Zigbee2mqtt: show the networkmap in home assistant

@Robin This is awesome. Is there way any to include the entity id in the map?

This only works for me in a vertical stack, it does not in entity card. Do you know why?

@h4nc the date should now also work with safari.

@boojew it’s not that easy. i would have to parse the graph generated by zigbee2mqtt and try to get the enitity_id from this information. Additionally, a device can create multiple entites.

@Robin updated your component.

Unfortunately I still get “invalid date” in safari.

One hint

changing the value from

2019/01/21 21:01:00.269727


2019/01/21 21:01:00

shows the date in safari.

Okay thanks, I updated it.

I updated it. It still doesn’t work as it should.

Now I can see the date but when I click update page, I see the page reloading but the date and time stays constant. It does not refresh.

Now the issue seems to be the Update button, because when I update withe the service call it works (date and map updates).
Webhook button seems to make problems now.
Did you change something there?

Edit2: After calling the service one time, the webhook button also works again.
So everything fine for now. Thanks :pray:

I don’t know what you wan’t to build with the entity card. Can you share your YAML?

I think I will stay with the ipanel frame. However, I still like to know what I did wrong. here my yaml.
Maybe it doesn’t work with the conditional card?

  - type: conditional
      - entity: input_boolean.zigbee
        state: "on"
      type: entities
      title: Zigbee
      show_header_toggle: false
        - input_boolean.zigbee_permit_join
        - timer.zigbee_permit_join
        - input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level                       
        - type: divider          
        - sensor.bridge_state
        - binary_sensor.zigbee_router_1
        - binary_sensor.zigbee_router_2
        - sensor.zigbee_router_1_linkquality
        - sensor.zigbee_router_2_linkquality
        - type: iframe
          url: myurl
          aspect_ratio: 75%

Love this. Works great. thanks for contributing this.

I’m not so deep in lovelace but I think you can’t put another card under entities (only divider, Weblink…) but i’m not sure

I think you are right.

I dont’ understand this:

Why nothing is linked to the routers and why a lot of devices are not linked att all ?


mentioned before:

"Same here; this network map add-on is a great thing and compliments to @Robin for the development. But the network map information from zigbee2mqtt (at least in my case) is not correct aka my network map is not correct (~10 devices without connections).
But Koenk has mentioned several times that the network map generation from zigbee2mqtt can have faults and that it needs further development (but that it is low on his priorities list). Hopefully the development of this add-on stimulates this."


the latest dev versions include an updated network map calculation that is much better, still has some issues but includes a lot more links

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See here

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Having more than 20 device I was worried about reaching the limit!
Great piece of software!

anyone have error with automation of zigbee2mqtt network map update?
i’ve update latest version ad i’ve this error now:

Invalid config for [automation]: [minutes] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check:
automation->trigger->0->minutes. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 256). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/

The error tells you exactly how to fix it. Follow the link and look for automation triggers and then the time section.

It’s a breaking change with HA 0.86 and listed in the breaking changes. You need to change platform: time to platform: time_pattern.

EDIT: Just noticed that the link doesn’t actually help. This is where you want to end up.

changed already it, nothing change :frowning: automation doesn’t work

What’s the error message now?