Zigbee2mqtt: show the networkmap in home assistant

I have the latest dev branch installed, whats the URL it uses?

The easiest way to get it is from the addon configuration page (where you start or stop the addon), you now have a new option ‘Open webpage’ or GUI or I don’t remember how it’s called. It’s the same behavior like any other addon with a GUI. :slight_smile:

Are you saying this ui is only available in the addon?

The embebbed network map works just fine!
No need for anything extra

No. I don’t use the add-on (I run zigbee2mqtt on bare metal on a separate Pi), but I have the UI. Just not in HA, I have to open a separate browser tab.

Thanks. I guess I need to update my docker image :slight_smile:

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I installed the Supervisor based z2m addon on my supervised try-thing-out machine, which is becoming my main HA machine. Plugged my co-ordinator in and repaired all my devices, and some new ones.

Very nice to have the UI. The whole process was smooth.

Does it „only“ work for ZigBee2MQTT integration or can it visualize ZHA and deCONZ based Zigbee networks too?

Only zigbee2mqtt - it relies on an mqtt topic that zigbee2mqtt publishes.

Does anyone know what the green and red arrows mean? I would really love to know!

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I cannot get the network MAP to work and keep getting an 404 message, please help!


title: ‘Zigbee Map’
url: ‘/local/zigbee2mqtt_networkmap/map.html’
icon: ‘mdi:graphql’



  • id: update_networkmap
    alias: ‘Zigbee Map aktualisieren’
    platform: time_pattern
    minutes: ‘/10’
    seconds: 00
    service: zigbee2mqtt_networkmap.update

In the logs of the Zigbee2mqtt I see the network scan being performed:

Zigbee2MQTT:info 2021-01-03 16:50:00: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap/graphviz’, payload 'digraph G {

But on the map I get an 404 error

A network map is now part of zigbee2mqtt.

@Robin I think some kind of legend or manual on decoding the map would be very handy, don’t you think?

Does this only work for HassOS or also for core? I’ve followed the instructions and can’t see anything (neither errors)

Did you disable the legacy_api for z2m? If I remember correctly the map stopped working after disabling legacy API.

Frontend incl. network map works if enabled by configuration

  port: 8080

When running Zigbee2mqtt in Docker you have to publish that port (-p 8080:8080)

It‘s independent of HA

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@m0wlheld - Thanks for your help. I’m running neither of HA or Z2M inside Docker. Adding the lines you included to configuration.yaml (of HA) yields an error.

Edit: I got it. It’s the z2m file. Thanks @m0wlheld!

Unfortunately my map isn’t show LQI or the lines between diff. devices. The latter is important to me for an experiment.

Anyone getting this error

Component error: zigbee2mqtt_networkmap - Integration ‘zigbee2mqtt_networkmap’ not found.

Since updating to 2021.6.0?

Not upgraded yet but you will get this If you’ve not updated the custom component in the last 2 months (version added to the manifest which is now a requirement since 2021.6)

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Ciao non riesco a visualizzare l’icona della mappa sulla barra laterale di HA da che cosa potrebbe dipendere grazie