Z-Wave graph (without the python)

I must disagree about Fibaro. I’ve got loads of Fibaro devices, recently I bought Fibaro HC just to update all my devices, only to find that only a couple had updates available.

Really awesome custom panel, thanks for this! I haven’t had time to check the source fully but was wondering if it would be possible to use the home assistant areas instead of the zwave (zwcfg) based locations?

Has anyone else the problem that when you click on nodes the node information for the wrong node appears? The tooltip (hovering over the node for a few seconds) is right. Not 100% certain, but it appears that only battery powered nodes are affected.

I have this issue as well, it affects the 2 nodes next to the battery node (they get jumbled), but the rest are fine.

I have finally experienced this problem and managed to fix it locally. I’ll try to update the gist tomorrow.


Updated the Gist… forgot to post here… sorry :slight_smile:

Version 2.3: (03 February 2020)
- Graph background reflects theme background color after page reload (F5)
- Fixed problem where some removed nodes lingering in the device registry could cause wrong node info card to be displayed after clicking on nodes with higher ids


I ran through this thread, but have not really find a proper fix for the situation when nodes are not seemingly connected (eventhough they are)

It looks like this in my HA

Was/is there any proper fix to get the nodes to be connected again? I have been running this panel for some months, and the situation has not really changed.

Thanks in advance!

This can be the case right after the HA restart, but they should light up after some time.
In any case, don’t worry, it has been stated before that this graph only reflects part of the net that is exposed by HA, but the net has internal operation that is not necessarily available to HA.
If the mesh works, it works. Ignore the graph.

I am not worried, and indeed all nodes are working. But yea, it would be nice if they’d show correctly (the point of having this panel…) in the interface :slight_smile:

If there is no fix, then too bad :slight_smile:

The graph only has as much information as HA exposes. I have this problem with 3 Fibaro motion sensors in my mesh, they work OK, but don’t share their neighbors. Oddly enough other Fibaro motion sensors show up OK.

I was debugging why my graph doesn’t show up and it’s because the neighbor information has everything going through one of my battery powered locks, which doesn’t have the listening attribute, so it’s marked as not forwarding and everything below it isn’t included in the graph. I’m not sure if that’s a common problem others are seeing and if so, if it’s worth having a config switch to ignore that.

Is there anyway to change the graph orientation? It would be better to have the graph be vertical instead of horizontal with 45+ sensors at level 1 my graph is really wide… I would rather have it be tall and stack the other way. BTW thanks for such a great addon, this has saved my arse with HA Z-Wave

I haven’t played with it, but I expect uncommenting this line would do it:

//g.graph().rankDir = 'RL';

I am fairly new to the Home Assistant world and am trying to get this implemented. I believe I followed the instructions and updated my configuration.yaml, created the /config/panels directory and placed the zwavegraph2.html in the panels directory. After a reboot, I get an error “Unable to load custom panel from http://{server}:8123/api/panel_custom/zwavegraph2”. What am I doing wrong? I have searched everywhere and cannot find what I did wrong.

Check the permissions on the zwavegraph2.html file. Assuming you are using linux, they should be homeassistant:homeassistant.

Thanks, I am not sure what happened, but today it just started working.

I just want to say THANK YOU for your awesome… whatever this is.

I’ve been playing around with Home Assistant / Z-wave for a while, I can’t find a good way to display (thus, debug) my zwave network in the patst. In the past, I have look through OZW_Log.txt to get anything meaningful. Now, especially for simple status check after a Home Assistant server reboot, this graph serve the purpose perfectly.

Your graph is a god send. Again, Thank You

I followed all the directions but nothing loads. The side bar appears but I get this error in the developer tool log:

http://{server}:{port}/api/panel_custom/zwavegraph2.js:187:15 Uncaught ReferenceError: dagreD3 is not define

I tried refreshing, clearing the cache, adding locations to xml file, restarting HA, still have the same result.

Any idea on how to fix this?


Make sure you have the latest version of the html file. There have been numerous revisions posted in this thread.

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Thanks, must of clicked an older link. Working for me now!