ZHA Zigbee Tested Devices...Please add your device results

I believe this is already in a ZHA event. I’ll double check this weekend.

I’ll check on this.

I had a hunt around, but couldnt find anything on the vibration sensitivity. Are you able to share a link or something for us? My washing machine is only picked up intermittently at the moment.

And I checked for events from the vibration sensor and got nothing when tilting or rotating it

Door Lock support in ZHA broke this… not the fault of the contribution though… Xiaomi implemented this device on the door lock cluster for some reason. Regardless, https://github.com/dmulcahey/zha-device-handlers/pull/124 fixes the missing events.

In the config panel for ZHA select the device and then in the cluster picker pick the “VibrationBasic” cluster. From there, select the sensitivity attribute in the attribute picker.

The values are as follows:

0x01 = High sensitivity level
0x0B = Medium sensitivity level
0x15 = Low sensitivity level

Decimal equivalents:
1 - high
11 - medium
21 - low

Enter one of these values in the value field and then enter: 4447 in the manufacturer code field.

In the end you should have something that looks like this:

Tap / click set Zigbee attribute and then press the button on the device to ensure it’s awake. That should do it…


I just moved all of my hue bulbs to ZHA this weekend, and they worked great. I used my hue dimmer to reset them. I have not been able to add my remotes though. I am able to get the battery for the dimmers, but nothing more than that. I did have them added months ago using the custom hue component, but have not used it in months.

These should issue events. There will be no entities for them

Hey David – Thanks for all the continued hard work on ZHA. I moved over to the web socket API for monitoring the zigbee network and it’s been working well – Would it be possible to add battery percentage to the WS API as well?

That’s on sensors… shouldn’t be a need to… just use hass.states and filter by zha battery sensors

Are the events supposed to be zha_event? Should I see it as an option here

When I “add” the hue dimmer remote this is what comes up

[0x0000:zdo] ZDO request ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req: [60, <Bool.false: 0>]
[0xbf28:1:0x0019] ZCL request 0x0101: [0, 49887, 31, 469783312, None]
[0xbf28:1:0x0019] No handler for cluster command 1
[0x24c4:1:0x0019] ZCL request 0x0101: [1, 4673, 48, 11, 0]
[0x24c4:1:0x0019] No handler for cluster command 1
[0x3b7e:1:0x0402] ZCL request 0x000a: [[<Attribute attrid=0 value=<TypeValue type=int16s, value=255>>]]
[0x3b7e:1:0x0402] Attribute report received: measured_value=255
[0xbf28:1:0x0019] ZCL request 0x0101: [0, 49887, 31, 469783312, None]
[0xbf28:1:0x0019] No handler for cluster command 1
[0x24c4:1:0x0019] ZCL request 0x0101: [1, 4673, 48, 11, 0]
[0x24c4:1:0x0019] No handler for cluster command 1
[0xbf28:1:0x0019] ZCL request 0x0101: [0, 49887, 31, 469783312, None]
[0xbf28:1:0x0019] No handler for cluster command 1
Device 0x144d (00:17:88:01:02:1a:82:21) joined the network
Device 00:17:88:01:02:1a:82:21 changed id (0xfc90 => 0x144d)
Checking quirks for Philips RWL020 (00:17:88:01:02:1a:82:21)
Considering <class 'zigpy.quirks.smartthings.SmartthingsMultiPurposeSensor'>
Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {1, 2}
Considering <class 'zhaquirks.gledopto.soposhgu10.SoposhGU10'>
Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {11, 13} {1, 2}
Considering <class 'zhaquirks.lutron.lzl4bwhl01remote.LutronLZL4BWHL01Remote2'>
Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {1, 2}
Considering <class 'zhaquirks.netvox.z308e3ed.Z308E3ED'>
Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {1, 2}
Considering <class 'zhaquirks.osram.a19twhite.A19TunableWhite'>
Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {3} {1, 2}
Considering <class 'zhaquirks.philips.rwl021.PhilipsRWL021'>
Found custom device replacement for 00:17:88:01:02:1a:82:21: <class 'zhaquirks.philips.rwl021.PhilipsRWL021'>
skipping discovery for previously discovered device: 00:17:88:01:02:1a:82:21 - is rejoin: True
Philips RWL020: started configuration
Philips RWL020: channel: zdo-Philips RWL020_ZDO async_configure stage succeeded
Philips RWL020 channel: power-0x1e16:2:0x0001 async_configure stage failed ex: 
Philips RWL020 channel: event_relay-0x1e16:1:0x0006 async_configure stage failed ex: 
Philips RWL020 channel: basic-0x1e16:1:0x0000 async_configure stage failed ex: 
Philips RWL020 channel: event_relay-0x1e16:1:0x0008 async_configure stage failed ex: 
Philips RWL020 channel: scenes-0x1e16:1:0x0005 async_configure stage failed ex: 
Philips RWL020 channel: basic-0x1e16:2:0x0000 async_configure stage failed ex: 
Philips RWL020: completed configuration
Philips RWL020: stored in registry: ZhaDeviceEntry(name='Philips RWL020', ieee='00:17:88:01:02:1a:82:21', last_seen=1565037121.0558877)
[0x144d:zdo] ZDO request ZDOCmd.Device_annce: [0x144d, 00:17:88:01:02:1a:82:21, 128]
0xda51:1:0x0b04 async_update
0xa799:1:0x0b04 async_update
[0xebed:1:0x0402] ZCL request 0x000a: [[<Attribute attrid=0 value=<TypeValue type=int16s, value=2195>>]]
[0xebed:1:0x0402] Attribute report received: measured_value=2195
[0x2dd8:1:0x0402] ZCL request 0x000a: [[<Attribute attrid=0 value=<TypeValue type=int16s, value=2199>>]]
[0x2dd8:1:0x0402] Attribute report received: measured_value=2199
0xa799:1:0x0b04 async_update
0xda51:1:0x0b04 async_update
[0xa799:1:0x0006] ZCL request 0x000a: [[<Attribute attrid=0 value=<TypeValue type=Bool, value=Bool.false>>]]
[0xa799:1:0x0006] Attribute report received: on_off=Bool.false
[0xa799:1:0x0b04] ZCL request 0x000a: [[<Attribute attrid=1291 value=<TypeValue type=int16s, value=0>>]]
[0xa799:1:0x0b04] Attribute report received: active_power=0
[0x3b7e:1:0x0402] ZCL request 0x000a: [[<Attribute attrid=0 value=<TypeValue type=int16s, value=256>>]]
[0x3b7e:1:0x0402] Attribute report received: measured_value=256
[0xda51:1:0x0006] ZCL request 0x000a: [[<Attribute attrid=0 value=<TypeValue type=Bool, value=Bool.true>>]]
[0xda51:1:0x0006] Attribute report received: on_off=Bool.true
[0x7ab4:zdo] ZDO request ZDOCmd.Match_Desc_req: [0xfffd, 260, [25], []]
[0x7ab4:1:0x0019] ZCL request 0x0101: [1, 4673, 48, 11, 0]
[0x7ab4:1:0x0019] No handler for cluster command 1

What’s in the logs when you press buttons?

On that screen subscribe to zha_event then press buttons on the remote

So I have two dimmers, one is working

    "event_type": "zha_event",
    "data": {
        "unique_id": "0x212b:1:0x0006",
        "device_ieee": "00:17:88:01:02:d4:35:36",
        "command": "on",
        "args": []
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2019-08-05T22:44:54.028253+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "edda8e7d34d94f3d92d925b4b6af258c",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

the other does not show anything when subscribing to zha events or adding to zha. But it does show as a battery. I’m going to try pulling the battery? Thanks for your patience, apparently one is working and the other is not. :slight_smile:

Edit: Remove the hue dimmer from ZHA (not just a reset of the remote) and readded. It’s now working as expected! Thanks again. Now to get it to do something. ha ha

Np, glad it’s working!

@ptdalen Im really interested to see if you have any issues with the Hue Dimmers in regards to zha_events not being triggered after some time. Ive raised an issue that Im working to reproduce so that I can capture the logs where the dimmers work well for quite a long period (~1 week) and then it looks like they re-join the network and something about them changes (ID perhaps) that causes zha_events to not be created on button presses (even though the device is connected). If you experience this, let me know and or contribute to this ticket

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What am I doing wrong with this for the hue dimmer

- alias: Shelf Lights On
  - event_data:
      command: on
      device_ieee: device_id_here
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
  - data:
    entity_id: light.right_shelf_lights
    service: light.turn_on

2019-08-05 19:17:30 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [automation]: expected dict for dictionary value @ data[‘action’][0][‘data’]. Got None. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/automations.yaml, line 2633). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/

try adding ident of two spaces to everything after action: line:

- alias: Shelf Lights On
  - event_data:
      command: on
      device_ieee: device_id_here
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
    - data:
      entity_id: light.right_shelf_lights
      service: light.turn_on

So I have this automation, it does not error and if I trigger it manualy it works, but the zha event is not triggering the event,

- alias: Shelf Lights On
  - event_data:
      unique_id: uniqueID here
      device_ieee: device ID is here
      command: on
      args: []
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.right_shelf_lights

this is the event

    "event_type": "zha_event",
    "data": {
        "unique_id": "uniqueID here",
        "device_ieee": "device ID is here",
        "command": "on",
        "args": []
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2019-08-06T11:36:46.593258+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "0babe7e13c27430db273026056931ef5",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

I’ve tried a few variations, but none seem to trigger

Remove unique_id and args from the trigger.