ZigStar - ZigBee Coordinators and Routers

i really need some feedback on UZG-01 and ZHA integration,
is anyone able to provide me more information:

  1. Fresh install or ZHA backup restore?
  2. Any errors during setup?
  3. Any error or problems after setup and device joining?

Thank you for your inputs.

@mercenaruss How can I flash router firmware on UZG-01 0.3 (with PoE?). I flashed the FW File “CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_router_20221102.zip” successfully 2-3 times using HA Addon (but at the end I see “URL NOT FOUND” in the console) and 2 times using Flash Programmer 2, yet I can’t pair the UZG-01 to my other one which is working fine as a coordinator - it doesn’t show up. I flashed back to coordinator “Last Koenkk Firmware - CC1352P7_coordinator_*.zip” but I don’t see a CC1352P7 router.

Edit: More info:

  1. Using Zigbee2MQTT with 1 UZG 0.3 as coordinator
  2. Have two extra UZG 0.3s (I mean the sticker on the back says 0.3 but in the Status page of the coordinator and 1 router, it says CC2652P version CC2652PP1FRGZR and the MACs of the coordinator and 1 router are about the same, the other says CC2652P version: CC2652P and the mac is completely different)
  3. I have tried both launchpad_router and other_router, on both my extra UZGs, I permit join in Zigbee2MQTT - I can’t see them
  4. Pressed Router Reconnect, 100 times, reset, factory reset, reflash multiple times
  5. I moved them away from other devices to rule out inteference, enabled WiFi and powered via USB
  6. Antennas are screwed in

I’m out of ideas…

from UZG-01 0.2 and up,chip used is CC2652P7.
So when flash in addon select CC2651P7 and auto-bootloader.
Router firmware is still not available for CC2652P7,kinda expensive device for a router .
Will update when router firmware will be available for CC2652P7.

Hmm well It does say in the Elecrow page as well as the UZG website it can be used as a router in several places. Expensive or not it is advertised as such, I expect it to be possible. Would appreciate the router FW as soon as it’s out thanks.

In case no any release from Koenkk in next 1-2 weeks,i will try to compile router firmware and add to addon.

Hi, if i order the device from here UZG Gateway - ZigStar UZG (zig-star.com) - how i know which HW version and chipset is used i cannot select the version anywhere → thanks.

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I produce currently only CC2652P7 based coordinators.

Thanks, for now I successfully built my own and it’s working fine so far - paired to Coordinator and paired 1 temp sensor to it for test - so far all is good. Of course when the “official” one comes out I might check it out as well.



Can you share here the hex file,but state that is test build?
Have any patches from Koenkk?
or is clean one?

I looked and manually applied the patches from Koenkk in the same files and same code spots ( they all matched ) as it was done for CC1352P2 router (also looking at what he used to make the firmware for coordinator P7 and relevant setting from there if they differ from router) on top of the example app zr_genericapp_LP_CC1352P7_4_tirtos7_ticlang. I don’t know if they are complete, correct or missing something but i have paired two devices so far and all is looking good (even using UZG-01 in Zigbee To Wifi mode right now for testing as it’s too late to patch the necessary cables to get my poe working at the right spot):

Anyway here is the firmware TEST VERSION, use at your own risk, I can’t really offer support as of this point I don’t understand the code much, and why Koenkk arrived at the patches that are already done, I got the basic version of the TI example router app, and applied Koenkk’s patches - that is all:


Thank you very much for sharing with us.
I will use it for test also.

@kolkoo What tools did you use to flash it?

Your HA add-on but Flash Programmer 2 should also work from my experience trying stuff in the previous days. Multi-tool doesn’t work with P7 it seems.

EDIT: @mercenaruss I tested and I can confirm it works with Flash Programmer 2. But you need the firmware in bin format instead of hex. You can either convert it using some tool, or you can download the bin file that I configured the Code Compose Studio build to additionally convert using its own tools here →

Just tested flashing with bin file and programmer over USB (much, much faster than the web tool) and I used the Router Reconnect button, it worked too.

Here is the bin file as well if you need it → Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution

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I run zigbee2mqtt on a different PC than my HA PC.
Likewise for MQTT.

My existing setup is of about 130 devices (many routers) with another 70+ to be added.
Current Sonoff Dongle -E is acting up with the 130 devices.
So I have bought the UZG-01 as it is advertised to support up to 300 devices.

I plan to start a new zigbee2mqtt network and slowly migrate my devices.
Hope that the UZG-01 will up to the task with my 200 or so devices.

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I’m nowhere near your number, but at least my 49 routers and 26 end devices are having the time of their life connected to the UZG-01.

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My Sonoff Dongle -E was fine with about 100 devices. After that it was very hard to add new devices to the network. I lost track when but now I have 130 devices and I cant add any more devices at all.

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Thank you very much for this detailed instruction.

I hope also ,take in consideration this is still first revision of firmware from Koenkk.
By default this is double RAM and FLASH memory that CC2652P2 so should be much better on handling large networks.

Be very carefull when you migrate from ezsp to znp type of chip.
Make all possible backups, nvram ,z2m or zha depending on what you use. To be on safe side.

Thanks Radule :slight_smile: o sa am grija

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