Zemismart Integration TS0601 TZE284

Newbie - forgive me if wrong spot … (probably not the first :slight_smile)
I am trying to add a Zemismart blind controller to my HA setup through Zigbee (ZHA). The first time I added one everything worked and the integration was good. I bought another and only the firmware attribute is available.
I examined both devices and found the first points to a quirk (found in the Zigbee information of the device) while the second does not. Also, the signature files are different. How do i get the new device to point to the other’ quirk?
Cheers Alan

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Hi L-An Xangler

Look there to see if your device is supported or if someone has a quirk files to tide you over until it is supported assuming it is not.
If you are looking at how to use the quirks, Zigbee Guide: How-to add/setup local custom ZHA Device Handlers (also known as ”quirks”) in the ZHA integration.
Has a discussion about it…

Thanks for your reply. The other blind that works uses an existing quirk that i found by looking at that device’s Zigbee information. i just need to know how to point the new blind to that quirk if that’s possible. Evidently the new blind’s firmware must have changed.

This is the device info for the blind i cant connect:

Device info

by _TZE284_fzo2pocs
Zigbee info
IEEE: 40:30:59:ff:fe:e0:. (changed now by me)
Nwk: 0xe519
Device Type: Router
LQI: 144
RSSI: Unknown
Last seen: 2024-10-23T13:23:58
Power source: Mains

And here is the info of the one that works:

Device info

by _TZE200_fzo2pocs
Zigbee info
IEEE: 84:ba:20:ff:fe:85:. (changed now by me)
Nwk: 0xcd61
Device Type: Router
LQI: 111
RSSI: Unknown
Last seen: 2024-10-23T12:46:34
Power source: Mains
Quirk: zhaquirks.tuya.ts0601_cover.TuyaZemismartSmartCover0601_3

As you can see the second one uses a quirk. Where can i find this and how do i point (join/connect?) the inoperable blind to it?

Well … I can now understand why I haven’t received any further responses.

Having just returned from a very very deep rabbit hole adventure into device signatures, writing quirks(python), augmenting configurations and the like with absolutely no success. And I did begin my question with “Newbie …”!

Simultaneous to the many frustrating hours on my computer, I was having a Whatsapp conversation with the blind’s manufacturer (Zemismart - who very kindly tried to help in very broken English) only to eventually being told that their manufacturing process hadn’t changed but the chip supplier Tuya’s firmware had. It now can only be used with Zigbee on there own hub. Hmph! What a waste of time. Anyway, I learned a lot: quirks, python, HA logs etc etc, so not entirely wasted time. And , of course, as a newbie I might well be, and most probably, wrong.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good blind controller that I can integrate with ZHA? :slight_smile:

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