Zen Zigbee Thermostat

Has anyone gotten the Zen Zigbee Thermostat working with Home Assistant? I am trying to add a Zen Zigbee Thermostat to my deconz network on my installation of Hassio. I am using the deconz add on from the store. I opened up Phoscon and tried adding the thermostat via the sensor section. The scan timed out however the thermostat showed up in the deconz gui. On the thermostat itself it shows connected to the network. Is there a way to make this device appear in Phoscon or some how add it to Hassio. Deconz and Hassio are running on the same raspberry pi 3. I am using a conbee II stick and firmware is update to date. I am running Hassio 0.96.4

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Same here. Conbee II USB Stick on a Pi 3
FW Conbee: 2.05.71
HassOS 2.12
thermostat: Eurotronic Spirit ZigBee

I have setup a new hassio for testing.

best regards



I wonder if anybody has successfully used Zen thermostat to show in Phoscon.
It makes it to deconz but nothing useful appears in Phoscon. I eventually plan to use it with Homeseer.
Also, does anybody know why I see “HA” in orange in other people postings while I don’t have that on mine? Is it possible because of OS? Windows vs Linux, etc?
