Zehnder ComfoConnect component

I got it almost all back and running by simply deleting and adding the comfoconnect box from and to the config.yaml.
What I am missing though are the elements to select the temperature profil (warm, normal or cool) and the bypass mode (on, off, auto). Where do I find or get those?
Any direction into the proper area is appreciated.

Are you sure you are using the HACS integration? The one included in Home Assistant doesn’t support this.

The HACS version doesn’t need an entry in your configuration.yaml.

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Thanks, Michaël!
Actually, I used a mixture of both. When the integration was available I switched to it, but obviously had remaining elements via HACS. That worked fine and was lost with the core update. But even that could be just a coincidence!
Today I called Zehnder Support GE as we additionally didn‘t have access to our system outside our WLAN anymore. They told me that they have problems with their server since a few of days. They expect that those problems will be solved in the next couple of days.
Thanks again!

Just installed the new Zehnder custom integration and it works like a charm. I can now automate the bypass at night, cool!

Hi thank you so much for sharing the code. There is one thing not working with mine. I cannot see which one is selected the color does not change. How can i fix this?

Is anyone able to add this integration in the energy panel? How?

Might be in the theme settings or a little copy error maybe.

I do use the following for about 1.5 years now:

  - platform: integration #Current power to daily energy usage
    source: sensor.comfoairq_ventilation_current_power_usage
    name: "Comfoairq energie"
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 2
    unique_id: "20220511165101"

When trying to add repository GitHub - michaelarnauts/home-assistant-comfoconnect: Home Assistant integration for Zehnder ComfoAir trough a Zehnder ComfoConnect LAN C. to Home Assistant. I get the message that it’s not a valid add-on repository.
Any idea what is causing this message?

This is not an add-on, it is a custom component and you should use HACS to install it.

Bit of a late response, sorry. But the HACS way solved my problem. Adding multiple instances in HACS version is easy. Thanks!

Hi, I’m a HA enthusiast, and my zehnder q 350 will arrive soon.
I installed the integration from hacs, but I can’t find any sensor/entity… I assume it’s due to the fact that I don’t have the confoconnect lan c yet, or I’m doing something wrong. Maybe I need to install the aiconfoconnect library.
thank you all

I have created alternative hardware for the ComfoConnect LAN C.
See more info here GitHub - vekexasia/comfoair-esp32: Interact with Zehnder Comfoair with esp32
I have some spares, please contact me if you are interested.


This is a great software and hardware, i was late to buy it, rather built it myself but i suggest anyone interested to have this approach, working great.

Hi There. I would 100% be interested in one. Can you contact me?

Have you ever had a solution for this?

… Any input on how to add the ComfoFond Sensors (Temperaturen, Pump on/off?)
… In the app: The ComfoFond is at 100%, the real outside temperature is 2,5°C,
… the temperature after the ComfoFond is 5,1°C.

I have exactly the same problem

Do you still have any of these available?

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Yes I do, and i have another solution.
Can you please send me ad direct message?

Hello Stephan,

Would you still have some spare ? I am also interested.

Many thanks !

LAN-C IP address - “invalid host” when trying to add (yet router shows this is the correct IP address) - what to do now

Hi Michael + Community

Thank you for the great work done. I followed all instructions by the letter (HA VM Linux version, on a MAC with HACS), and used HACS to get the repository added. However - the last step is failing :

when I want to add the integration,I get “invalid host” when entering the LAN-C IP address

My router shows an IP address and a MAC address, of which the MAC matches that printed on the LAN-C - I assume that this is the host ip. Address (could something else also be host name ?)

I have factory reset my LAN-C to make sure the gateway is on default pwd 0000, and am able though the iOS comfocontrol app to access my ComfoAirQ450 from external internet (eg from 4G eg outside my network). Hence, the router and internet connect work to the LAN-C

My home-assist install has no issues to connect with other devices on my lan network, nor on my wifi. The Mac being used is lan-connected to my router.

Nevertheless, I keep getting “invalid host”

Please advice