šŸŽ® ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control Universal blueprint - all actions + double click events - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

What a pityā€¦ This blueprint is really useful, itā€™s a shame it keeps getting broken. What are the alternatives?

Hi guys.
I have since the update (2023.5.x) yesterday also problems with the Blueprint and the SYMFONISK sound controller (E1744).
I can no longer stop the volume control. Either the volume moves to 0% or to 100%.

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Unfortunately, I find it difficult to understand the script.
However, the helper sends a slightly different format since the update. Before the update there was always a space after the colon, after the update this has disappeared.
I have no idea if this affects the function, but thatā€™s what I notice.

After update:
Bevore update:
{"a": "brightness_stop", "t": 1683004163.070071}
{"a": "brightness_move_up", "t": 1683004162.884988}
{"a": "brightness_stop", "t": 1683004163.070071

For ZHA the strings from the button presses that are expected with the working version are this:

button_left_long: hold_3329_0
button_left_release: release
button_right_short: press_256_13_0
button_right_long: hold_3328_0
button_right_release: release
button_up_short: 'on'
button_up_long: move_with_on_off_MoveMode.Up_83
button_up_release: stop_with_on_off
button_down_short: 'off'
button_down_long: move_MoveMode.Down_83_bitmap8.0_bitmap8.0
button_down_release: stop_with_on_off

Can someone with the current non working version share what is seen while pressing the buttons? Maybe we can fix the strings and get this working again.

Im nog using zha but z2m, but maybe if you explain a bit I can show the non working for z2m and when it all comes together we can solve it.

Btw, not working with 2023.5.2 either, as expected

Hi folks,

On Github, LordSushiPhoenix has already published a solution to the problem.
If you donā€™t want to wait until all controllers.yaml have been adapted, you can help yourself. All you have to do is to remove 3 spaces in two lines. See link.

After the change, automation must be restarted

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Cool, it seems a detail but spaces matters. Good catch, I would never found with limited knowledge about this programing language and debug capabilities. Once again the community comes to the rescue. :blush:

I took a look at the code and although it fixes the problem with the latest HA version, it doesnā€™t include my previous fixes. Check my posts for more information about this.

I will have a look at the ā€œspaceā€ changes and add them into the pull request. If everyone can test when Iā€™ve done it that would be appreciated.

To make things easier for me and maybe others, I created a project fork to include my fixes and eventually others. You can check the fork here: GitHub - lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints: A curated collection of automation blueprints for Home Assistant.

Update: Answering to myself and others, the LordSushiPhoenix fix prevents the blueprint from working because the space evaluation is needed in the pre 202305 Home Assistant versions. Since I didnā€™t install the 202305 HA version yet I donā€™t know if it works or not.

What is the best way to deal with the amount of forks for this controller?

I think there needs to be consolidation - I have one linked to the pull, you have one and theres another one that was created generically alongside other controllers.

Donā€™t get me wrong - I have no issue with your fork - Iā€™m actually quite grateful for it.

What is the best course of action for my pull request? Either we can close it and create a new pull request using your fork, or is there a way to change the fork the pull request is based from?


Blueprint schema - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io) Can you add a min_version to the blueprint? It will stop the blueprint from being imported/run on versions that are unsupported.

Like I said, the fork was for my own control. What is needed from my point of view is someone to step forward and that can maintain the code in a single repository. The original developer canā€™t spend the time now and we need someone to step in for him.

Since your pull request precedes my fork I think for the sake of simplicity and if you agree, you can update your pull request and keep things simpler. When someone steps in as a maintainer it will be easier to merge the changes.

I donā€™t have the means to test the change provided by LordSushiPhoenix with the latest HA release, I canā€™t take the risk of breaking my working environment now. If someone can test it, I can provide de controller file with my changes and LordSushiPhoenix changes.

Thatā€™s fine, I can update my fork.
Is the current version on your fork with or without LordSushiPhoenixā€™s space changes? I am running 2023.5.0 at the moment.

EDIT: Itā€™s without. I will add the space changes and test.

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Hi @LewisSpring Iā€™m not good at this developer stuff since Iā€™m not one. Meanwhile, I created a branch on my fork that include LordSushiPhoenix space fix and added also the minimum version:

2023-05-06 15_46_11-Settings ā€“ Home Assistant ā€” Mozilla Firefox

Great, thanks.
I did the same on my fork, but other than the description it is the same.

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Hi, did you had the opportunity to test? Thx.

Iā€™ve only tested it briefly but it seems to be working quite well so far.
A lot more reliable than previously.

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I still have the same problems with this latest version as the old one.
The longpresses doesnt work. If I hit the repeat longpress until released its just stuck in a loop that does nothing until the max loop iterations are hit.

Anyone else facing this problem as well? The long press event for left and right button works great, but the release doesnā€™t seem to be recognized. Working with Z2M and before my vacation it worked fine. Now not anymore.

My helper content is this: {"a":"arrow_right_release","t":1684267057.099719} which seems good, right?