ZA03 sirene in automation - help needed


I recently added a tuya ZA03 into HA over Z2M. I’m struggling how to use the device over an automation :frowning:

The details (volumne, ring tone & duration) are working over the Z2M page. How should I use them in a automation?

My issue: Sometimes it does what I configured. Sometimes not. For example, I added a ringtone 4, sometimes it uses that, sometimes the old value I have. How I’m supposed to send the data?

Currently the yml looks like this:

  - sequence:
      - device_id: 99958591d17f7ad5f496bd248995919b
        domain: number
        entity_id: ce048f199ad274a6415abed20a629853
        type: set_value
        value: 1
      - device_id: 99958591d17f7ad5f496bd248995919b
        domain: select
        entity_id: 064f314948fa208a04aa0b7f9823a363
        type: select_option
        option: ringtone 3
      - device_id: 99958591d17f7ad5f496bd248995919b
        domain: select
        entity_id: 8e9863b65a0e8a1b5907396f54e70a60
        type: select_option
        option: low
      - type: turn_on
        device_id: 99958591d17f7ad5f496bd248995919b
        entity_id: 84e3a7d98847d799971770ce255c7ff0
        domain: switch

I did everything via UX - as a sequence. I guess I need to send the full payload just once with all the parameters right? How can I do that?

Device: Tuya ZA03 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

Hi, welcome to the forum!

Have a look at this: Why and how to avoid device_ids in automations and scripts
Are the entities exposed in HA?

Yes thanks - got it. But i highly doubt its related to my issue - as mentioned it is basically working. It just ignores some of my /sets…

Meanwhile, i’m playing around by sending the payload directly:

I do see the call in the log. However, it doesnt respect my duration.

I think its how the integration works, somehow. Triggering the stuff from Z2M:

`z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/2_office_sirene',
`z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/2_office_sirene',

It basically first sends the duraction in an OFF state and setting the value. After that, it will activate the state but with a duration of null. If i’m sending the duration together with the ON it wont work.

Probably something’s odd in Z2M but considering this I’ll just send a first payload with OFF and the parameters, followed by the ON call.

That link about device_id’s was just as info.
Switching devices from one state to another can be an issue which might be solved by adding a small delay in between those actions.

I think its more some kind of bug…

Have a look at this automation:

Triggered and checked the logs:

No idea whats going on and how mq2tt ends up with a wrong payload :frowning:

The ZA03 seems to be based on the earlier module Neo NAS-AB02B2.
See New device Zigbee tuya Za03 Smart siren alarm · Issue #23529 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

it has the same problem not recognizing all values at once and also missing it from time to time

Unfortunately yes, seems related. Guess there’s no way to get this fixed - i’ll try to add the ms wait between the commands. But also having a heimann next to me, hopefully this is more reliable. If so, i’ll just switch and forget :wink:

Ah forgot to mention: I still think its a bug somewhere. As you can see in my shared above screenshot i’m sending the right payload. However, the payload sent mixes the given payload values. Somewhere there’s a mismatch in the mapping.