ZHA Network Map Question

I still cannot get this to work. I’m on HA .108.3
I believe I have successfully installed zha_map as I have zha_map.scan_now as a callable service.
In Configuration->Lovelace Dashboards->Resources I have:
url: /local/zha-network-visualization-card/zha-network-visualization-card.js
as a javascript module

if I call my config dir (same dir where configuration.yaml resides) /config/
The path to the javascript is. /config/www/zha-network-visualization-card/zha-network-visualization-card.js

When I force the manual card to:
type: ‘custom:zha-network-visualization-card’
I get the error ‘Custom element doesn’t exist:zha-network-visualization-card’

I don’t need to have the Visual Studio Code add-on installed do I?

[Note, no longer relevant/required]


I also struggled. I have recommended an update to the instructions as follows:


  1. Install the zha-network-visualization-card lovelace card
  1. Add to your lovelace global config as type: module
  2. Add custom card (works best in panel mode): - type: ‘custom:zha-network-visualization-card’



  1. Put the zha-network-visualization-card.js Lovelace card that you will find at GitHub - dmulcahey/zha-network-visualization-card: Lovelace custom element for visualizing the ZHA Zigbee network into the [config]/www/zha-network-vizualization-card directory ether by copying it there or by using the file editor to create it with a cut and paste of the content.

  2. Add the Lovelace Resource with Configuration¦Lovelace Dashboards¦Resources¦⊕¦URL:/local/zha-network-visualization-card.js & Resource Type JavaScript Module¦Update.

  3. Add custom card (works best in panel mode) through Overview¦ ⋮ ¦Configure UI¦ New Tab + ¦Give it a Title and any other options & select Panel Mode. Open this new View which will be empty, at the bottom right click the + for cards window. Choose the manual card type and a card configuration window will open, this is where you will add type: ‘custom:zha-network-visualization-card’. Save and exit UI configurator

  4. Optional: Restart Home Assistant. Once its back go to Developer Tools then open the Services tab and choose the zha_map.scan_now service and click call service button. Check logs for details

New map card should be there.


Credit due to JonG for his post above that put me on the right track. And to the makers of this. A key part of making ZigBee usable. I hadn’t realised how limited it is in range, and therefore how many router type devices are needed.

Hope this helps.

I’m on 108.6 and have done what you did. I have the scan service, made the resource and the manual map card still says unknown resource.

edit: I had to remove the quotes when adding the card.

Let me know how that goes. I’ve tried all the standard stuff. I put the .js file in the www folder itself and referenced it there. I made the entire www folder 777 permissions. Nothing seems to work. I just tried entering the card without the tick quotes and it still isn’t working here.

I have confirmed that zha-map runs. But I don’t think it matters since it says it simply cannot find the .js file… did you say you may know another method to force it? Maybe via configuration.yaml?

Lovelace resource handling (for custom cards) changed in 107 - most people now need to add the resources in configuration -> Lovelace Dashboards -> resources

@Richdem. I’m getting similar result like yours. In visualization card I got 2 red link, zooming in the graph show LQI 85 and 117, but on the ZHA Network card, the LQI column were all 255. which one should I believe ?

I’m using HUSBZB-1, HA v0.109.4, zha_map v0.11, visualization card (Jan27), zha-network-card (May04)

I deleted the ZHA Map,

It really caused my Home Assistant to slow to a crawl. I use only the zha-network-card and would suggest it is more accurate.

It would be nice to have the map function but I can live without it

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Hate to say it, but I had the same experience as Richard. zha-network-card works great. Muddled through zha-map install, and not only did the card act pretty flaky (I got circles for my devices, but no lines at all), but everything about my HA (docker) install started running like crap. Every section of the interface either didn’t load or would spin for a while before loading. Deleted the map component based on Richard’s comment and everything started running fine immediately.

I only have 4 devices moved over from Hubitat so far, so it wasn’t a network size issue or anything.

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i have the same, when the card is loaded, ha runs like crap, load spinning etc.

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Same issue here. After install a lot of errors on page loads from different pages. Uninstalled it all, and it works great again. Same small zigbee network as the post above. I’ve added the network card, no issues so far.

I’m very confused!

Does the ‘zha-network-card’ need ‘zha-map’ to display a zigbee mesh, or are they two independent and different addons for displaying maps?

Also, where’s ‘New Tab’ in ‘Configure UI’ and doesn’t the HACS Frontend Zha Network Card install the card?


I’m running a HUSBZB-1, 3x Ikea Tradfgri signal repeaters and a bunch of Xiaomi devices. Here is the error I get when I try to run the zha_map.scan_now service

2020-11-11 14:41:56 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.548128199920] 'EZSPCoordinator' object has no attribute 'neighbors'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/commands.py", line 125, in handle_call_service
    await hass.services.async_call(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py", line 1308, in async_call
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py", line 1343, in _execute_service
    await handler.func(service_call)
  File "/config/custom_components/zha_map/__init__.py", line 66, in scan_now_handler
    await builder.preempt_build()
  File "/config/custom_components/zha_map/__init__.py", line 125, in preempt_build
    await self.build()
  File "/config/custom_components/zha_map/__init__.py", line 138, in build
    nei = await Neighbour.scan_device(device)
  File "/config/custom_components/zha_map/neighbour.py", line 78, in scan_device
    await r.scan()
  File "/config/custom_components/zha_map/neighbour.py", line 83, in scan
    for neighbor in self.device.neighbors:
AttributeError: 'EZSPCoordinator' object has no attribute 'neighbors'

Just in case someone on an older version finds this thread.
As of HA 2020-12.1 zha network visualization is built into the ZHA integration.


Then select the visualization tab at the top of the page


Wow really,

That’s great. I’ll definitely take a look at this

This is simply brilliant.

I can clearly see how all my devices connect and that my Ikea plugs are working perfectly as repeaters :slight_smile:

I have some visualisation problems related to EndDevice devices see Problem with ZHA network visualization
Any advice welcome

I have this weird urge to print this out and put it on the wall lol

The Wife might say otherwise though :slight_smile:


Anyone know why in my map all the lines are green, even the low quality ones?

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Good evening everyone, it’s been a week since I embarked on the adventure of zigbee devices and I have a question regarding the ZHA map, I would like to integrate it into my dashboard on the page concerning the zigbee part (where I show sensor states, and battery levels), from what I read with the old zha-map it was possible to do this, having to go to the settings every time and then to the integrations seems to me a little cumbersome, and at least for the first time to check the signal levels and how the devices connect to the repeaters and the quality of the signals, so far I got around the obstacle with a custom tab with the url of the “map” page that I see in the configuration, is there a cleaner way ??

maybe the solution is under my nose, but I don’t see it

thank you

ita ahow a picture or just list ?
, thanks