Zigbee & third reality device off-line repeated cycling & login failure

I’ve had this weird (to me:-) ) sequence of events. I’ve been discussing it with the ZHA team but it has its challenges and now I wonder if it is completely an integration issue or not. I do have this as an open issue on the zha integration page - but wanted to expose it to a broader audience in case anyone had some ideas.

The zha issue discussion is at (for further background):

I have about 20 zigbee devices, multiple brands and device types. Of those 20 - 10 are Third Reality Smart Power Monitoring plugs.

They worked perfectly for many months, and then they started going off-line and then back on-line. All of them at once , and all together each time. Nothing else goes offline though. Here is the log of them doing this:

2024-01-28 15:38 - goes offline for 21.9 hours
2024-01-29 13:35 - comes back online for .7 hours
2024-01-29 14:15 - goes offline for 52.2 hours
2024-01-31 18:24 - comes back online for 40.5 hours
2024-02-02 10:57 - goes offline for 110.5 hours
2024-02-07 01:24 - comes back online for 43.5 hrs
2024-02-08 21:05 - goes offline for 122 hours
2024-02-12 03:38 - comes back online for 31 hours
2024-02-13 10:00 - goes offline (time approx - might be with 2024.2.1 upgrade)

Nothing else seems to be happening when this goes offline or online - I can’t see any pattern of other events.

I just upgraded to 2024.2.1 today (Feb 13 2024) to give me the ota firmware upgrade capability - but I need the devices to be online before I can do a firmware upgrade - so I’m waiting for them to come back online sometime.

I’m skeptical about this being a firmware issue as I know of several instances (both personally and through online discussion groups) of people with similar configurations to me that do not have this problem. Matter of fact, it would appear I am the only person on any HA forum to have this problem.

Recently I noticed another item related to this, but I’m not if there is a cause & effect relationship here. The zha team asked me for the integration “download diagnostics” file from when the devices were online and when they were offline. When the devices were online, no problem, I got the diagnostics file and posted it to the issue forum. However, when these devices were off-line - I could not get a diagnostics file. Using a chrome browser session, it tried to download the file - but it reported that it didn’t exist. At the same time that I tried to do this, I got an HA notification of a failed login. I can repeat this behaviour - login error and no diagnostics file when these devices are off-line - all good when the devices are on-line.

And the log shows:

Logger: homeassistant.components.http.ban
Source: components/http/ban.py:129
Integration: HTTP (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8:59:12 AM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:52:04 AM

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from localhost ( Requested URL: '/api/diagnostics/config_entry/16f8552c2e8d924ff5a1b58eabde4e02?authSig=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3Mi…

I don’t know if the diagnostics file issue and the device offline issue have a cause & effect relationship (and which would be the cause side)- but they always occur at the same time.

One other piece of information - I am doing this all remotely. The house has been empty since November and will remain so until mid April. Thus I have certain limitations as to what I can do (i.e. I can’t physically touch or reset anything )

If anyone has any ideas on how to further troubleshoot this - I am all ears!


There is no such thing.
It’s ZHA (the builtin zigbee support) or Z2M (zigbee2mqtt, a 3rd party project).

From the bug report, I understand you’re using ZHA

You nailed it my opinion. ZHA gave me issue with ThirdReality. ZigBee2MQTT works fine.

Correct - I have edited and corrected.

What kind of third reality issues did your have?

I have this issue with Z2M. All plugs are on the latest .74 firmware. For example, a plug that is directly connected to my coordinator (SLZB-06M) with an LQI of 194 goes offline sometimes. Zigbee commands sent to it all time out. This also happens with plugs that are connected to other routers. Some plugs seem to get temporarily fixed if I unplug them and plug them back in.

Z2M reports all of my plugs as 3RSP02028BZ.

Weirdly enough, I’ve also found that restarting Z2M appears to help sometimes. Similarly, restarting my coordinator helps sometimes. Other times, nothing helps and the plugs are just dead to the world. I’m beginning to suspect that the rapid power cycling issue that was fixed in the .71 firmware may have caused other problems, because I don’t recall this happening with my plugs when they were on the older versions.

zwavejs-ui has a test release that supports z-wave LR, and I’m honestly quite tempted to just transition my problematic plugs to z-wave.

Edit: although it appears that it may be an issue with Z2M 1.35+: A LOT of traffic and errors after 1.35 upgrade - "No network route (205)" and timeouts · Issue #20526 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

I concur, I am seeing these 3rd Reality plugs disappearing from Zigbee2MQTT version 1.36.0 since doing the firmware upgrade to v1.00.74. Model : 3RSP02028BZ.

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