Zigbee2mqtt 2.0 different switches (Aqara/Xiaomi, Opple, Ikea, Lidl & Philips)

I created a blueprint based on information from different topics.
goal is to have one blueprint for all kind of different switches.

:newspaper: Todo:

  • Better readme
    – (how to identify event-types, how to update blueprint and how to add devices)
  • Collapsible based on choice what kind of switch you use. (a dropdown so the device options will be collapsed)
  • Other ideas from this topic. please feel free to ask this or give tips.
  • Article at gadget-freakz.com
  • Add switches (give the brand, model, and options/event types
    (in develop tools, like: event_types: hold, button_1_release, button_1_single, button_1_double, button_1_triple, button_2_release, button_2_single, button_2_double, etc. etc…)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Source is available at github, Feel free to contribute. :slight_smile::

Like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button below :+1:

Version: 0.9 :fire:

:warning:You must be on Zigbee2MQTT 2025.1 or later.

:wrench: Changelog:

Aqara WXKG07LM for DAVIZINHO (Aqara_switches)  

***Compatibility list:***
Aqara: Aqara (double) rocker, WXKG07LM, 
Aqara: single switches: WXKG12LM, WXKG01LM (single switch)
Ikea:  E1743
Lidl: HG08164 (single switch)
Philips: 929003017102, 929002398602, 324131092621

Buy Me A Coffee


don’t know if it’s possible to add icons like:
mdi icons:

because phu (Custom Brand Icons Finder) is not installed by everyone)

phu icons:


Very interesting blueprint. because the is a lot of post this days, and this blueprint maybe be the “best unifying solution”. maybe… :stuck_out_tongue:
Y have some aqara WXKG07LM
you can see here:
Aqara WXKG07LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

This is detected by the blueprint but in aqara section of your blueprint only apears “one click left” and “one click right”
But this rocker have this options:
single_left , single_right , single_both , double_left , double_right , double_both , hold_left , hold_right , hold_both

do you think its posible to implement this device?

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Great Blueprint, how about adding more Ikea switches?
And is there any chance to add philips hue switches as well?

I’m absolutely not aware of what is takes to make such a blueprint :slight_smile:

IKEA E2001/E2002 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
IKEA E1743 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
Philips 929003017102 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
Philips 929002398602 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
Philips 324131092621 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

Looking forward to your answer!

sure I will do that.

please provide:

the brand, model, and the event types (in develop tools, like: event_types: hold, button_1_release, button_1_single, button_1_double, button_1_triple, button_2_release, button_2_single, button_2_double, etc. etc…)

Hello. for the
Aqara WXKG07LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

The Brand is “Aqara”
The model is “Wireless remote switch D1 (double rocker) (WXKG07LM)”
The event types:
single_left , single_right , single_both , double_left , double_right , double_both , hold_left , hold_right , hold_both

if you implement this. callme and I can test quickly!

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I have added it. I can import it new but reimport (update doesn’t work) cannot find the issue.

@DAVIZINHO can you test ?

tested and works perfect!!! the model WXKG07LM in all their event types works like a charm!
thanks for your work man!

and i am testing the aqara single button.

I have some of this: WXKG01LM
Xiaomi WXKG01LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
the single click works fine.
But not apears more events.
And this model (WXKG01LM) have this events:
single , double , triple , quadruple , hold , release , many

And i have other button more: WXKG11LM
Aqara WXKG11LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
that have this events:
single , double , triple , quadruple , hold , release

I have other tuya switch (4 buttons). but i dont want to overload you!. jejeje


Nice that it works!! thank for testing.
will add them this week too :wink:

I hope this blueprint will grow and can replace or other specifics :slight_smile:

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I will create a little how to this week.
so everyone can deliver quite easy the event types a switches gave back. and I can easely add them.

Sounds great.
Here are the ones I requested:
IKEA E2001/E2002
on brightness_move_up brightness_stop off brightness_move_down brightness_stop arrow_left_click arrow_left_hold arrow_left_release arrow_right_click arrow_right_hold arrow_right_release

IKEA E1743
on , off , brightness_move_up , brightness_move_down , brightness_stop

Philips 929003017102
left_press , left_press_release , right_press , right_press_release , left_hold , left_hold_release , right_hold , right_hold_release , toggle

Philips 929002398602
on_press , on_hold , on_press_release , on_hold_release , off_press , off_hold , off_press_release , off_hold_release , up_press , up_hold , up_press_release , up_hold_release , down_press , down_hold , down_press_release , down_hold_release , recall_0 , recall_1

Philips 324131092621
on_press , on_press_release , on_hold , on_hold_release , up_press , up_press_release , up_hold , up_hold_release , down_press , down_press_release , down_hold , down_hold_release , off_press , off_press_release , off_hold , off_hold_release

Hope i got all the right information.

Thanks a lot! This blueprint helped me get my IKEA remote to work again.

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perfect, thanks for the contributions.
I no one else make a github contribution before this weekend, I will add everything this weekend.

philips can be tested if you wish :slight_smile:

This has the potential to be the best blueprint for various buttons/controls collections.
Would like to add the following, when you have the time.

IKEA E2201
on, off, brightness_move_up, brightness_move_down, brightness_stop

IKEA E1812
on, off, brightness_move_up, brightness_stop

IKEA E1524/E1810
toggle, brightness_up_click, brightness_down_click, brightness_up_hold, brightness_up_release, brightness_down_hold, brightness_down_release, toggle_hold, arrow_left_click, arrow_left_hold, arrow_left_release, arrow_right_click, arrow_right_hold, arrow_right_release

(Hope i got it right)
Thanks for an amazing job.

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Not sure if any other switches have also same problem than IKEA E2001/E2002
that dimming actually doesn’t work properly without special settings.
That’s why I made this: Another Ikea z2m Styrbar Programmable Dimmer.
All the buttons are easily implemented, but right functions not.

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gonna test en try this. thank you very much!

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I just noticed that when using your blueprint for the WXKG12LM from aqara. when restarting Zigbee2Mqtt all actions that are behind the event single are executed.

The result this morning was that lights and shutters had opened throughout the house.

If you could look into this, I have to honestly say that I wouldn’t know what would cause this.

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strange I don’t recognise this hmmm… gonna look into it.

I have found it

Can you change this