I recently acquired a Sonoff Zigbee bridge and Tasmotized it to run ZHA and this setup seems to absolutely kill the batteries in the Tradfri remote and Tradfri On/Off switches.
These switches are eating a new battery in less than 24 hours. However, if I unpair them and stick them on a Tradfri bridge, the batteries stay at 100% for several days (so far).
I first noticed this issue with the Sonoff/ZHA setup with the Tradfri remotes right out of the gate - the Tradfri Bridge was just added a few days ago to test battery life with the same remotes on a different bridge than ZHA and to make sure the devices had the latest firmware.
Two days ago I put brand new batteries in a remote on the ZHA and another identical remote on the Tradfri bridge with a new battery. 24 hours later and the ZHA attached remote was down to 19% and the one on the Tradfri bridge was at a solid 100% battery level.
I then swapped the remotes between the two systems to see if there was perhaps an issue with one of the remotes - put new batteries in and started the test again. 24 hours later and the ZHA connected remote was at 21% and the Tradfri connected remote was at a solid 100% still.
So, that rules out any differences between the two remotes as both had 100% on the Tradfri and only around 20% on the ZHA after 24 hours.
I also have a Sonoff door sensor on the ZHA bridge and it has stayed solid at 100% for several weeks. Additionally, I have a Tradfri PIR device on the ZHA bridge and it has stayed at 100% battery for over 2 weeks so far. The issue seems to be limited to only certain Tradfri device types.
I’m not sure why the Ikea devices depleted a full battery in 24 hours when connected to ZHA and hardly nothing is consumed when those devices are on the Tradfri bridge.
This has been driving me nuts for the past couple of weeks and I have a pile of dead batteries that have been drained by the Tradfri remotes on ZHA.
I found a discussion that talked about adjusting some of the polling settings on the devices - tinkered with that for a bit and noticed little or no difference.
I’m happy to provide any additional details if anyone has any ideas why this might be occurring?
I’d like to get it resolved and have decent battery life on the ZHA bridge devices and turn off the Tradfri bridge again. ZHA has better options for what you can do with the Tradfri devices vs what the Tradfri bridge and Ikea app can do.
However, the Tradfri HA integration is extremely easy to get working and not kill batteries. Don’t really want to run both bridges forever though.