šŸŽ® ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea E1743 On/Off Switch & Dimmer Universal blueprint - all actions + double click events - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

Hi @aceindy @jabelone,

thank you so much for reaching out here. Iā€™m sorry for the huge delay, unfortunately Iā€™m very busy at the moment and Iā€™m unable to keep up with all the support requests Iā€™m receiving both here and on GitHub. I hope you can understand.

Could you please share the full YAML for the automations youā€™re trying to setup with this blueprint?

Thanks! :+1:

Hi @Calzor_Suzay,

thank you so much for your nice feedback! Iā€™m glad that this blueprint is useful for you. :smiley:

If you want to control an RGB bulb with a controller, you can try the Light Hook blueprint. An example of the setup you could try to implement is reported here on the Controllers-Hooks Ecosystem docs.

Please let me know if you need any additional guidance. Iā€™d be happy to help. :+1:

Heya! Thanks for replying. No need to apologise, I know what itā€™s like running an open source project in your spare time!

I ended up having to use several automations instead of this blueprint as I couldnā€™t get it working (nor the other E1743 one, but for a different reason); so I donā€™t have it setup right now.

Itā€™s possible I will forget to do this so I wonā€™t commit to anything, but Iā€™ll do my best to set it up again in the next few days and get you a copy of the YAML.

Let me know if youā€™d rather keep track via a GitHub issue if that is more convenient for you as this seems to be a bug experienced by more than just me. :slight_smile: It looks similar to this one, but my gut feeling is this is a separate underlying issue so Iā€™d probably create a new issue to track the discussion.


Talk about weird! I got a chance to set this blueprint up again to get you the config and itā€™s working perfectly now. The only thing that changed was a minor point update to home assistant. No idea whatā€™s going on but it seems to be working now at least! :man_shrugging:

I just moved from Deconz to Z2M and tried to import this Blueprint. I always get an ā€œUnknown errorā€. Iā€™m already on 2022.5.0 so maybe that update broke this Blueprint?

Unfortunately i am facing the same issue with HA 2022.5.0. The Import of the blueprint can not finished with an Unkown Error.

Any chance to fix that?

Got same ā€œUnknown Errorā€.
Not only for this blueprint so might be a breaking change in 2022.05.0

The import issue for Blueprints is solved with 2022.5.2. Iā€˜ve tested it and worked on my side.

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When I set up the automation to increase brightness when I long-press I doest do anything.
would you know what could be wrong?

> alias: New Automation
> description: ''
> use_blueprint:
>   path: EPMatt/ikea_e1743.yaml
>   input:
>     integration: ZHA
>     controller_device: 7eee51544e1731a22bb8d9a90e2c2da4
>     helper_last_controller_event: input_text.helper_last_controller_event_loose_toggle
>     action_button_up_long:
>       - service: light.turn_on
>         data:
>           brightness_step_pct: 5
>         target:
>           entity_id: light.all_lights
>     action_button_up_short:
>       - service: light.turn_on
>         data: {}
>         target:
>           entity_id: light.all_lights`

Butten long press broken with ZHAā€¦


"event_type": "zha_event",
"data": {
    "device_ieee": "04:cd:15:ff:fe:68:24:43",
    "unique_id": "04:cd:15:ff:fe:68:24:43:1:0x0008",
    "device_id": "ad85b7975d73b81f14816267a47076f8",
    "endpoint_id": 1,
    "cluster_id": 8,
    "command": "move",
    "args": [
    "params": {
        "move_mode": 1,
        "rate": 83,
        "options_mask": 0,
        "options_override": 0
"origin": "LOCAL",
"time_fired": "2022-05-29T15:49:30.164029+00:00",
"context": {
    "id": "0181108217b48a78ee6ba9ec77eeb54b",
    "parent_id": null,
    "user_id": null


"event_type": "zha_event",
"data": {
    "device_ieee": "04:cd:15:ff:fe:68:24:43",
    "unique_id": "04:cd:15:ff:fe:68:24:43:1:0x0008",
    "device_id": "ad85b7975d73b81f14816267a47076f8",
    "endpoint_id": 1,
    "cluster_id": 8,
    "command": "move_with_on_off",
    "args": [
    "params": {
        "move_mode": 0,
        "rate": 83
"origin": "LOCAL",
"time_fired": "2022-05-29T15:49:02.054242+00:00",
"context": {
    "id": "01811081a9e63516b9095732e36d7b3a",
    "parent_id": null,
    "user_id": null


  - 'on'
  - move_with_on_off_0_83
  - stop
  - 'off'
  - move_1_83
  - stop

Any ideas?

I have this problem too, someone knows a solution? (Z2m / e1743)

I found the right code for ZHA
donā€™t forget to create a new helper file

      - 'on'
      - move_with_on_off_MoveMode.Up_83
      - stop_with_on_off
      - 'off'
      - move_MoveMode.Down_83_bitmap8.0_bitmap8.0
      - stop_with_on_off

Hey, thanks for this great Blueprint, works very well with my Ikea Tradfri switch for single press & long pressā€¦ but I am unable to get the double press option to workā€¦

I have created the helper_last_controller_event inputā€™ but sure if I have done it correctly or if there is any configuration I need to doā€¦

pls can someone help

nvm - got it to workā€¦ had to tweak milliseconds

Thanks man, this helped :slight_smile:

thank you thank you thank you. this has been driving me absolutely crazy

I had to activate legacy triggers in the HA integration of Zigbee2MQTT to accomplish this: Home Assistant integration | Zigbee2MQTT

Not sure if I am very found of the solution, as this is not the recommended way to respond to button clicks:

BTW: To get long press for brightness up/down to work I had to put in delays after those actions. I used 200 milliseconds as delay value.


Unfortunately I cannot get this to work at all. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

Running Home Assistant docker, SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus, ZHA
Other Zigbee devices work fine with this setup. Now I wanted to migrate my IKEA stuff.
The connection via ZHA works but the E1743 only shows a battery sensor, which apparently is normal?
But the automation does absolutely nothing. The text helper does not change. No Trace. Nothing in the logs.

This is the automation:

- id: '1663796275488'
  alias: TRADFRI On/Off Switch Bathroom
  description: ''
    path: EPMatt/ikea_e1743.yaml
      integration: ZHA
      controller_device: 91b34be65ff127f49c8d9ac2fb58172c
      helper_last_controller_event: input_text.tradfri_on_off_switch_bathroom_helper
      - type: turn_on
       	device_id: 5d489aa7ba79100998293b5d23723c37
       	entity_id: light.bathroom
       	domain: light
      - type: turn_off
        device_id: 5d489aa7ba79100998293b5d23723c37
       	entity_id: light.bathroom
       	domain: light

To make sure the switch is not broken I paired it again with the Tradfri Gateway. Works fine, no problems there.
Iā€™m rather new to HA so maybe I forgot something obvious.
Thanks in advance.

@epmatt . Thanks great blueprint!
But do u know why short press action runs when im trying to do long press?

Both short and long action start when doing long press :stuck_out_tongue:


I currently only have single press up and down working, and I think its to do with this input helper.

How do you add this to home assistant ?

If I use the UI to create a new input text helper I canā€™t see how to add the above code.

You mention creating a new helper ā€˜fileā€™, how would I go about creating this if Iā€™m not doing it through the UI ?


The code must be added to:


By file editor

Afterwords create a new text helper by UI and extent the maximum letters to 255

At the end, refresh your automation

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