Z-wave flood sensor alarm not working

I just added a Philio Tec PAT02-A flood sensor and all the sensor data shows up fine and is updated (temperature, humidity etc). However, when I trigger the flood sensor, nothing is detected in HA. I hear the sensor buzzer sounding, so something is happening, but nothing appears in HA.

I’m running the new JS W-wave.

Any hints on what I could try? The flood sensor worked with my old Z-wave gateway when I tried it about a year a go.

Hi @MacL3an
I just recognized the same issue (never tried triggering the alarm before).
Habe you been able to solve this issue?
If so, how?
Thank you.

I would enable the 3 disabled entities shown in his screen shot (new UI is a bit different I think they are grayed our), one those may work.

Hi Pete,

thanks for your response.
I have these entities:

but unfortunately none of these is changing if triggered with water (and the sensor is beeping).

After enabling the disabled entities, restart HASS.

Thank you - I am pretty sure though that I rebooted the system, but will try it again to be in the safe side.

As expected - the Sensor did not show any change on the entities when I simulated a water leak. :frowning:

Just to let you know…
I tested it again and out of a sudden it works.
So I assume there was a change in z-wave JS?

It was this sensor, which was activated on a simulated water leak: