Zigbee2mqtt 2.0 different switches (Aqara/Xiaomi, Opple, Ikea, Lidl & Philips)

Sounds great.
Here are the ones I requested:
IKEA E2001/E2002
on brightness_move_up brightness_stop off brightness_move_down brightness_stop arrow_left_click arrow_left_hold arrow_left_release arrow_right_click arrow_right_hold arrow_right_release

IKEA E1743
on , off , brightness_move_up , brightness_move_down , brightness_stop

Philips 929003017102
left_press , left_press_release , right_press , right_press_release , left_hold , left_hold_release , right_hold , right_hold_release , toggle

Philips 929002398602
on_press , on_hold , on_press_release , on_hold_release , off_press , off_hold , off_press_release , off_hold_release , up_press , up_hold , up_press_release , up_hold_release , down_press , down_hold , down_press_release , down_hold_release , recall_0 , recall_1

Philips 324131092621
on_press , on_press_release , on_hold , on_hold_release , up_press , up_press_release , up_hold , up_hold_release , down_press , down_press_release , down_hold , down_hold_release , off_press , off_press_release , off_hold , off_hold_release

Hope i got all the right information.

Thanks a lot! This blueprint helped me get my IKEA remote to work again.

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perfect, thanks for the contributions.
I no one else make a github contribution before this weekend, I will add everything this weekend.

philips can be tested if you wish :slight_smile:

This has the potential to be the best blueprint for various buttons/controls collections.
Would like to add the following, when you have the time.

IKEA E2201
on, off, brightness_move_up, brightness_move_down, brightness_stop

IKEA E1812
on, off, brightness_move_up, brightness_stop

IKEA E1524/E1810
toggle, brightness_up_click, brightness_down_click, brightness_up_hold, brightness_up_release, brightness_down_hold, brightness_down_release, toggle_hold, arrow_left_click, arrow_left_hold, arrow_left_release, arrow_right_click, arrow_right_hold, arrow_right_release

(Hope i got it right)
Thanks for an amazing job.

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Not sure if any other switches have also same problem than IKEA E2001/E2002
that dimming actually doesn’t work properly without special settings.
That’s why I made this: Another Ikea z2m Styrbar Programmable Dimmer.
All the buttons are easily implemented, but right functions not.

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gonna test en try this. thank you very much!

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I just noticed that when using your blueprint for the WXKG12LM from aqara. when restarting Zigbee2Mqtt all actions that are behind the event single are executed.

The result this morning was that lights and shutters had opened throughout the house.

If you could look into this, I have to honestly say that I wouldn’t know what would cause this.

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strange I don’t recognise this hmmm… gonna look into it.

I have found it

Can you change this

done, hope this will work! :slight_smile:

ready to be tested!

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I really commend the idea but I do wonder if the Philips group is really appropriate. I have a bunch of Hue Dimmer V2 and to me, right and left does not make sense for them…

Possibly more intuitive to have various incarnations and name them after the Product name or at least add that to the model number? I know Z2M also uses the number and I keep wondering there, too…

You might want to add the below as a separate condition to ensure that unintentional triggers don’t cause the automation to run:

{{ trigger.from_state.state not in ['unknown', 'unavailable'] }}

Obviously, feel free to change state.state to state.attributes if it’s more suitable for this blueprint

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thanks ! will try that!

Implemented and tested! thank you very much!!

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Hey Remco, this is exactly the blueprint I’m looking for to automate lights with my Opple and Aqara WXKG07LM switches, moving away from the legacy action triggers. Thank you for creating this.

I’m on version HA 2025.1.2 and Zigbee2MQTT 2.0.0. ‘Home Assistant legacy action sensors’ is disabled. If I look at MQTT info for this switch the button presses are auto discovered.

automation_type: trigger
  hw_version: 20
    - zigbee2mqtt_0x00158d000593dc28
  manufacturer: Aqara
  model: Wireless remote switch D1 (double rocker)
  model_id: WXKG07LM
  sw_version: 3000-0001
  via_device: zigbee2mqtt_bridge_0x00124b00258cc1e4
  name: Switch double livingroom
  support_url: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io
  sw_version: 2.0.0
  name: Zigbee2MQTT
payload: single_left
subtype: single_left
topic: zigbee2mqtt/Switch double livingroom/action
type: action

I must be overlooking something very obvious, since everybody is able to use this blueprint in their automations. When I create a new automation using this blueprint, I cannot select anything in the drop down box ‘Switch to use’ (No matching entities found).

Does this not yet work through the GUI? Should I setup this up in YAML? If so, can someone provide an example.

What am I missing here? Thanks in advance!

I think I am also missing something - Z2M been working for ages. Entered the required Legacy actions sensors - But get “No matching entities found” when looking for switch’s. Its going to be obvious I know but I can’t see it at the moment.

He Remco! Lekker aan de home assistant? :stuck_out_tongue:
Gr Sicco

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Not finding any entities, am I doing something wrong or is there a bug?
HA updated, z2m 2.0 in use and three compatible ikea switches exist in my network and they report button presses when looking at z2m control interface.