Z-Stick and GE devices manual state changes

Yeah, after some more testing it seems like I was wrong about the 100% & 0%; they’re both only staying in sync about 25-50% of the time.

For future reference, this has been made configurable. See customize under the zwave configuration: https://home-assistant.io/getting-started/z-wave/


      refresh_value: true
      delay: 2

This worked perfectly to fix the incorrect slider values and the switch on/off status my z-wave light dimmers. Posting some extra summary details for others that might stumble upon this post via Google search as I finally did.

I was having an issue with this also using my z-wave light dimmers. The dimmer ‘card’ that shows the level/slider was consistently showing 30-40% even when I clicked it to turn off. It didn’t matter if toggled the switch by the Group level or individually the on/off status was also not updating correctly.

I have the “Vision ZL7101 Plug-in Dimmer Module Level” dimmers from Monoprice and they have a default fade on/off that was taking slightly too long for the default 2 (second?) refresh-value. Using this customize feature I set all of my dimmer entity id’s to have a delay of 3 and they update perfectly and stay in sync now!

      refresh_value: true
      delay: 3

Now, even when all of the dimmers are in a group (e.g. group.christmas_lights), and I turn the group on/off now all dimmer states are correctly reflected.

To summarize the root issue I understand it from the above thread, it works now because the dimmer value is now being allowed to fade all the way to zero before getting refreshed by Home Assistant z-wave component; where previously it was calling to refresh/get the value before it had faded completely to zero and pretty consistently snagging a value of 30-40% faded – hence the slider showed about 30-40%… Since the value was not at zero, then this also indicates that the light is still on, therefore the individual light and group on/off status was not accurate. But once it waits long enough it retrieves the correct value of zero (after completely faded down to off) and therefore can show the level/slider correctly at zero and it knows the status is off.

Hope this summary helps others as it did for me!

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I did the same thing and it worked for me. Wish I could use a wildcard for the name instead of having another place to maintain reference to an entity configuration.

I was also having problems with my GE 12729 dimmer switches. The state would not update on turning to ‘off’. It seems that adjusting my delay to 3 following the instructions above appears to have fixed it.

I know the thread is stale, but I’m mentioning here that customize has been changed to device_config best I can tell. Took me a few minutes to figure out why my config was failing. Other than that snag, this thread got my dimmer reflecting state in home assistant. Thanks!

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It’s been some time since this thread was active but I just started experiencing this issue. I have about 40 GE switches and dimmers. All were working instantly for almost 2 years. I have a mesh of zwave and zwave plus. All of a sudden about 10 different switches and dimmers started having this issue with manually changing the state with the toggle or dimmer and the update not making it back to HA. I tested this in several ways. Tailing the logs and manually changing the light state shows absolutely NOTHING in the log. Doing this multiple times will sometimes get an update to go through. It’s almost as if there is nothing in the switch being sent to the zwave stick. However doing any state changes in HA is instant and always works. It is only manual toggle/dimmer changes. Previously I haven’t had to do any configuration changes and things instantly updated in HA. I haven’t added anything in my setup either. Just all of a sudden. Is anyone still having these issues and if so, have you done any additional workarounds or fixes? I’m currently on 0.73. I might just try and revert to 0.71 because I know for a fact things worked fine in that version. Not saying its an HA thing, but going to at least rule it out.

EDIT: Just tested on 0.71 and same thing.

'I’m suddenly having the same problem as edif30. Tried adding the flaky ZCOMBO CO2/Smoke detector to the zwave network, which required several heal, repair, and restart zwave commands. No success BTW. Ever since, my status does not report properly with manual switch toggles. My switches are primarily Leviton, which has instant status, and one GE. Again, not an issue until recently and the ZCOMBO has never shown in the entity list. The OZW_log shows a new node (assume ZCOMBO), but it fails to communicate. I’m using HA v98.1. Has anyone found a solution to this issue or does anyone think there could be a connection vs coincidental?

I found that the way things worked in ST with zwave are entirely different than zwave in general. The switches that didn’t report back are all non-plus. And they don’t have a “hail” function built in. Plus does. ST must have some refresh that is done on an interval or something. But since then I have built in some refreshes for certain things and it has helped. The long term goal is to ensure to replace all non-plus with plus models. Just depends on the switch/device and how bad you need it to update right away.