šŸŽ® ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea E1744 SYMFONISK rotary remote Universal blueprint - all actions - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

How can I import this blueprint?

By clicking on the link in the first post in this topic.

You donā€™t want to.
The author is no longer available to support itā€¦

Well it seems to be the only one for the device for Z2M. Or is there a better one. Otherwise I would try it and use it as long as it works.

Following - also looking for a solution to get this device to work outside of IKEAs ecosystem. Please tag me if you find a solution

I suggest looking at Switch Manager. It works with the IKEA devices including this rotary one.



Thanks so much for the tip.

Woah that integration is amazing!! Setup the sound remote and it works perfectly.

Just wish I had known about this one before manually creating automations for each of my 30 or so Friends of Hue Lightswitches, Hue Dimmer Switches and Ikea Buttons over the past couple of daysā€¦

How did you install the integration? Iā€™m trying via HACS, but Iā€™m getting an errorā€¦


Just went into HACS and clicked install. No issues. I am using the Home Assistant OS install. Are you sure you got the correct integration selected?

Or do you have some ā€œexoticā€ installation of HA?

Yes Iā€™m using standard HA, nothing exitic. and latest versionā€¦

When I click the ā€œadd integrationā€ Iā€™m taken to this URL: Link to Integrations: add integration ā€“ My Home Assistant

Can you confirm that this is the correct integration?

Hello @n00bish , @drsound & HA fans,

I experiment with HA since about a year (considering myself newbie).
I get a Docker install of HA.

I created a ikea_e1744.yaml file located at /home/[USER]/hass-config/blueprints/automation/homeassistant/ using

~$ sudo nano /home/[USER]/hass-config/blueprints/automation/homeassistant/ikea_e1744.yaml

and pasted there the content from @drsound since I understand it was never merged.

I reloaded config using
Developper Tools > YAML > All Yaml Configuration
(Tried Developper Tools > YAML > Automations as well)

However the blueprint does not appear magically in the blueprint listā€¦

Any idea why?

Hey @LeoG . Do you not have the ā€œimport blueprintā€ button on the docker instance of HA?

If you do, then click it, and paste it the url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EPMatt/awesome-ha-blueprints/157f8964a777ac5ae4acd108c7cc7766256fe44f/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e1744/ikea_e1744.yaml

This is the link @drsound posted ealier. It worked perfectly for me :slight_smile:

I have this remote working fine in both HA and Node red.
Not sure what the issue is.
Although I recommend getting the new that is not spinning. That is a far much better remote. The only downside of that remote is that itā€™s all white and itā€™s really hard to see what button is what.

Anyways, the old remote. Here is my automation for that remote

alias: David IKEA remote
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: move
        - 0
        - 195
        - 0
        - 0
    id: vol_up
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: move
        - 1
        - 195
        - 0
        - 0
    id: vol_down
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: toggle
    id: click
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: step
        - 0
        - 1
        - 0
        - 0
        - 0
    id: dbclick
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: step
        - 1
        - 1
        - 0
        - 0
        - 0
    id: triclick
    enabled: false
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: vol_up
          - service: button.press
            data: {}
              entity_id: button.david_lg_tv_volume_up
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: vol_down
          - service: button.press
            data: {}
              entity_id: button.david_lg_tv_volume_down
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: click
          - service: media_player.media_play_pause
            data: {}
              entity_id: media_player.chromecast5039
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: dbclick
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.david_tv_on_off
            state: "on"
          - service: media_player.turn_off
            data: {}
              entity_id: media_player.playstation_4
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 2
              milliseconds: 0
          - service: button.press
            data: {}
              entity_id: button.david_lg_tv_on_off
            enabled: false
mode: single

This blueprint does not work properly anymore since HA v2024.10!
I use the Ikea volume knobs for changing the volume of my denon receiver. Canā€™t use the option ā€œloop until stopā€ anymore because it brakes the automation somehow. Without this option enabled I have to spin the knob very very slowly.
In HA v2024.9 with ā€œloop until stopā€ enabled it worked so perfectly! Is there a workaround to make it work again in the newer HA releases?

Thereā€™s an issue on the Redux repo here: Bug - E1744 rotates continuously with light brightness or media volume Ā· Issue #25 Ā· lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints Ā· GitHub
(I havenā€™t made a redux forum post yet, if we get a fix for it, I can?)

Anyone got a solution to get the rotation to work?

My issue seems to be that this doesnā€™t get defined:

{{ (states(helper_last_controller_event) | from_json).a if
    helper_last_controller_event is not none and
    (states(helper_last_controller_event) | regex_match("^\{((\"a\":
    \".*\"|\"t\": \d+\.\d+)(, )?){2}\}$")) else "" }}

Hi - It may be worth raising a issue here if you are using the new repo: GitHub - lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints: A curated collection of automation blueprints for Home Assistant.

The only other issue we have raised right now is that the spin will not stop - rather than it not working before.


I also see your trigger_action is rotate_left. This does not match the mapped action value in the blueprint which is brightness_move_down. I manually changed the action value for rotation in the blueprint to the values reported by the device. Started working with these changes.

          - rotate_left
          - rotate_stop
          - rotate_right

After the latest Z2M update to version 2.0.0 the blueprint was broken.
As i see, the ā€œZigbee2MQTT) Controller Entityā€ is deleted therefore the whole automation wonā€™t run at all.

Any ideas?