I have 3 Ikea blinds set up in zigbee2mqtt as a group. HA sees the 3 individual blinds as well as the group as a cover object. I can open/close the individual blinds via cover commands in HA, but not the group. The MQTT messages HA is sending out look the same for the individual vs. group cover commands (aside from the name of the entity). Am I setting up groups wrong?
I’m having the same issue, did you ever figure this out?
Have you renamed the group within HA? This can cause HA to send the wrong name to Z2M and therefore Z2M doesn’t recognise it.
I am having the same issue with 1.39 and 2.0.0
covers in groups in Z2M do not save the position
so it simply will not work. I’ve seen a few issues on GitHub about this (one of them mine) but all go stale with no action.
I had to setup my covers as a group in Home Assistant directly, not in Z2M. The Z2M cover groups just never worked. HA cover groups have worked ok for me for the last few years but I understand it’s not ideal from an efficiency point of view
It could also be that the devices forgot that they belong to a group. The functioning group membership is stored on the devices only! The groups within Z2M are only for providing an interface to HA. You could try to re-add the devices manually or using this link.Groups | Zigbee2MQTT
Thanks, I’ve done this muplitplie times and I can see many people have this issue with no solution over the years.
It appears that only ‘state’ (not ‘position’) is retained in Z2M groups.