ZHA Zigbee Tested Devices...Please add your device results

Just hooked up the supported USB zigbee stick and have tried a few devices. Thought I would provide the results of the devices I have and open up to others to add theirs as well.

Lowes Iris Motion Sensor(Gen2) - Both motion and temp working. Motion as binary sensor and temp as sensor.

Cree Connected - Working

GE Link Connected - Working, initially didn’t appear to be working but after resetting and permitting it showed up fine.


I have the Iris Contact sensor (gen 2) working


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Lowe’s Iris Gen1 Motion - FAIL

Lowe’s Iris Gen1 Smart Plug - FAIL

Lowe’s Iris Gen1 Contact - FAIL

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Osram Lightify RGBW A19 bulb (US) NOT WORKING:

I can add the bulb through the zha “Permit” service in HA, and the zigbee.db file gets updated and the light blinks indicating successful inclusion, but bulb never shows up in the UI, can’t be controlled, and the HA log shows this:

2017-05-07 11:49:57 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Message on unknown device 0x6183
2017-05-07 11:50:15 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Message on unknown device 0x6183
2017-05-07 11:50:40 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Message on unknown device 0x6183
2017-05-07 11:50:58 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Message on unknown device 0x6183
2017-05-07 11:51:49 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zdo] [0xd63d:zdo] Unsupported ZDO request 0x0036
2017-05-07 11:51:55 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Unexpected message send notification
2017-05-07 11:51:55 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] Data remains after deserializing ZCL frame
2017-05-07 11:51:55 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.device] [0xd63d] Message on unknown endpoint 1
2017-05-07 11:51:55 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Unexpected message send notification
2017-05-07 11:52:19 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last): File "uvloop/future.pyx", line 372, in uvloop.loop.BaseTask._fast_step (uvloop/loop.c:112669) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/device.py", line 38, in initialize epr = yield from self.zdo.request(0x0005, self._nwk) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/application.py", line 259, in request v = yield from asyncio.wait_for(reply_fut, timeout) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/asyncio/tasks.py", line 404, in wait_for raise futures.TimeoutError() concurrent.futures._base.TimeoutError

Per my thread: Trouble with new ZigBee zha component and Osram Lightify RGBW bulb

I can confirm cree connected working, however it does not currently work with light transitions in my setup. Not sure if this is an issue with just the cree connected lights or all ZHA component lights since I don’t have any other lights to test. Can anyone else confirm this as a general ZHA issue with lights?

“Light transitions” being on/off via automations? The Cree Connected I have is working correctly via automation (on by motion sensor, then off by timed script in appdaemon).

I’m referring to transitions as shown on this page and used in automations. I have tried using it in order to make the on/off fade slower but the transition attribute does not seem to change the fade up/down time. Does it work for you?

  • GE Link A19 – Working.
  • Visonic MCT-340 E Open/close working. An unknown second sensor appears with no value. No battery life or tamper switch info is available.

Don’t know how to factory reset my Hue bulbs to attempt to pair them. Touchlink from the Hue hub doesn’t help.

Sercomm contact sensor
Sercomm smart Plug
Sercomm motion sensor

Iris contact sensor
Iris motion sensor
Iris water sensor
Iris temperature sensor

Climax technology water sensor
Climax technology smoke detector
Climax technology smart Plug

All working

I can confirm that transitions didn’t work for me either with a Cree Connected bulb, just immediately turns on or off.

Philips Hue color bulbs - working
Philips Hue dimmer - working

How to switch bulbs and dimmer from Hue hub to HA:

  1. Delete bulbs and dimmer from Hue app.
  2. Press and hold setup button on the back of the dimmer under the LED turns green. Once released, LED will slow flash amber. This resets the dimmer.
  3. Hold dimmer near bulb while pressing and holding the on and off buttons simultaneously until the bulb finishes flashing. Repeat for each bulb. This resets the bulbs.
  4. Ensure dimmer is still flashing amber. Call zha/permit service in HA. The LED on the dimmer should automatically turn green indicating it paired with HA.
  5. Hold dimmer near bulb while pressing and holding the on button until the bulb finishes flashing. Repeat for each bulb you want to pair with the dimmer.
  6. Restart HA and the bulbs should be listed!
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The Hue dimmer is the little remote/switch thing, right? I don’t​ own one and was hoping to be able to reset the bulbs without buying a remote just to reset the bulbs. But it is good to know there is at least one way to reset them.

Yes, it’s the one with on/off/dim/brighten buttons, not the Hue tap which is the round scene controller remote. The Lutron connected bulb remote is another option (NOT the Lutron pico remote). You can reset the bulbs by holding the brighten and off buttons I think. It’s also a little less expensive than the Hue dimmer and it fits in a decora switch plate.

To add Iris devices did you just simply reset the devices then go to services ->ZHA -> Permit? My HA seems to be able to see them tries to add them then they leave the network

“2017-05-22 22:02:50 INFO (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Device 0xd549 (00:15:5f:00:b4:4c:e4:84) left the network”

Would like to understand how you add them?

Yep, just reset them (the ones I have blink blue I believe when searching for a network after being reset) and then run the permit service in HA. I had better success doing one sensor at a time.

Visonic MCT-340 E Window/Door Switch: Working

Got them from: https://www.mydigitaldiscount.com/visonic-window-or-door-sensor-for-samsung-smartthings-mct-340e/

Not Working- Bosch Security Motion Sensor PIR Pet Immune for Samsung SmartThings and other Smart Hubs with Zigbee Wireless - ISW-ZPR1-WP13


HA finds it but then leaves the network

484_5, new_state=<state binary_sensor.bosch_iswzpr1wp13_b44ce484_5=off; friendly_name=Bosch ISW-ZPR1-WP13, device_class=motion @ 2017-05-23T17:15:20.478345-04:00>>
2017-05-23 21:15:28 INFO (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Device 0x3f9f (00:15:5f:00:b4:4c:e4:84) left the network

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Not working OSRAM SYLVANIA iBR30 Light

“Left the network” similar to bosch motion sensor.

Smartthings Motion Sensor (2015) - working - connected as CentaLite 3325-S.

i can also confirm that Iris Motion V2 is working.

The above ‘working’ means that i see motion and temperature. Unfortunately, there is no Battery status and i get a lot of

2017-05-24 08:58:15 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Unexpected message send notification 2017-05-24 08:58:17 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] Unknown cluster 64582 2017-05-24 08:59:01 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] Data remains after deserializing ZCL frame 2017-05-24 08:59:01 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] [0x0a1d:1:0x0500] No handler for cluster command 1 2017-05-24 08:59:02 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] [0x0a1d:1:0x0500] No handler for cluster command 0 2017-05-24 08:59:03 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] [0x0a1d:1:0x0500] No handler for cluster command 0 2017-05-24 08:59:04 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] [0x0a1d:1:0x0500] No handler for cluster command 0 2017-05-24 08:59:59 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] [0x0a1d:1:0x0500] No handler for cluster command 0 2017-05-24 09:00:44 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] [0x0a1d:1:0x0500] No handler for cluster command 0 2017-05-24 09:00:57 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] [0x0a1d:1:0x0500] No handler for cluster command 0 2017-05-24 09:02:38 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Unexpected message send notification 2017-05-24 09:02:39 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] Data remains after deserializing ZCL frame 2017-05-24 09:02:39 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.endpoint] [0x0a1d:1] Message on unknown cluster 0x0019 2017-05-24 09:02:42 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.zcl] Data remains after deserializing ZCL frame

GE Link bulbs - 4 connected; first two were recognized immediately, the other two had difficulties (time-out errors) and required HASS restart.

Cree connected bulb…working show’s up as ZHA xx xx xx xxx, how can I rename this to something meaningful?