ZHA Zigbee Tested Devices...Please add your device results

Thanks for following up; I did try it for both those attributes, the problem seems to be that setting anything to a different value doesn’t stick. When getting the attribute, either the old value or ‘none’ is returned.

The window_covering_mode is currently set as 0, the config_status is reporting as bitmap8.64|32|16|8|2|1 now, and it gives errors in the logs when I try to set it to anything like 127 or 123 like we did before.

I’m currently trying / thinking of two things;

  1. checking if the zigbee.set_cluster_attribute service acts differently and maybe does set these settings. This is not yet working for me, since all cluster and attribute ids have to be provided as numbers, while they are displayed as 0x0017 etc everywhere, and I’m unable to find a converter for that. I know the window covering cluster is 0x0102, and I do have a working sensor that uses 13 for that same value, but there is no converter online giving me those values.

  2. Stopping home assistant, plugging the Conbee into my computer, and editing the cluster values from there. The deconz application shows descriptions for every cluster and attribute like in the table you’ve posted. I believe it also allows you to check and uncheck options and will handle the conversion in the background, so if that is working that sounds like the easy way to go.

config_status attribute id 0x0007 is a read only attribute, so cannot be changed. The other one 0x0017 should be read/write. The IDs are UI are hexadecimal, so 0x0017 == 1 * 16 + 7 == 23 decimal. Cluster id of 0x0102 == 256 * 1 + 16 * 0 + 2 == 258 but double check the math with google.

To change the motor direction you would need either to set or reset bit0 of the current value for 0x0017 attribute. In other words if the current value of that attribute is an “even” number just add a 1 to it (sets bit 0), otherwise just substract 1 (reset bit 0) and try setting the value.

If it is xiaomi, then the device may have to be awaken by pressing any buttons on it. Check the log if you get any “DeliveryFailed” errors with the address of the device.

So I was going to use the web interface to create a zigbee group for my lights. I have over 26+ sengled E11-G13 lights. When more then just the ones I want to add are turned on it is hard to see which light it was. They say a picture helps. Is there anyway to get this to show the friendly name or customized name?

I think you need to customize the name in the Dev panel for the Device Zigbee device, the actual light entity is a child of:

I stil have the same issue with my newly paired Xiaomi Aqara virations sensor.
Only a binary sensor is available and it doesn’t show up in the zha_event but does react to a state change for most action. A drop seems to trigger a zha-event but a vibrations triggers a change-state and no zha-event.
Any way to solve this?

Since I haven’t seen any mention of it the Axis Gear Blinds Motor does work in “Smart Home Hub” (Zigbee) mode.

CentraLite 3326-L not working after update.
Running HassOs on a RPI3
Have 4 of these and they have worked perfectly for a long time.
Just updated to 109.3 and it did not fix the issue.
First noticed they stopped working when updated to 109.1
but was waiting to see if they got fixed.

Tried doing the reconfigure option in the zigbee integration menu and
it looks like they show up can see the RSSI but none of my automations
with them are working.

Anyone else have these and found a fix or have the same issue.

Pulled the batt from each sensor for 10 seconds put back in and then
did ZHA add devices and it found them.
Did it one at a time and now they are working again.

The last received Aqara Temp/Hum dont report the battery state… Any idea ?

Merci beaucoup !

Unable to set blue color on Ledvance bulbs. Can only assume issue lies within deconz communication.

i do have the following event with an Aqara Wall button but i can’t get the automation working. Because there are 2 events i need the args.

Gebeurtenis 1 afgevuurd 21:33:
    "event_type": "zha_event",
    "data": {
        "device_ieee": "00:15:8d:00:01:5f:24:d1",
        "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:01:5f:24:d1:1:0x0006",
        "endpoint_id": 1,
        "cluster_id": 6,
        "command": "attribute_updated",
        "args": {
            "attribute_id": 0,
            "attribute_name": "on_off",
            "value": 0
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2020-05-27T19:33:57.257341+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "ba083a020ada4abdb6d5f8593de1eca6",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null
Gebeurtenis 0 afgevuurd 21:33:
    "event_type": "zha_event",
    "data": {
        "device_ieee": "00:15:8d:00:01:5f:24:d1",
        "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:01:5f:24:d1:1:0x0006",
        "endpoint_id": 1,
        "cluster_id": 6,
        "command": "attribute_updated",
        "args": {
            "attribute_id": 0,
            "attribute_name": "on_off",
            "value": 1
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2020-05-27T19:33:57.256923+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "08a6e439603842cca1b598e50f47c967",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

tried serveral options, who knows how to get the args: value 1 in the automation?

You can try the EventSensor integration, listen to zha_event and the subkey ‘value’ to create a sensor which can be used in an automation.

doesn’t make this complexer as it is? it seems to be just that value, without the value it is triggering, but turning lamp on and directly off again. seems logic to me as the event is occuring twice.

i fixed it. do not use only the value in the args. but use all the args. working now:

- alias: Switch Keuken
  initial_state: on
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        command: attribute_updated
        device_ieee: 00:15:8d:00:xx:xx:xx:xx
          attribute_id: 0
          attribute_name: "on_off"
          value: 1
    - service: switch.toggle
      entity_id: switch.kitcehn

I’ve been running Keen Smart Vents, been working great. Back in December I upgraded to .103 and shortly after battery life went from 6 months to 1 month. I’ve updated through each build hoping it may resolve over the last 6 months, now on .110.3, think its time and have time to troubleshoot this.

Does anyone know what may have happened or how I can start troubleshooting this? I’ve added a bunch of other Zigbee lights, Sylvania and Sengled, maybe one of these is super chatty and killing them?

go back to 0.102. and see if you get the same battery life. If you added new lights, could be vents changed their parent device, but still shouldn’t affect life that drastically.
Check the changelog for 0.103 and see what changes to zha lights were there

Has anyone found a way to expose the “long press” on the Phillips Hue Dimmers? It appears the same as short press for some reason. Deconz does not have this problem.

This is what I get for both short and long press on the same button:

INFO event_monitor: zha_event: {‘device_ieee’: ‘00:17:88:01:08:0b:4b:a0’, ‘unique_id’: ‘00:17:88:01:08:0b:4b:a0:1:0x0006’, ‘endpoint_id’: 1, ‘cluster_id’: 6, ‘command’: ‘on’, ‘args’: }

Hi guys, I am thinking of migrating from Deconz to ZHA (using Conbee 2 stick) as it’s a painful and long process - is it possible to have 2 Conbee sticks installed at the same time? Will that work just fine? So I can migrate my devices one by one, or maybe only connect devices that do not work with Deconz and run bot sticks permanently.

You can run both at a time, just use serial-by-id device path, otherwise I’m not sure how to make sure deCONZ picks the same stick every time.

For most mains powered devices, you should be able to rejoin them to ZHA just by powercycling them. Battery operated devices gonna be more problematic, but try removing and re-inserting the battery, this should trigger ZHA to query the device and save into its database.

I have a question.
Which one is the “best” (easily available) Zigbee device coordinator, with Home Assistant in mind?

I have:

  • CC2531, fantastic support through zigbee2mqtt, should be sperimental with HA. Bad signal reception / emitting, support router but I don’t think that it will handle a lot of devices. Never tried with ZHA actually.
  • Zigate, on the paper should be the best, but it just have one active developer, and we couldn’t ask more from him.
    Zigpy support is very bad, it’s erroring all the time and it does not support routing AFAIK, it randomly die and it always die after a zha scan for the zha map plugin, groups / pairing remotes with lights or groups never works, it’s almost alpha stage.
  • Silicon Labs EZSP: nice price, this is a commercial device and external quality is quite good, no needs flashing custom firmware for me (I bought a 20 EUR Bitronvideo AV2010/10 from Amazon, new, and it worked out of the box). It seemed perfect in the beginning, until I tried my Xiaomi thermometer, and they were just ignored during the pairing process.
    Routing works, and ZHA map show a very good and well populated map. I could easily bind my Tradfri ON/OFF Switch with groups of lights.
    This integration actually had OTA really working, I was not able to update with OTA with zigate but here worked automagically.

Have you got any suggestion, with HA in mind?

My map (without the 2 thermometers):

With ZHA the ezsp based radios are the most widely tested.
Xiaomi are always fun to pair, may need a few attempts and keep device awake while pairing. Unless it is a very new Zigbee 3.0 xiaomi, just try again and try moving xiaomi closer to another router or coordinator. I don’t think there were many reports about xiaomi temp sensor pairing