ZHA-Wiser 4-Button Wireless Wall Switch

Blueprint to use the Schneider Electric Wireless 4 button wall switch as a remote using ZHA Events

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Blueprint to use the Schneider Electric Wireless 4 button wall switch as a remote using ZHA Events

Add seperate actions for each button function.
Supports single-press and long-press for each button, total of 8 useable functions.
Action after long press stop can be used, but recommended to have it set as “Stop automation” to avoid infinite loops

Works for: Wiser Exxact Battery-powered Wireless Switch 4 button
Model nr: WDE002924 (WS5001)
(ZigbeeID: FLS/SYSTEM-M/4)
Platform: ZHA

  name: ZHA-Wiser 4-Button Wireless Wall Switch
    'Blueprint to use the Schneider Electric Wireless 4 button wall switch as a remote using ZHA Events

    Add seperate actions for each button function. 
    Supports single-press and long-press for each button, total of 8 useable functions.

    Action after long press stop can be used, but recommended to have it set as "Stop automation" to avoid infinite loops

    Works for: Wiser Exxact Battery-powered Wireless Switch 4 button

    Model nr: WDE002924 (WS5001)

    (ZigbeeID: FLS/SYSTEM-M/4)

    Platform: ZHA
  source_url: https://gist.github.com/dlundgren44/d3e93fa47fd4045e9f04b900f0d42a46
  domain: automation
# Inputs

      name: Schneider Wiser Wireless wall switch
      description: 'Wall switch to be used to controll the lights. 
      Must be a Wiser Exxact Battery-powered Wireless Switch 4 button
      Model number: WDE002924'
          integration: zha
          manufacturer: Schneider Electric
          model: FLS/SYSTEM-M/4
          multiple: false
      name: Upper Left Button single press
      description: Action to run when single press on upper-left button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Upper Left Button long press
      description: Action to run when long press on upper-left button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower left Button single press
      description: Action to run when single press on lower-left button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower left Button long press
      description: Action to run when long press on lower-left button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Upper Right Button single press
      description: Action to run when single press on upper-right button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Upper Right Button long press
      description: Action to run when long press on upper-right button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower Right Button single press
      description: Action to run when single press on lower-right button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Lower Right Button long press
      description: Action to run when long press on lower-right button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Left Button Stop after long press
      description: Action to run after long press on left button
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Right Button stop after long press
      description: Action to run after long press on right button
      default: []
        action: {}

mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent
- platform: event
  event_type: zha_event
    device_id: !input wiser_ZHA_device-ID
- variables:
    command: '{{ trigger.event.data.command }}'
    endpoint_id: '{{ trigger.event.data.endpoint_id }}'
    args: '{{ trigger.event.data.args }}'
- choose:
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''on'' and endpoint_id == 22 }}'
    sequence: !input LHS_Up_short_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''move_with_on_off'' and endpoint_id == 22 }}'
    sequence: !input LHS_Up_long_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''off'' and endpoint_id == 22 }}'
    sequence: !input LHS_Down_short_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''move'' and endpoint_id == 22 }}'
    sequence: !input LHS_Down_long_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''on'' and endpoint_id == 21 }}'
    sequence: !input RHS_Up_short_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''move_with_on_off'' and endpoint_id == 21 }}'
    sequence: !input RHS_Up_long_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''off'' and endpoint_id == 21 }}'
    sequence: !input RHS_Down_short_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''move'' and endpoint_id == 21 }}'
    sequence: !input RHS_Down_long_press
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''stop'' and endpoint_id == 22 }}'
    sequence: !input LHS_Hold_stop
  - conditions: '{{ command == ''stop'' and endpoint_id == 21 }}'
    sequence: !input RHS_Hold_stop
1 Like

Thank you for this. Works very well, did try your dimming Blueprint as well and it works good. :+1:

Do you know if possible to get the small LEDs working on the Switch? It’s never lit up for me, except when paring. I would be cool if they would light when turning the switch on.

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

I dont know if there is a way to control the LED actually, but perhpas there is a cluster that corresponds to it. I am also using the Schnieder main powered unit that can controll lights by hardwire and by zigbee, and these have the same lights and always light when the switch is on, and turns of when switch is off. For a battery powered unit it differs, since you can programm every button however you like so the unit itself doesnt know if the light is on or not. But yeah, there is probably some way to do it, i just dont know how

LED cannot be controlled because it’s battery powered - i asked Schneider Electric today (you get pretty fast responses using their online chat)


Thanks you. Finally I can use my wiser buttons :slight_smile:

1 Like

does this also work ?

af Schneider Electric

Is there any way to control the wired dim switch as well? all the blueprints doesn’t seem to include this unit?