šŸŽ® ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea E1744 SYMFONISK rotary remote Universal blueprint - all actions - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

Yes Iā€™m using standard HA, nothing exitic. and latest versionā€¦

When I click the ā€œadd integrationā€ Iā€™m taken to this URL: Link to Integrations: add integration ā€“ My Home Assistant

Can you confirm that this is the correct integration?

Hello @n00bish , @drsound & HA fans,

I experiment with HA since about a year (considering myself newbie).
I get a Docker install of HA.

I created a ikea_e1744.yaml file located at /home/[USER]/hass-config/blueprints/automation/homeassistant/ using

~$ sudo nano /home/[USER]/hass-config/blueprints/automation/homeassistant/ikea_e1744.yaml

and pasted there the content from @drsound since I understand it was never merged.

I reloaded config using
Developper Tools > YAML > All Yaml Configuration
(Tried Developper Tools > YAML > Automations as well)

However the blueprint does not appear magically in the blueprint listā€¦

Any idea why?

Hey @LeoG . Do you not have the ā€œimport blueprintā€ button on the docker instance of HA?

If you do, then click it, and paste it the url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EPMatt/awesome-ha-blueprints/157f8964a777ac5ae4acd108c7cc7766256fe44f/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e1744/ikea_e1744.yaml

This is the link @drsound posted ealier. It worked perfectly for me :slight_smile:

I have this remote working fine in both HA and Node red.
Not sure what the issue is.
Although I recommend getting the new that is not spinning. That is a far much better remote. The only downside of that remote is that itā€™s all white and itā€™s really hard to see what button is what.

Anyways, the old remote. Here is my automation for that remote

alias: David IKEA remote
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: move
        - 0
        - 195
        - 0
        - 0
    id: vol_up
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: move
        - 1
        - 195
        - 0
        - 0
    id: vol_down
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: toggle
    id: click
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: step
        - 0
        - 1
        - 0
        - 0
        - 0
    id: dbclick
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: 3d00470f1ec47548299d3ba0d5bb5ea1
      command: step
        - 1
        - 1
        - 0
        - 0
        - 0
    id: triclick
    enabled: false
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: vol_up
          - service: button.press
            data: {}
              entity_id: button.david_lg_tv_volume_up
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: vol_down
          - service: button.press
            data: {}
              entity_id: button.david_lg_tv_volume_down
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: click
          - service: media_player.media_play_pause
            data: {}
              entity_id: media_player.chromecast5039
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: dbclick
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.david_tv_on_off
            state: "on"
          - service: media_player.turn_off
            data: {}
              entity_id: media_player.playstation_4
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 2
              milliseconds: 0
          - service: button.press
            data: {}
              entity_id: button.david_lg_tv_on_off
            enabled: false
mode: single

This blueprint does not work properly anymore since HA v2024.10!
I use the Ikea volume knobs for changing the volume of my denon receiver. Canā€™t use the option ā€œloop until stopā€ anymore because it brakes the automation somehow. Without this option enabled I have to spin the knob very very slowly.
In HA v2024.9 with ā€œloop until stopā€ enabled it worked so perfectly! Is there a workaround to make it work again in the newer HA releases?

Thereā€™s an issue on the Redux repo here: Bug - E1744 rotates continuously with light brightness or media volume Ā· Issue #25 Ā· lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints Ā· GitHub
(I havenā€™t made a redux forum post yet, if we get a fix for it, I can?)

Anyone got a solution to get the rotation to work?

My issue seems to be that this doesnā€™t get defined:

{{ (states(helper_last_controller_event) | from_json).a if
    helper_last_controller_event is not none and
    (states(helper_last_controller_event) | regex_match("^\{((\"a\":
    \".*\"|\"t\": \d+\.\d+)(, )?){2}\}$")) else "" }}

Hi - It may be worth raising a issue here if you are using the new repo: GitHub - lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints: A curated collection of automation blueprints for Home Assistant.

The only other issue we have raised right now is that the spin will not stop - rather than it not working before.


I also see your trigger_action is rotate_left. This does not match the mapped action value in the blueprint which is brightness_move_down. I manually changed the action value for rotation in the blueprint to the values reported by the device. Started working with these changes.

          - rotate_left
          - rotate_stop
          - rotate_right

After the latest Z2M update to version 2.0.0 the blueprint was broken.
As i see, the ā€œZigbee2MQTT) Controller Entityā€ is deleted therefore the whole automation wonā€™t run at all.

Any ideas?


Did you read the release notes before updating?
There is a fairly active thread now with a lot of details how to fix it for those who didnā€™t read before clicking.

Yes i did read the release notes and since im not an advanced user, i didnā€™t understand what exactly i had to change in the automation to run again.

Right now, i just restored the previous version and works as it should be and i will check it again.


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I created a sensor from the new event value to use it in my blueprint that wants only a sensor entity. Works for me!

What i have done: Added Sensor in configuration.yaml

How do add Sensor from Event:

Create a Sensor from Event Values in Home Assistant

This guide shows how to extract values from an event entity and display them as a sensor in Home Assistant.

Example Configuration:

# Add to configuration.yaml
# Template sensor to display event_type from an event entity
  - sensor:
      - name: "Event Sensor"
        state: >
          {{ states.event["your_event_entity_id"].attributes.event_type if "event_type" in states.event["your_event_entity_id"].attributes else "unknown" }}
          friendly_name: "Event Sensor"
          icon: mdi:gesture-double-tap


  1. Replace your_event_entity_id with your actual event entity ID (e.g., event.ikea_symfonisk_schwarz_action).

  2. Add the configuration to your configuration.yaml or template.yaml file.

  3. Restart Home Assistant.

Now you have a sensor that dynamically updates with the event_type of the specified event entity.

I tried to do this, it appeared but didnā€™t seem to work lol.
Will the blueprint be able to be updated to follow the new rules or it will it likely be removed?

I sure hope itā€™s not removed; Iā€™ve got 8 of them

Search around, I bet if you turn on Legacy action triggers it will work again. Under the Home Assistant tab in the :gear: menu in the Z2M UI.


That worked!

Thanks. This is the easiest way to get stuff working again.