ZHA Zigbee Tested Devices...Please add your device results

I will and try again, I actually had it removed earlier and it still did not trigger, so I added it. Maybe I had other typo’s though. Thanks

Removing those lines was part of the fix, but until I put the ieee address in quotes (not sure why), it did not work for me. So for anyone else working on a simple automation for the hue dimmer

- alias: Shelf Lights On
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_ieee: "device ID here"
      command: "on"
  - service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.right_shelf_lights

@dmulcahey - I just wanted to throw a quick shout out to you and what you’ve done with zigbee/zha over the past 6+ months. I have nearly as many zigbee devices now as Zwave, And moving all my hue devices over was seemless. Thank you!


Thanks. @Adminiuga deserves just as much credit if not more. Without the amazing work he did to stabilize the radio libraries non of this would be possible.


I would also like to thatnk @dmulcahey and @Adminiuga! When I started using the zha integration it was a shadow of what it is today, with most devices I use not working, and the ones that did work were unreliable.

Today I have a ton of different devices from different manufacturers, and I know that if I buy a new device that isn’t supported, I can either hack a quirk together to get it working, or rely on this forum to get it working.

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What are you guys using for Zigbee? I have a Nortek HUSBZB-1 and for the most part it works but every now and then I will have 3 or 4 lights go offline for no reason that I can see and the only way to get them back is to factory reset them and them add them back into HA. Sometimes I can go a couple of weeks without this happening then all of a sudden back it comes.

I tried to see if there are any firmware updates for this stick but drew a blank. Would love to hear if there is a more stable Zigbee solution out there. The Z-Wave is rock solid

what kind of lights are going off line?

All of my lights are the Ecosmart brand from Home Depot, Some of them have never gone offline at all.

ah, have not tried them I have a lot of osram lightify bulbs that like to fall offline a good bit.

I have the same issue. Lights randomly go Unavailable. Used to be able to restart HA to get them (or some of them) back. That didn’t work the last couple of times. Had to remove, reset, and re-add the bulbs.

I’m using IKEA bulbs and the HUSBZB-1.

Speak of the devil, I have a couple that went Unavailable in the past 24hrs but have come back:

What Zigbee controller are you using out of interest?

Same as you (just edited my post above)

Anyone reading this that has the Conbee Zigbee stick? I wonder if this is more reliable

Oh another issue I’ve had lately is that lights show as off when they’re on. I had one light showing as off every other hour on the hour, when it was in fact on the whole time.

The images I pasted in my 2nd last post shows Living Room Light 3 and Front Hall Light as off when in fact both are on. Restarting HA shows them correctly now.

I’ve seen that a few times a toggle usually fixes it.

New bulb I just added last night which is one of the newer Ledvance manufactured lightify bulbs.

I had to reset and re-pair it.

I’m using the same stick.

For all of you with bulbs that go unavailable or that are occasionally showing incorrect states: are there any errors in the logs? Any warnings? part of me wonders if there are firmware issues on some bulbs. They only go offline if there are no reports for 2 hours. As for state flipping: enable debug logging and post the unedited logs. I wonder if the light is reporting this on its own.

Since 0.96 some of my devices have gone unavailable as well. These devices have been working fine for months before that, so I’m not sure what’s going on. One of the devices is only 3 feet from the coordinator USB stick so it’s not a strength issue, and it’s not going through any routers.

It seems like when they go unavailable they get “stuck” there. Like it caches some value that then causes it to never get updated ever again.

I haven’t had the time to do a proper debug log, sorry…

I’ve just updated to 0.97 and enabled debug logs so hopefully I’ll have something helpful to post if the issue still exists

Is there any fix for waxman/leaksmart water sensor? I have it connected and it reports temperature. However water sensor isn’t reported. Clusters 0B02 and FC02 are listed as unknown?

As do I. The Osram bulbs will go “unavailable” and usually stay in that state until manually re-joined. Very rarely, one will join back up on its own. Adding some non-Osram routers in the vicinity seemed to help this problem but not eliminate it - I can now go a week or two with no dropoffs.

This is really the only remaining problem I have with ZHA, and I’ll echo the others for saying thanks to @dmulcahey, @Adminiuga, and others who have contributed to this very solid and versatile integration. Not too many months ago it was working poorly, and now it’s almost great!

I’ll check the debug logs to see if there are any hints.