šŸ§Æ ZHA - Xiaomi Cube Controller

And the event log, due to new-user upload limits:

Are you using my blueprint? Those logbook entries donā€™t look familiar.

Also I recommend only the action mode for ZHA. The interview profile is too far off for the scene mode to be functional in ZHA. There is a link above to the zigpy issue asking for this to be fixed and I would appreciate everyone giving it a thumbs up or finding someone that can figure out how to change the interview for this cube. Scene mode on this cube is broken, and the action mode is handicapped with a couple of functions missing and a couple of others not available.

It really only works properly in Z2M.

Well, feeling dumb. User Error.

I was 100% using your blueprint at the end - but I had loaded at least 4-5 others during testing of various issues. Reloading my configs, issue resolved - yours fires events as set up.

The Logbook still only shows the ā€œface anyā€ event, but the correct changes occur.

As the docs say, you can add the template sensor and pull that sensor to the dashboard to see what the blueprint thinks is happening real time. It helps a lot when setting things up.

I canā€™t get tis working


  • trigger:
    • platform: event
      event_type: cube_last_action
    • platform: event
      event_type: zha_cube_last_action
    • name: ā€œCube Last Actionā€
      unique_id: cubelastaction
      icon: mdi:eye-refresh-outline
      friendly_name: ā€œCube Actionā€
      state: >
      {{ trigger.event.data.friendly_name }} -
      {{ trigger.event.data.action }} -
      {{ trigger.event.data.side }} frm
      {{ trigger.event.data.last_side }}Preformatted text

state unavailable what do I need to do to fix this sensor code

Perhaps could you edit that for me do lit looks like it does on your screen?
It may be a matter of indenting or something.
How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

It should be looking exactly like this, and Iā€™m thinking you have sensor: indented wrong.
HA_Blueprints/Samples/Cube_Last_Action_Template_Trigger_SAMPLE.yaml at c05d6fb431c1d84cb145c7d6dd5ffe5a60b1d9e2 Ā· SirGoodenough/HA_Blueprints Ā· GitHub.

thanks but I tried to put that code in my templates.yaml and got errors so I download your yaml file and uploaded it to home assistant folder it creates sensor but still says unavailable ill keep trying I would love this working maybe ive miss something

According to what you have above, you did not copy it correctly. The indentation is off, and this is very important.
See what mine in my working config file looks like:
Home-Assistant-Config/templates/trigger/ZHA Cube Last Action.yaml at d0068d87b4036406bb6a19d257bf6cf695331c85 Ā· SirGoodenough/Home-Assistant-Config Ā· GitHub.

I canā€™t help you id you donā€™t copy the stuff I give you correctly.

Just wanted to type out an appreciation for this helper/automation. Worked great, really enjoy.

Thank you for this.

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NEW VERSION available today

:bookmark_tabs: Changelog

  • 2024-06-04: Blueprint Input Sections for enhanced Descriptions.

First a HUGE thank you to you Sir_Goodenough for all the time & effort you have put in and for sharing this great blueprint!

Second, Im not sure if its me, but the blueprint lists actions for faces 0 to 5ā€¦ it took me a long time to realise that my cube is numbered like a dice : 1 through 6ā€¦ so I was testing with an automation on ā€œside 5ā€ and nothing was workingā€¦ but then realised in fact ā€œside 5ā€ in the blueprint actually refers to my cube with dice number 6!! Hope this may help someone in the futureā€¦



Like @inghaj mentioned, the Cube T1 Pro has dice face number markings printed on to each face of the cube.
These markings are different to the face numbers defined in this blueprint. This easily leads to confusion when setting up automations with this blueprint and the Cube T1 Pro, since all the side number actions have to be translated from the blueprintā€™s number to the cubeā€™s printed number.

It would be great if this blueprint could be updated to support the correct face numbers as marked on the Cube T1 Pro. I imagine this would need to be a configuration to optionally enable alternate cube face numbering, so that existing automations are unaffected.

The faces on the cube are marked like this:

Cube T1 Pro Marking Blueprint Face Number
Logo (1) 0
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5

Iā€™ve raised this as an issue on your GitHub repo too for tracking.

This is on my list of fix items, Or I think it is.
Feel free to add an issue in my GitHub for it if it isnā€™t, as I plan to look at it.
Then I canā€™t forget it (again) and during a major overhaul is the time.

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