Zigbee2mqtt: getting rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges (Xiaomi, Hue, TRADFRI)

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Hi, I have just updated Core to 2021.06.4 (from Core 2021.02.3) and zigbee2mqtt to v1.19.1-1 (from v.1.16.1). I notice these warning message are floating the HA logger. As I know, these errors starting to appear for some users starting Core 2021.04.

Upon further debug with MQTT explorer, I notice the update available and click topics are actually published by zigbee2mqtt. And it creates the update available and click sensor. Iā€™m not sure what are these sensors for as Iā€™m not using them at all and as I recalled, these sensors are not exist before the updates. Iā€™m just using the switch entities to toggle the switch all the while.

So, are the update available and click sensors is safe to remove? What are them for? Will removing these sensors will stop the warning messages?

Please advise and thanks.

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Source: helpers/template.py:1366
First occurred: June 13, 2021, 7:41:55 PM (1470 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:11:23 AM

Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'update_available' when rendering '{{ value_json.update_available}}'
Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'click' when rendering '{{ value_json.click }}'

Update available entities

Click entities

The switch entities that Iā€™m using

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I think that is indicating that there is a firmware update available - Z2M is increasing the devices it can update firmware on all the time.

After an upgrade to 1.19 I got this for some xiaomi devices [1] , but when I go to update them it doesnā€™t actually do so.

[1] These ones ZNCZ02LM

So you meant the update is failed and you are still seeing the same warning message in HA logger?

Yes, it doesnā€™t actually seem to update the device, I should file an issue.

I have similar plug as well. For now, I just disable this particular warning message in my HA.

Does anyone know a way to turn on pairing mode with using a service call? Unfortunately z2m doesnā€™t have service calls under Home Assistant, but perhaps there is something possible with mqtt service calls?

I want to create a button in my Lovelace dashboard that turns on/off pairing mode so users can pair a Zigbee device straight from Lovelace.

Any ideas?

There is a button in the z2m UI too.

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Thanks, I will read the docs!

Yeah I know there is a button in the Z2M UI. But thatā€™s my point. I want to create a button inside my Lovelace dashboard that enables/disables pairing mode, so a user doesnā€™t need to go to Z2M UI ;). Thatā€™s why I need a service call, so I can create a button card that sends a command to enable/disable pairing mode.

I have my Lovelace dashboard automated as well. Adding a new light to Home Assistant, automatically creates a button card at the correct location and is fully functioning. So the next step is for a user to be able to easily add a Zigbee device :slight_smile:

Edit: got it working with mqtt service call, thanks! Gonna create that button with a countdown timer soon :slight_smile:

Sounds like a good setup. I think you just need service: mqtt.publish to zigbee2mqtt/bridge/request/permit_join with payload {"value": true}

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I am sure you are smart enough to read it, but this seems to cover the timer

To allow joining for only a specific amount of time add the time property (in seconds). E.g. {"value": true, "time": 20} (will allow joining for 20 seconds).

With the latest zigbee2mqtt addon, Iā€™m still getting inaccurate battery % for my Aqara sensors. Is this expected?

Any workaround to report the battery accurately? There few instances that my sensors battery is low causing it losing connection and dropout and need to replace the battery to fix that. And zigbee2mqtt is still reporting 100% battery for these sensors.

Please advise and thanks in advance.

Itā€™s not that Z2M is reporting 100% battery, itā€™s that the devices are reporting 100% battery.

Aha. Itā€™s the hardware itself. If thatā€™s the case, then i will come out a formula myself and calculate the battery % based on the reported voltage.

Thanks for the clarification

I have came out a formula to calculate the battery % based on the reported voltage for Aqara devices. I have few Aqara which are still connected to Mi Home App and in that app, itā€™s actually reporting the battery percentage and voltage. I used the values from there and do an extrapolation and it seems the app treat 3.3V is at 100%.

Then, I create the template sensor with the extrapolated formula. I might need to tweak the variable from time to time to get more accurate value.

Here is the template sensor configuration for anyone who interested. You just need to replace the voltage sensor entity if you wish to use the same formula.

  - sensor:
      - name: "Dining Hall Motion Sensor Battery"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
		device_class: battery
        state: >
          {{ (0.2*(states('sensor.aqara_dining_msensor_voltage') | int) - (560| int)) | int }}

They are reporting not their own link quality, but overallā€™s path link quality, which might make more sense.

Think about this;

  • from coordinator to one router, it is 150
  • from router to end device, it is 200
  • overall path quality is 150, min(150,200)

If you are seeing that all of them reporting same, this can be the reason.


Iā€™m very pleased with Z2M for months now ! Great piece of software and lots of improvements (GUI,ā€¦) over the last year.

I have a question :
Iā€™m using Home Assistant 2021.7.3, Home Assistant OS 6.1, and Iā€™m suprised to see that my Z2M add-on is still in version 1.18.1-1.
Iā€™m using the satble release but Iā€™ve seen on GitHub that at least 2 or 3 more recent updates exist. I donā€™t have any update proposal.
In the Supervisor plugin directoty I have the following (not changed for months ):

Home Assistant Add-on: Zigbee2mqtt
Daniel Welch [email protected]

Which version do you guys use ?

Thanks !

The repository youā€™re using was archived long ago. This issue covers how to migrate to the correct, current, repository.

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Damnā€¦ I missed that !
Thank you very much for the answer. I will backup everything and update the repository.

I missed this too, so thanks for reminding :slight_smile:
Migration to the new repository went well with the steps, but I lost all my devices in the web (sidebar) and entities. Do you need to reconnect all again after? I just restored just to go back as I am remote at the moment, but wondered if that is the case.