Zigbee AM43 Blind Controller in deConz but not HA?

I’ve got a AM43 Blind Controller that is Zigbee and Tuya only. Tuya control doesn’t work, as it relies on being paired to a Zigbee gateway first.

I’ve managed to get the device paired, and showing up in deConz, but Im not sure how to get it from here into Home Assistant. Its showing up as a Home Automation Smart Plug. Any suggestions?

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Thanks for sharing but I’m wondering how you made this even happen? I’m trying to pair it to deconz (conbee II) within HA since two days - without any success.

Honestly, I have no idea :joy:
Try adding it as a switch from Phoscon to engage the pairing process. Might show in deconz then

crazy :joy: so I don’t need to push any buttons? And we are talking about the same controller (see picture)?

Yep that looks it. You have to put it in pairing mode first, and then try adding it as a switch in Phoscon. It won’t show up in phoscon, but it should appear in deconz

Ok, sorry for misusing your thread but I’m still not sure which activates the pairing mode since I could only find information about adding it to Tuya via Wifi which does not need any pairing mode I guess. However, do I have to long-press the SET button until the red LED shows up or which sequence activates the pairing mode?

Did you get the ZigBee version? There are multiple versions but the one I have is ZigBee. If so, just follow the pairing mode to the tuya ZigBee hub

It was confusing because there are both stickers on the device (Tuya + ZigBee). After doing some research and taking a look inside, I can confirm it’s the ZigBee version (red board).

However, it’s not working at all, neither within deconz nor within phoscon or anywhere else. Have you checked https://github.com/binsentsu/am43-ctrl ?

The Tuya version is Zigbee, it means its needs the Tuya ZigBee hub.

It doesn’t actually work with HA yet as deconz doesn’t expose it, but it does show up. Theres a PR for it on the deconz repo so support is coming oon


I’ve just been looking at the Tuya Zigbee blind motor. I’ve got a ConbeeII running in the Zigbee integration. Is the Tuya blind motor going to work? I’m pretty new to using Zigbee, always been z-wave mainly.

I have trouble pairing my device as well. But if I am not mistaken you paired it as a switch instead of a light and then you saw it in deconz app and not in the phoscon app. I would really want this to work…

Does it still need to install DeConz/RESTAPI to work?

EDIT: it is discoverable in ZHA integration. No battery status, no percentage slider working but up/down/stop works

I have the exact same AM43-0.45 Zigbee blinds. How do you put these in Zigbee pairing mode? Is there a specific button sequence that I have to press?

Press SETTING and DOWN butttons together for 3 s, as the User Manual says.

Whats soon? I have this device… but no function:

I migrated to z2mqtt and there it works.

Thanks for responding. Do you have a conbee2 and was is easy to switch from?

ConbeeII and no problem with switching.

actually I think is SETTINGS and UP button, I see the device blinking, buit in DECONZ I should add it as SWITCH or LIGHT or?

Hi, I have this now in DECONZ (nothing in PHOSCON), now what to do to have it in HA?