ZHA Zigbee Tested Devices...Please add your device results

Not sure if someone answered this I was out of town.
HUSBZB-1 plugged into a raspberry pi 3
This one does Zwave & Zigbee devices

Entry in configration.yaml running on HASSIO v0.73.1

You want the ZHA setting for this not the zigbee that is commented out
uncomment the Zwave if you want it. I only run zigbee devices.

#---- Setup Z-Wave Zigbee USB Adapter

#Nortek/GoControl Z-Wave & Zigbee USB Adapter HUSBZB-1
  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB1
  database_path: /config/zigbee.db
#  database_path: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/zigbee.db

#  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0


Hope this helps.

Thanks @walt - helpful insight.

Contrary to what I said in my last comment, I don’t actually need to reboot. As you note, just calling the homeassistant.restart service is good enough to get everything working again. . . for a while. I might need to do something like your error watchdog.

I think I’m going to file this as an issue against bellows, since that is the last call made before the error. Error messages like the one in my message 389 are the only zha-related items in my log, except for the usual startup issues.

No success so far for Xiaomi Human Body Sensors in combination with the Elelabs USB Zigbee Adapter.
Only the lx sensor is working, motion does not.

Enable bellows debugging, reproduce the issue and open a issue with bellows. It is either something wrong with bellows or zigpy.

I had this happen once, but couldn’t reproduce it.
To enable logging, under logger: in configuration.yaml add
bellows: debug
bellows.zigbee.application: debug
homeassistant.components.zha: debug

Correction. Either set debug as a global logging level or in configuration.yaml
default: info
homeassistant.components.zha: debug
bellows: debug
bellows.zigbee.application: debug
zigpy: debug
For some reason you are running out of available sequence numbers. Normally for each request sent, there’s a sequence number associated with it, which should be pop-ed out upon receiving a response or a timeout.

I’ve got one to play with. By default it does show as a switch and for whatever reason, I could only turn it off. In UI it would turn on, but there was no reaction from the vent itself.
But, if I override it to the light, then I can control On/Off and Level just fine.
and immediatly responds to level changes.
This is what I had to add to configuration.yaml. I’m giving my whole section, but you just need to add the lines starting with device_config:. Make sure the identing is right and you are not mixing spaces with tabs.

  baudrate: 57600
  usb_path: /dev/ttyS1
  database_path: /zigbee.db
       type: 'light'

and here’s bellows devices output:

  NWK: 0x6a9d
  IEEE: 00:0b:57:ff:fe:92:e5:a8
    1: profile=0x104, device_type=DeviceType.LEVEL_CONTROLLABLE_OUTPUT
      Input Clusters:
        Basic (0)
        Power Configuration (1)
        Identify (3)
        Groups (4)
        Scenes (5)
        On/Off (6)
        Level control (8)
        Poll Control (32)
        Temperature Measurement (1026)
        Pressure Measurement (1027)
        Diagnostic (2821)
        Manufacturer Specific (64513)
        Manufacturer Specific (64514)
      Output Clusters:
        Ota (25)

But maybe we should add zha.DeviceType.LEVEL_CONTROLLABLE_OUTPUT: 'light', to DEVICE_CLASS definition in homeassistant/components/zha/const.py, although it is not really a light, but you could override the icon through customization, right?

Thanks @Adminiuga - I set up the verbose debugging like you suggested, and here’s the result:


(that’s a pastebin-like link, for those who might be woried)

These are excerpts, the first one being an error during setup, and the other two being errors that appear when a remote button is pressed to turn a light on. So I have excerpted from the log entry that recognized a remote button press all the way up through the error and traceback.

Any ideas, anyone?

I got In Ceiling Light Controller to work by forcing it as light.
Thank you for your advice

ahh the -1 did the trick. I tried end points 3 and 8 and neither worked. Thank you!

yep, the “key” for the devices like light, outlet is in the form of <IEEE_ADDRESS>-<Endpoing #> and for single cluster devices, like temperature, pressure sensor the key for the device is in the form of <IEEE_ADDRESS>-<Endpoint #>-<Cluster #>

Now if someone could tell how one can change the zigbee channel with such a setup, it would be great.

@rafale77 not sure it is possible to change the channel, currently. I think coordinator picks a channel
when it forms a network, but I don’t know what are the conditions to force it to jump onto another channel during operation. From Silabs materials I was reading: don’t use channel bonding in 802.11n WiFi, use only 20MHz channels, not the 40MHz ,
I’m running three APs on channel 1, 6 & 11, so was expecting quite the interference from WiFi, but even the furthest zigbee router does report the coordinator in its neighbor table, which surprised me, because coordinator is in the metal rack in the basement.

How are you querying the neighbor table?

@wixoff My Zigbee setup has been going nuts lately - similar issues as you. Have you had any luck?

I have the HUSBZB-1 and Senled LED Bulbs and a few Iris outlets (as repeaters). My error log is full of “Updating zha sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30” and “Unexpected message send notification” that pops up 2-3 times a minute. I’m unable to control any zigbee devices as well. If I reset HA, the bulbs work again for a bit, but then this same error pops up. I just tried deleting my zigbee.db and re-added all the bulbs after a factory reset. Hopefully that does the trick. Anyone else encounter this?

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There is an ongoing issue on the Bellows side that has dozens and dozens of responses all with similar symptoms. The consensus there seems to be a large batch of faulty adapters. In your case, as you were working for a while, I would try reverting back to an older home assistant version which will give you an older version of bellows. If you don’t have the issue there then it’s a software issue but if you do have the issue there it’s a hardware issue.


Things did work flawlessly from version 59 of Home assistant thru 66 or so for a number of months. That leads me to think it’s software related. When I updated to version 69 or so, problems immediately surfaced. It’s right about the same time zigbee devices started returning wattage usage.

I did try deleting my zigbee database and re-adding all my devices. That seemed to have helped but my error log is still getting slammed.

Yeah, I have gone through the reset-delete-repermit dance a couple of times. Reset all the bulbs and sensors, delete zigbee.db, and add everything back. It doesn’t seem to help me.

Honestly, I have never had 100% luck with zha (one device or another will become unresponsive after days or weeks), but what I had before was MILES better than what I’m seeing now. And yes, I think it started for me around the bulb-wattage feature addition too.

Next steps: (1) try to update the firmware on all my Lightify bulbs; and (2) try to minimize overlap between 2.4 GHz WiFi and Zigbee via channel selection.

I should look at the bellows commits between a couple of months ago and now, too, to see if anything jumps out at me.

Anyone know if battery level for zigbee devices will be supported in the near future. I think I saw something in some of the posts above that required changing some lines of code, just wondering if there are plans for it to be officially supported? For me I have two main brands of zigbee devices (Iris, and some older Smartthings sensors). They all work well, but would love to get battery, one of batteries died, and I did not notice. Its an old motion sensor I just use in my garage fridge for temp readings, so I missed it.

I downgraded to v0.67.1 and zigbee appears to be working better. In version 0.68.0 bellows was updated to v5.2 hence I chose 0.67. I’m getting some other random errors, but I think that may be due to the downgrade. I’ll report back with additional feedback.