Z2M - Xiaomi Cube Controller

I tried to use this blueprint but it fails to work. I’m using Homey as my zigbee hub, this send the data through via mqtt, have mqtt broker & hub running on homey and added mqtt on HA.
The cube from Homey is visible in HA as mqtt device, I see the changes in the cube device but the blueprint does not work.
Do I need to change anything in the blueprint code to get it to work with this setup? is this only for zigbe2mqtt and Conbee II stick or should this also work with my Homey as MQTT broker?

I could not get this to work either. The “action” sensor doesn’t have an action attribute, nor a side attribute. I eventually just switched to using an MQTT trigger, rather than an entity trigger.

- platform: mqtt
  topic: !input 'remote_mqtt_topic'
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ trigger.payload_json.action in ('rotate_right', 'rotate_left', 'flip90', 'flip180', 'slide', 'tap', 'shake', 'fall') }}
- variables:
    event: '{{  trigger.payload_json.action }}'
    sub_event: '{{  trigger.payload_json.side }}'
    event_angle: '{{  trigger.payload_json.action_angle }}'

The blueprint works well. I spent some time on an automation where the brightness will increase by action angle.

here is the automation action:

service: light.turn_on
  entity_id: light.led_stripe
  brightness_step_pct: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.action_angle * 0.4 }}"

I hope it helps someone.


I’m seeing the following trigger, which doesn’t match what this blueprint expects:

  id: '0'
  idx: '0'
  platform: state
  entity_id: sensor.0x00158d0005d9d322_action
    entity_id: sensor.0x00158d0005d9d322_action
    state: None
      icon: mdi:gesture-double-tap
      friendly_name: cube-k action
    last_changed: '2022-01-07T04:40:57.421837+00:00'
    last_updated: '2022-01-07T04:40:57.421837+00:00'
      id: ba971f749101817d6781218323d7c368
      parent_id: null
      user_id: null
    entity_id: sensor.0x00158d0005d9d322_action
    state: slide
      icon: mdi:gesture-double-tap
      friendly_name: cube-k action
    last_changed: '2022-01-07T04:40:57.422376+00:00'
    last_updated: '2022-01-07T04:40:57.422376+00:00'
      id: cd2c98be8ca4a3f9b43d36ac0e28bad9
      parent_id: null
      user_id: null
  for: null
  attribute: null
  description: state of sensor.0x00158d0005d9d322_action

In particular, this blueprint is looking at trigger.from_state.attributes.action, but the data is showing up as just trigger.from_state.state. Did something change at some point? I tried with both legacy=true and legacy=false in zigbee2mqtt.

One quick question. How can I identify which face of de cube is up? Is not possible to use the last face which is up as 0 face? Like the original cube does with Xiaomi app.


I have the same issue, did you find a resolution?

I just go my cube and connected to zigbee2mqtt.

MQTT Explorer shows correct at first then publishs again and then shows null on everything…



I ended up using Node Red as this was correctly reading the MQTT messages. I’ve just rechecked as there have been a few updates of Home Assistant since I originally tried and it looks like the sensors are all working as they should now. @Billy_Freitag the message does just “flash” as the cube is operated the goes back to reporting null. If you trigger on the action going from null to something is should work.

When I get a chance, I’ll investigate automations with the cube again in Home Assistant and retire the Node Red ones.

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Can you please share your node-red flow? That’s the implementation I would prefer. Thank you.

I think this is the one I used:

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I tried the original blueprint v1.2 for the first time with my new sensors, it doesnt work. Error is always:

Test multiple conditions using "and"
Stopped because a condition failed at January 14, 2022, 22:16:26 (runtime: 0.00 seconds)

result: false

condition: and
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.action !=
      trigger.to_state.attributes.action }} 
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.action in ('rotate_right', 'rotate_left',
      'flip90', 'flip180', 'slide', 'tap', 'shake', 'fall') }}

No matter how simple the setup is, it usually ends in this error. Especially after using some time, it seems to do with this part, i will try to quote it out:

  • condition: template
    value_template: >-
    {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.action !=
    trigger.to_state.attributes.action }}

The one from @golles is working but only for shaking its reliable, other actions sometimes unreliable for some reason. I found that’s because its firing any possible action with the cube, even if you did not configure an action for that specific flip/round/tap etc. When firing an action not configured its not accessible for the right action if you hit that one straight after.

Edit: possible it is due that side 3 is actually the top side with the Aqara logo.

I am currently having the same issue as @Inferi0r with the 1.2 version of the blueprint. No matter which actions I setup, I get “result:false” on the conditions step on my debug. I have validated through mqtt explorer and the state messages in developer tools that the sides are correct. I can see all the state changes happening, and the side 0 is the first one I’ve been attempting to configure but without any success.

Executed: January 17, 2022, 6:11:03 PM
result: false

condition: and
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.action !=
      trigger.to_state.attributes.action }} 
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.action in ('rotate_right', 'rotate_left',
      'flip90', 'flip180', 'slide', 'tap', 'shake', 'fall') }}

This is the topic and information I see in MQTT for the messages when I rotate right on side 0

  "action": "rotate_right",
  "action_angle": 70.46,
  "action_from_side": null,
  "action_side": null,
  "action_to_side": null,
  "angle": -60.48,
  "battery": 100,
  "linkquality": 51,
  "side": 0,
  "voltage": 3005

Full automation configuration as well

mode: queued
max: 5
max_exceeded: silent
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.aqara_cube_action
  - condition: and
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.action !=
          trigger.to_state.attributes.action }} 
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.action in ('rotate_right',
          'rotate_left', 'flip90', 'flip180', 'slide', 'tap', 'shake', 'fall')
  - variables:
      event: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.action }}'
      sub_event: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.side }}'
  - service: system_log.write
      level: info
      message: 'Blueprint Script: {{ event }} {{ sub_event }}'
  - choose:
      - conditions: '{{ event == "slide" }}'
          - choose:
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 0 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 1 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 2 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 3 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 4 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 5 }}'
                sequence: []
      - conditions: '{{ event == "tap" }}'
          - choose:
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 0 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 1 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 2 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 3 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 4 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 5 }}'
                sequence: []
      - conditions: '{{ event == "flip90" }}'
          - choose:
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 0 }}'
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      entity_id: light.office_closet_light
                      brightness: 128
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 1 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 2 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 3 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 4 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 5 }}'
                sequence: []
      - conditions: '{{ event == "flip180" }}'
          - choose:
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 0 }}'
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      brightness: 128
                      entity_id: light.office_closet_light
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 1 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 2 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 3 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 4 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 5 }}'
                sequence: []
      - conditions: '{{ event == "rotate_right" }}'
          - choose:
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 0 }}'
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      device_id: 1613c888150941e2bb2cddf362a294f8
                      brightness_step: 10
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 1 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 2 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 3 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 4 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 5 }}'
                sequence: []
      - conditions: '{{ event == "rotate_left" }}'
          - choose:
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 0 }}'
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      device_id: 1613c888150941e2bb2cddf362a294f8
                      brightness_step_pct: -10
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 1 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 2 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 3 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 4 }}'
                sequence: []
              - conditions: '{{ sub_event == 5 }}'
                sequence: []
      - conditions: '{{ event == "shake" }}'
        sequence: []
      - conditions: '{{ event == "fall" }}'
        sequence: []
id: '1642466419586'
alias: Aqara Magic Cube (Z2M)
description: ''

Any idea what’s going wrong here? I’ve tried side 3 for some actions as well, same results.

Is it possible to remove this sub condition

- conditions: '{{ sub_event == 0 }}'
                sequence: []

I don’t want to add all scenarios for each side.
For me enaught just to rotate in any side.

Im trying to configure blueprint, unfortunately in GUI i dont see device (magic_cube).
Im using Z2m with conbee II and i have aqara magic cube on the list, working properly.

Any idea?

Did you ever figure this out? I have the same issue.

This would be a lot easier for your users to import and keep track of if you add an import link…
Simply fill this in and then add the markdown code to the original message…

Like this:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Looks like this in Markdown…

[![Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/blueprint_import.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/blueprint_import/?blueprint_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.home-assistant.io%2Ft%2Fz2m-xiaomi-cube-controller%2F263006)

As far as the Blueprint itself goes, it’s awesome and works perfectly.
You may want to add in the initial message ( or better yet the Description of ‘sensor to use’ inside the blueprint ) what sensor to use to get the is to work. I see people seem to be confused because all you need exported to HA to make this work is the sensor.##Device_Name##_action sensor and that is what you put in for the controller to use question. This may seem obvious, but not for everyone. The rest of the sensors can be hidden unless you want to watch battery or signal from diagnostics.

Thanks for the great code!!

What about lowering the brightness?
Is it as simple as adding a negative sign in the template?

I figured this out and put the new code in my ‘forked’ version of this blueprint.

CW is a positive angle and CCW is a negative angle, so don’t futz with the sign…

Thanks for the idea.

Thanks for this bud, works flawless for me and love that I can change scenes using the rotate clockwise and counter clockwise

I see a couple of other changes that I think should be made.
I believe I’m going to ‘fork’ off of this and start another version. The logging should not be on all the time, and I have a better way to display the last action to a sensor instead, so that you can troubleshoot and generate the actions easier.
That along with some of the descriptions I think a few tweaks like that would make this a lot better.
The basic code is sound and doesn’t need a thing.

Community link for my forked version of this blueprint:

source_url from GitHub: https://github.com/SirGoodenough/HA_Blueprints/blob/master/Automations/Zigbee2MQTT%20-%20Xiaomi%20Cube%20Controller.yaml
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Event Sensor in Action:

Sample Script Generation Screen

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Great Blueprint, I especially like the respect for which face is up functionality. Unfortunately I’m a Deconz user. Is this Blueprint coming for Deconz too?

I am also getting these issues. I see that if I change all of the trigger.to_state.attributes.action to trigger.to_state.state then shake will work, but the flip90’s won’t as the sub_event is never populated.

I wonder if something changed with how the action entities are set/updated?

Looks like that states are no longer in the main action’s attributes. I’m running HA 2022.3.1, and Zigbee2MQTT 20211217. Maybe something changed in an update?


On further testing, it seems I can get it to work with the blueprint as-is IF I enable “Home Assistant legacy entity attributes” & “Home Assistant legacy triggers”.