Z-Wave graph (without the python)

Many Thanks.

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Awesome work mate! Thank you

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works great! Thank you!

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Same issue on my iOS companon/browser. Maybe cross domains issue ?
When i access to the URL from safari it works (js is visible) but not from iOS app or nabucasa remote.

Companion :

Browser :

My conf is OK but still not working.

is this wroking if i have all my zwaves connected to a gateway (telldus). Telldus is connected to HA.
Or must every zwave unit be directly connected to HA?

It only lists devices connected using the old/original zwave integration.

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I was getting the “Unable to load custom panel from http://ipaddress/config/www/zwavegraph3.js” until I realized the “name: z-wave-graph-panel” was not configurable. I had changed it from “zwavegraph2” to “zwavegraph3”, as soon as I corrected that it solved the problem for me.

Thanks for publishing this @AdamNaj

Its working on my system. I don’t know if the last update of iOS and OSX solved the problem or the update of HASS.

I’m not quite following this. Can you elaborate on what you did to get this working on iOS?

I update all to the latest versions.
iOS version 14.0.1
Home Assistant App version 2020.6.2

osx version 10.15.7
Safari version 14.0

Ok so issue occurs when I am at home and don’t use nabucasa remote UI. Will continue investigations.

I can’t seem to make it work.
Followed the instructions and restarted.
I get a blank page.
In log I get this:

Logger: frontend.js.latest.202009182
Source: components/system_log/__init__.py:193
First occurred: 4:47:08 AM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:54:48 AM

http://192.168.1.xxx:8123/local/zwavegraph3.js:6:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

just found this, and a huge +1 to that, thanks @AdamNaj

I updated @AdamNaj new version of panel with theming capability. You can find updated file on my fork:

Please follow standard procedure to install pane as described in documentation and then only replace original filewith one that I provided (only zwavegraph3.js from my repository to be used). zwavegraph2.html is only for use with older versions on HA.
Additionally theme.yaml file provides all theming variables that are used by this panel (as detailed in my previous post).

Wow! that really looks good! Is there any plan to do this on QT openzwave?

Well, this is question to @AdamNaj! He is the brain behind this panel :clap: I just did some search and replace work to add theme support

@AdamNaj, Am I talking to the brains? Is there any plan/chance this will be so beautifully available to QT Openzwave?


I get a blank page as well, with this error in the log.

2020-10-06 12:05:35 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202009182] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’

@mirekmal happy to accept a pull request, one problem I haven’t figured out though - which is why I haven’t added it yet - what happens if someone adds the panel but didn’t have the color variables in their theme? We cannot show it all black in such a case, there needs to be some kind of fallback to default colors.

I’ll definitely look into it once the QT Openzwave matures and gets released at which point I’ll be able to start using it and port this. That is, assuming there will still be a point to this diagram and the information will be available in Home Assistant.
I haven’t been tracking it, maybe they have something similar already there?