Z-Wave Long Range Now Working in Z-Wave JS UI v9.10.0

The toggle doesn’t remove your device from.the network. To remove the device from the network you have to go back to the control panel, click the blue menu button, click the green manage nodes button, then select exclusion from the action list.

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Got it. Thanks.

I need some help! I am trying to get the Minoston plug-in dimmer (MP21ZD) set in Long Range mode but I must be missing something.

I made sure to update the firmware to the Minoston plug and I also made sure it support Long Range. Here is a snippet from the manual:
MP21ZD Manual

Then I made sure that Zooz ZST39 LR Z-Wave controller was updated to the latest firmware and changed the RF Reggion to USA (Long Range). Both in settings and in the controller settings:

Also made sure I’m on the latest Z-Wave JS UI
Zwave JS version

I go to Smart Start and add the QR code text. New entry shows up. I don’t see the button everyone refers to earlier in order to switch to Long Range but I am able to go into actions and update the entry where I switch the protocol to Z-Wave Long Range.

But after clicking update I still see the device listed as simple “Z-Wave” and not “Z-Wave Long Range”

What am I missing??? Thank you in advance for any help <3

Not sure if this is a bug or if its by design but I just verified the issue by repeating what you did. I manually added the DSK value and selected Z-Wave Long Range from the list and it also defaulted to Z-Wave and didn’t display an option to switch to Long Range. I think in order to get the Long Range option you have to scan the QR Code, upload a picture, or enter in the 52 digit QR Code string that starts with 9001.

Update: Even though it only displayed Z-Wave in the protocol column on the Smart Start Page my device did successfully include in Long Range Mode.

Thanks for the quick reply! I entered the 90 digit QR code text starting with 9001. It never successfully did the inclusion though even after 10 minutes.

I just tried a new Zooz plug-in switch and the “Z-Wave Long Range” button shows up for it. Not sure why it doesn’t show up for the Minoston plug-in switch. Kind of bummed by that. The Zooz immediately did the inclusion after turning it on and it shows as working as Long Range in the Control Panel page.

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I can only conclude that the Minoston plug-in dimmer (MP21ZD) doesn’t actually work with Long Range?

Some devices come included into a network from the factory so you have to exclude them first before you can add them to home assistant.

Appreciate the help thus far.

Do you mean an Exclusion here:

I tried a factory reset as described in the manual here:
Factory Reset

Also in the manual:
Adding Device

Even after all of that the device doesn’t automatically “Include” itself.

Can you include it manually? Also Z-Wave Long Range use a different logo so you should be able to tell if your device supports it by looking at the package?

You can’t edit the SmartStart provisioning entry once a node is included (in the latest version of ZUI at least, previous versions could). My guess is that you were editing the entry while the node was being included. Since the SmartStart entry defaulted to Z-Wave it included without LR.

I would exclude the node, which should deactivate the SmartStart entry. Once excluded you can edit the entry again to set it to LR, if wasn’t not already set from earlier. Then activate the entry again and hopefully it includes this time with LR.

If the device has a good signal, then including with normal Z-Wave is fine. LR doesn’t gain you much of a benefit in that case. Then it can also act as a repeater. Just depends on what you need.

Can you include it manually?

Yes I can. Defaults to “Z-Wave” and not “Z-Wave Long Range”

Also Z-Wave Long Range use a different logo so you should be able to tell if your device supports it by looking at the package?

I’ve used this dimmer for about 2 years so I no longer have the package but here is a screenshot from AMZN store:

Besides the manual and a single sentence on the official product website, I can not find a reference about Long Range support. Since this product is so “old” I just imagine it doesn’t properly support it. It’s a bummer as this is the only Z-Wave plug-in dimmer that fits inside an outdoor receptacle cover. Thanks for the effort though!

You can’t edit the SmartStart provisioning entry once a node is included (in the latest version of ZUI at least, previous versions could). My guess is that you were editing the entry while the node was being included. Since the SmartStart entry defaulted to Z-Wave it included without LR.
I would exclude the node, which should deactivate the SmartStart entry. Once excluded you can edit the entry again to set it to LR, if wasn’t not already set from earlier. Then activate the entry again and hopefully it includes this time with LR.

I tried that multiple times to no avail. I just think this product was release before Long Range was properly “standardized” perhaps. I tried 3 brand new Zooz ZEN04 plug-in switches and they all went into Long Range mode using the aforementioned instructions without issues.

If the device has a good signal, then including with normal Z-Wave is fine. LR doesn’t gain you much of a benefit in that case. Then it can also act as a repeater. Just depends on what you need.

This is the exact reason I wanted to try Long Range as this plug-in dimmer tends to have reception issues with consecutive commands. It’s a bummer as this is the only Z-Wave plug-in dimmer that fits inside an outdoor receptacle cover. Thanks for the effort though!

So there are actual 2 different versions of the model you mentioned. You have the 700 series version and the 800 series version. Looks like the manufacturer reused the model numbers for newer devices and the newer devices supports Long Range?


So there are actual 2 different versions of the model you mentioned. You have the 700 series version and the 800 series version. Looks like the manufacturer reused the model numbers for newer devices and the newer devices supports Long Range?

WOW! Great catch!!! I just placed an order for the 800 series. I will circle back and report how it goes. Thank you so much for this!

@cornellrwilliams just want to say thank you! I just setup the new Minoston MP21ZD smart plug dimmer and it works so well I don’t even need to put it in “Z-Wave Long Range” mode. Here is a screenshot of the “Z-Wave” button that previously was not showing on the “older” model. Thank you again <3

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Sorry, but newbie question: is it possible to create peer-to-peer associations between devices that are included as LR and devices that are included as standard (non-LR) Z-wave devices, so long as they have both have S2 security?

No Long Range devices and mesh devices cannot communicate with each other.

Do I have to exclude/re-add a device to get it on LR? Can this only be done directly at the device, or can I exclude/re-add it remotely? Just being lazy mostly, but curious.

Yes, but only using SmartStart.

The exclusion process can only be completed by performing some action physically on the device, e.g. pressing a button.

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Scanned my long range deceive using smart start and it shows up active and in long range mode. When I look at zwave integration in “provisions devices” it shows there. But in control panel and as a Ha device it doesn’t show up. Did I miss a step?