ZHA - IKEA Symfonisk sound controller for media (the spinny one)

@amplitur: I considered such extensions, but they require to track state in the blueprint (what was done during the previous event). That is why the awsome blueprints require to create input helpers per instance of automation using the blueprint.
I liked the original Seamus blueprint because it’s simplicity. Therefore I decided to stick to that concept and only made the number of steps and the sensitivity configurable.
Best Eric

Just another idea for this great blueprint -
Will it be possible to record rotation of the dial while the the button is pressed?
That way, you could for example control the volume of a media player while rotating regularly, and control dimming of a light when rotating while pressing.

What do you think?

It wont work.
I have tried that but since there is no release event of the button you can’t know the difference between a hold and a press.

It also doesn’t report rotation while depressed as far as I recall.

It’s a cheap and useful little controller, but it’s not a rotary encoder and even with a blueprint, it’s has some limitations that confine it to only very specific uses for me personally.

Thanks Eric! Let’s see when the Awsome Blueprints get fixed.

Late reply, but I’m not sure anyone else mentioned it.

This error in your log is not from the Blueprint featured in this thread, it’s from the one found here: 🎮 ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea E1744 SYMFONISK rotary remote Universal blueprint - all actions - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

Hey Guys,

Any assistance is appreciated here

Having an issue getting the sound remote sensors/entities to show up when paired with ZHA

Tried repairing multiple times but it doesn’t load the rotate sensors or button press sensors

Any tips to get this working in ZHA?

I can’t see what is wrong.
It’s there, isn’t it?

Listen for events in developer tools and see if it works.

Ahh i was misunderstanding how the control worked, blueprint seems to be working but any idea about how to get the battery % to show?

The battery comes and goes. ZigBee devices are sleeping most of the time.

Thanks a lot! This way of triggering works very fluently. Awesome

I imported the blueprint from the link in your post. However, I only see actions for double and tripple press. The single press and the rotations are missing. Any suggestions how to solve this?
Thank you

The single press is play/pause and the rotation is volume.

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Oh I understand, the actions are coded but not exposed for the user. Thank you

Installed this blueprint but i can only get the one push button to work.
In ZHA Logging i can see the turn is working.
Any ideas why it’s not changing the volume?

Just want to check if this is working as intended for me. I am only getting one volume step per rotation which makes this pretty painful for volume control. It would take me ages to change the volume using this as I would have to move the dial, let go and repeat that over and over again to move the volume a decent amount.
Is it expected for it to work like that or should it be continuously changing the volume as I rotate the dial? I have tried two different sound remotes, one on the latest version and one on an older firmware that was loaded on it out of the box. I have also tried controlling both my sonos speaker volume and my pc volume. Whilst it all works and I can change the volume, I have the above issue where it only registered a single input of me turning the dial rather than continuously input as I rotate it.

There seems to be a lot of old information out there, so I wanted to post my experience in February of 2023 with this controller.

I am running HA 2023.2.3 and using ZHA with a HUSBZB-1 dongle.

I paired the controller and added the blueprint to control my Sonos speaker, but nothing was working. I was expecting to see sensors or entities related to the volume and button in the Zigbee page of the controller, but I only saw the battery. I noticed the firmware was 0x21024631.

I enabled IKEA OTA updates for ZHA by adding the below to my configuration.yaml

      ikea_provider: true

I then tried to trigger the OTA manually, but nothing seemed to be working so I went to bed.

The next morning, the device was unreachable in HA. So I deleted it and added it again. Checked the automation created with the blueprint and used the specific entity of my Sonos speaker that is controlled by the Sonos integration (not Sonos Cloud which I use for TTS), and then things started working. I don’t know if this will break later, but as of now, pressing the button will pause/play and volume control works smoothly.

I did notice that overnight, the firmware did update and now it is running 0x23080631.


Has anyone succeeded to add and control media, with remote controller via Smartthings? I only use smartthings hub and philips hue hub for zigbee devices.

I’ve just opened the new gen2 and paired it with home assistant (using the skyconnect dongle)
apart from the two new buttons (single dot and double dots) giving the following error

2023-03-02 12:44:01.144 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0x125C:1:0xfc7f] Unknown cluster command 1 b’\x02\x01’
2023-03-02 12:44:02.020 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0x125C:1:0xfc7f] Unknown cluster command 1 b’\x01\x01’

I can’t seem to select the device using this blueprint (not used blueprints before so might be an easy fix)

It doesn’t seem to have registered it’s self as a remote, so i’m having a create an automation on the zha_event side.

Dude i had the exact same problem. The controller goes offline after a day and if you re-add it (i did this like 4-5 times already) it starts duplicating commands like crazy. Its really unusable.