ZEN72 trigger actions from mechanical 3-way

Hi there,

I’ve got a couple of zen72 switches with 3way mechanical “dumb” switches. They all toggle the load correctly, and I’ve even got additional functionality at the dumb switch (full bright, and dim with two or three toggles of the dumb switch).

My question is this, is there a way to get the dumb switch in this configuration to cause a light.toggle command?

I’ve got it working from the Zen72 with a blueprint and assigning that service to top x1 But I can’t get it to send from the dumb switch.

I’ve tried watching the notifications on the event platform and I don’t see anything happening when I toggle the dumb switches.

My goal is to trigger a light.toggle service so that Adaptive Lighting will adapt the circuit. And, if possible have the set of switches functional if HA is ever down.

Not sure I understand how this is wired up / configured. Are you using one of these standard wirings?

So the ZEN72 has 3 scenes that you can use. Scene 1, 2, and 3. Scene 1 corresponds to the upper paddle, scene 2 corresponds to the lower paddle, and scenes generated from your dumb switch will be displayed under scene 3.

After a quick search through the blueprints section I am assuming this is the blueprint you are using? Zen 72 LR 800 Blue Print.

There are (2) reasons why you can’t accomplish your goal.

  1. Scenes for your dumb 3-way switch are disabled on the ZEN72 by default. To enable them you need to configure parameter 31.
  2. The blueprint you are using doesn’t use Scene 3 at all. You can make your own blueprint by copying sections of the code and renaming a few things.

If you don’t want to make your own blueprint you can easily use scene 3 in your automation by selecting device as your trigger > selecting your ZEN72 from the device list > then selecting central scene action on scene 3 as your trigger. Here’s what it looks like when you do it.

This makes sense. I’m using that blueprint but a copy from @IOT_Ninja that I forked and modified to allow both ZEN72 and ZEN72 800 LR models.

  name: Zooz ZEN72
  description: Automations helper for the Zooz ZEN72 Dimmer Switch using the
    Zwave JS integration.
  domain: automation
      name: Zooz ZEN72
      description: The ZEN72 Switch to interact with.
          - integration: zwave_js
            manufacturer: Zooz
            model: ZEN72
          - integration: zwave_js
            manufacturer: Zooz
            model: ZEN72 800LR
          multiple: false
      name: Top Paddle 1x
      description: "Action to run on dimmer upper paddle single tap.
      Default: Turn on dimmer switch load to last/custom/full/max brightness."
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Top Paddle 2x
      description: "Action to run on dimmer upper paddle double tap.
      Default: Turn on dimmer switch to full/max/custom brightness."
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Top Paddle 3x
      description: "Action to run on dimmer upper paddle triple tap.
      Default: Enter inclusion/pairing mode."
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Top Paddle 4x
      description: Action to run on dimmer upper paddle quadruple tap.
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Top Paddle 5x
      description: Action to run on dimmer upper paddle quintuple tap.
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Top Paddle Hold
      description: "Action to run on dimmer upper paddle press-and-hold.
      Default: Increase dimmer brightness level."
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Top Paddle Release
      description: Action to run on dimmer upper paddle release.
      default: []
        action: {}

      name: Lower Paddle 1x
      description: "Action to run on dimmer lower paddle single tap.
      Default: Turn off dimmer switch load."
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower Paddle 2x
      description: Action to run on dimmer lower paddle double tap.
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower Paddle 3x
      description: "Action to run on dimmer lower paddle triple tap.
      Default: Enter exclusion/un-pairing mode."
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower Paddle 4x
      description: Action to run on dimmer lower paddle quadruple tap.
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower Paddle 5x
      description: Action to run on dimmer lower paddle quintuple tap.
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Bottom Paddle Hold
      description: "Action to run on dimmer lower paddle press-and-hold.
      Default: Decrease dimmer brightness level."
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Bottom Paddle Release
      description: Action to run on dimmer lower paddle double tap.
      default: []
        action: {}

mode: single
max_exceeded: silent

  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      command_class_name: Central Scene
      device_id: !input zooz_zen72

  - variables:
      scene_id: "{{ trigger.event.data.label }}"
      attribute_id: "{{ trigger.event.data.value }}"
  - choose:
      - conditions: "{{ scene_id == 'Scene 001' }}"
          - choose:
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_up_1x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed2x' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_up_2x
              #- conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed3x' }}"
                #sequence: !input dimmer_up_3x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed4x' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_up_4x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed5x' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_up_5x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyHeldDown' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_up_hold
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyReleased' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_up_release
      - conditions: "{{ scene_id == 'Scene 002' }}"
          - choose:
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_down_1x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed2x' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_down_2x
              #- conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed3x' }}"
                #sequence: !input dimmer_down_3x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed4x' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_down_4x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyPressed5x' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_down_5x
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyHeldDown' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_down_hold
              - conditions: "{{ attribute_id == 'KeyReleased' }}"
                sequence: !input dimmer_down_release

I’ll look into adding scene 3 to the blueprint and or trigger.

I did enable parameter 31. Wouldn’t I start seeing the events on the zwave_js_value_notification channel?

Thank you @cornellrwilliams

So before going into it I’d like to see something come through on Scene 3.

I checked on the device page for the switch and I see scene 3, however it is showing “unknown”.

Parameter 31 (3 way scene control) and 13 (scene control) are set to enabled. Everything else that seems like it could impact this is in default. All of the status change report options are enabled, which is default.

@PeteRage it’s wired similar to the 4way diagram on page 2, except there is no 4 way switch. Power goes to the common at one end of the string and switched power comes back to the ZEN72 traveller screw. The switching works for normal on/off switching, and again for some of the tricks like full power with 2x, and Dimming for 3x from the “dumb” switches.

All seems good except we’re not getting scene 3 events.

I think so. I haven’t used events for scenes in a while. Try reinterviewing your device. Also I think it may only let you use scenes on your dumb switch if it’s set to momentary switch. I can’t remember. I would adjust the parameter that controls the 3way switch type as well.

Thanks for the tip on Parameter 19 (3way switch type) I set it to “momentary” and I started getting two events every time I toggle the switch once. Having just interviewed I switched back to “toggle” to see if it was the interview that did the trick. No dice.

So, it appears that maybe my goal cannot be accomplished with toggle switches which seems weird. I think I’ll reach out to Zooz to ask what’s up.

Thanks for your help.

They sale a ZAC99 momentary switch FOR $8. It’s meant to connect to the dimmers.

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Thanks, that looks like a good option. I was thinking of ordering again with the current sale they have going.

FYI, I have updated my BP to support 800 series switches, Scene 003 events, and several other updates.


Right on. Are you ninja128? Haha.