbie making small progress in the strange world of HA. I have been searching and playing with out much luck. I am running zwave-js-mqtt as from reading it seemed to offer more information in its UI. I also noticed from

Yale Smart Lock

that the lock inclusion should be secure. It would appear to be secure

I added the keymaster integration from HACS. Which appears and shows 11entities. Documentation as I understood it says that Keymaster is not required to lock or unlock that basic system should be able to do it. No joy there. Tried lovelace and also did some scripts I can ping or refresh the lock status (wihich is wrong says its locked and its actually unlocked…). so I know the lock is sort of alive Can any one direct me to a guide the YRL210 / YRL220 ? I have been at this for 4 days and I am sure I am making it worrs.

OK atter several days and web search. found a soluton. Help With Yale Z-Wave Locks - #6 by rmertz3282