Zigbee2mqtt: getting rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges (Xiaomi, Hue, TRADFRI)

It is paired, I can see that in de *.db file.
I just don’t see the devices in HA

This wont work as only ‘1’ side of the setup will have the boost.
The sensor units won’t be boosted and hence won’t benefit from the switch. You will be able to ‘broadcast’ from the co-ordinator at a greater distance, but that’s not really useful.
The only way to ‘cover’ you’re house is to add in routers to the chain and expand your Zigbee mesh.

Make sure you have

homeassistant: true

at the top of your zigbee2mqtt’s configuration.yaml, and where your devices have automatically been added underneath, give them a friendly_name:

    friendly_name: motion_kitchen
    retain: true
    friendly_name: motion_study
    retain: true

Also make sure you’ve got an entry in your homeassistant configuration.yaml to connect to the MQTT broker. Mine looks like this:

  broker: localhost
  port: 1883
  discovery: true
  keepalive: 60
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'online'
    retain: true
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'offline'
    retain: true

The last two entries are there just to send MQTT messages announcing when Home Assistant goes online/offline.

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the better antenna (better gain) and better sensibility will help in both directions.
more power when transmitting because of the higher gain
signal from “poor” sensor will also be higher because of the increased gain.

yeah the cc2530 doesn’t have the usb2ttlserial converter so you either have to use one, or if you use a PI you can directly wire it to the PI. (I would use the real UART on rpi3)

see https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/291

I’ve just replaced my cc2531 by cc2530+cc2591 (I managed to do it without repairing all the devices)
I’m waiting for my linkquality graphs to update and will report back

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Did you consider the CC2530 with RFX2401 (Supported-sniffer-devices). I bought one but haven’t got it going yet.

nope, I bought the one with cc2591 because it was cheaper :wink:
if it’s better I might bought one with rfx2401 but I’d rather buy a cc2538+cc2592 if I was to buy something :slight_smile:

Guys, does anybody know if there is a way to ping/monitor devices proactively? It would be very nice to know beforehand if something is down. Any idea?


I replaced cc2531 by cc2530+cc2590 2 days ago (around 10/8 20:00)
at noon (10/10 12:00) I replaced the default antenna by a cheap 9db one => failure :wink:
curves are from 2 osram plugs and one aqara sensor put in a freezer

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So a considerable increase in RSSI it seems! Are you running a router at all?

Thanks for the update, much appreciated!

Just out of curiosity, what’s your use case for the aqara sensor in the freezer? A notification if the freezer door is left open?

running 4 osram plugs (router) and 2 cc2531 routers, at the moment I’m still trying the best place to use them.
of these 4 osrams, 3 are only used as routers, there’s nothing plugged behind them 3.

Anyone using the GBAN dongle?

yep, the drawback is the battery doesn’t last long as there are much more temperature variations

Are you using a light/temperature sensor for the detection? Why not a door sensor?

Would that work? I don’t see any mention of Zigbee on the description page. If so it would be very interesting since it has an external antenna and doesn’t look like it would shatter if I accidentally bumped it like the CC2351 does.

it’s just a aqara temp/humity/pressure sensor, I have loads.
it’s not really about getting the door status, if for some reason there’s a problem with the fridge and freezer I also want to know if the food as been altered.
even if my main server runs on ups I doubt I’ll be able to keep it running long enough to monitor the fridge and freezer temperatures in case of a long power outage :slight_smile: (anyway, if this happens, when power comes back I’ll be able to get the temperatures)

Ahh, I see.

For my freezer I use the dumbest possible ‘sensor’: a coin sitting on top of a cup of ice that will drop to the bottom if the ice melts and re-freezes :slight_smile:


oh nice idea :slight_smile: wouldn’t work for a fridge tho :wink:

The same device on other seller pages shows as zigbee.

I’ve purchased one so will see how it goes. Still uses CC2530+CC2592 but USB makes it easier to manage.